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full====== '14-'15 BoSu Negative ====== =====GSU===== ===== Gambling K ===== ==== 1NC Gambling K ==== **LEGALIZATION OF ONLINE GAMBLING IS PART OF A BROADER NEOLIBERAL SHIFT TO STATE MANAGEMENT OF CHANCE, INDIVIDUAL CONSUMPTION OF RISK: ACCELERATES INCOME INEQUALITY AND DISPOSSESSION.\\ YOUNG & MARKHAM ‘14** (Francis, The Fenner School of Environment and Society, and Martin, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management @ Southern Cross University, “”Big Gambling”: The rise of the global industry-state gambling complex” Addict Research & Theory, pp. 1-3)\\ Global commercial gambling has grown ... approaches that dominate the field (Young, 2013a, 2013b). **THE IMPACT IS EXTINCTION\\ ROBINSON ‘14** (William I., Prof. of Sociology, Global and International Studies, and Latin American Studies, @ UC-Santa Barbara, “Global Capitalism: Crisis of Humanity and the Specter of 21st Century Fascism” The World Financial Review)\\ Cyclical, Structural, and Systemic Crises Most commentators on the contemporary ... is portrayed even as heroic. **ALTERNATIVE IS TO REFUSE THE EXPANSION OF IMPERIAL CAPITAL, BEGIN POLITICS AT THE LEVEL OF THE INDEBTED HUMAN\\ LAZZARATO ‘12** (Maurizio, Researcher @ Matisse / CNRS (Paris I University), member of the International College of Philosophy in Paris, The Making of the Indebted [Human]: An Essay on the Neoliberal Condition, pp. 161-166)\\ An essential question thus arises: ... on display with peerless vulgarity. ==== 2NC Gambling K ==== **EXTINCTION, TURNS EVERY IMPACT\\ REITH ‘99** (Gerda, Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Glasgow, The Age of Chance: Gambling in Western Culture, pp. 179-181)\\ Chance has always been regarded ... equally fundamental desire for security. **NEOLIBERALISM HAS FAILED TO PRODUCE SUBJECTIVITIES MOTIVATED TOWARD WORLD-CREATION. STARTING WITH THE INDEBTED HUMAN, WE CAN REARTICULATE SUBJECTIVITY AND BUILD IT OUTWARDS.\\ LAZZARATO ‘14** (Maurizio, Researcher @ Matisse / CNRS (Paris I University), member of the International College of Philosophy in Paris, Signs and Machines: Capitalism and the Production of Subjectivity, pp. 217-224)\\ The essence of the "current ... and existential crystallizations might proliferate. ==== 2NC Gambling K - Trade ==== **WTO BAD FOR EVERYTHING – REFORM WON’T RESOLVE LONG-TERM TENSIONS, WE HAVE TO ORIENT OURSELVES AGAINST IT.\\ PEET ‘9** (Richard, professor of human geography, Graduate School of Geography @ Clark U., Unholy Trinity: the IMF, World Bank and WTO, pp. 239-243)\\ After the Second World War … state . . . that has to go! **WTO IS THE TROJAN HORSE FOR ACCUMULATION BY DISPOSSESSION AND GLOBAL IMPERIALISM. IDEOLOGICAL APPARATUSES HAVE CREATED A REGIME OF CREDIBILITY TO JUSTIFY THIS WHICH IS AN EPISTEMIC REASON TO BE SUSPICIOUS OF ALL THEIR CLAIMS\\ SCREPANTI ‘14** (Ernesto, Prof. of Political Economy @ U. of Siena, Global Imperialism and the Great Crisis: The Uncertain Future of Capitalism, pp. 110-113)\\ Of the international economic organizations, … the interests of multinational capital. **THE NUCLEAR IMAGINARY COLONIZES THEIR POLITICS – THE BUNKER OF THE IMAGINATION BECOMES A SARCOPHAGUS FOR LIFE, TURNS THE WAR IMPACTS\\ MASCO ‘9** (Joseph P., Professor of Anthropology and of the Social Sciences @ The University of Chicago, 2008 Rachel Carson Prize from the Society for the Social Studies of Science and the 2006 Robert K. Merton Prize from the Section on Science, Knowledge and Technology of the American Sociology Association. His work as been supported by the American Council of Learned Societies, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, The Wenner-Gren Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities, “Life Underground: Building the Bunker Society” Anthropology Now, Vol. 1, No. 2, SPECIAL ATOMIC ISSUE (September 2009), pp. 13-29)\\ What has become of the … its bright and messy insecurity. **IN THIS DEBATE, ARBITRARILY REVERSE THE SCALES – ANY VIOLENCE WE RESOLVE SHOULD DRAMATICALLY OUTWEIGH THEIRS\\ MIGNOLO ‘7** (Walter, argentinian semiotician and prof at Duke, “The De-Colonial Option and the Meaning of Identity in Politics” online)\\ The rhetoric of modernity (from … according to a racist classification.5 ==== 2NC Gambling K - Framework ==== **NEOLIBERALISM HAS FAILED TO PRODUCE SUBJECTIVITIES MOTIVATED TOWARD WORLD-CREATION. THE ALTERNATIVE IS FIRST A PRIOR REFUSAL TO BUY INTO THE MYTH OF DEMOCRATIC PROGRESS AND SECOND A POLITICS THAT BEGINS AT THE AXIOM THAT INDEBTEDNESS HAS BECOME A VIOLENCE WE CAN NO LONGER TOLERATE. YOU DON’T HAVE TO JOIN THE REVOLUTION POST-DEBATE, BUT THE BALLOT BECOMES AN EXTERNAL POINT OF RESONANCE TO ORIENT POLITICAL SUBJECTIVITY\\ LAZZARATO ‘14** (Maurizio, Researcher @ Matisse / CNRS (Paris I University), member of the International College of Philosophy in Paris, Signs and Machines: Capitalism and the Production of Subjectivity, pp. 217-224) \\ The essence of the "current … and existential crystallizations might proliferate. **TRADE ADVANTAGE TURNS THEIR FRAMEWORK ARGUMENTS—CORPORATE INTERESTS SUPERSEDE PUBLIC INFLUENCE ON POLITICS\\ HALL ‘14** (Wynton, “STUDY: YOU HAVE 'NEAR-ZERO' IMPACT ON U.S. POLICY,” Breitbart, August 12,\\ A startling new political science … shaping the contours of U.S. laws. **REPRESENTATION AND SUBJECTIVITY COME FIRST WHEN DISCUSSING THE WTO – IT’S PRODUCED BY PERFORMANCE\\ STRANGE ‘14** (Michael, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Global Political Studies @ Malmö U., Sweden, Writing Global Trade Governance, pp. 10-18)\\ Despite a formal institutional structure, … threat and about to collapse. **REGS KEY- EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE DEMONSTRATES VIOLENCE IS INCREASING – BIG STATE WARS DON’T HAPPEN ANYMORE BUT ECONOMIC GROWTH MEANS THE WEALTHIEST COUNTRIES CAN WAGE NEO-IMPERIAL WARS MORE EASILY\\ DUNN-WARWICK ‘11** (Peter Dunn-Warwick, Futurity, Internally citing Harrison study on frequency of conflict, 130+ YEARS OF STEADILY INCREASING WAR, June 29, 2011,\\ Economic growth and a … could wage war more effectively. ==== 2NC Gambling K - Perm ==== **1. DO BOTH OR ITS SEVERENCE OR INTRINSIC, OUR LINKS ARE TO ENERGY AND MARKET SOLUTIONS, DESTROYS ONLY STABLE LINKS, MAKES DEBATE IMPOSSIBLE.\\ 2. COMMUNICATIVE NEOLIBERALISM – IDEA THEY CAN SEPARATE THEMSELVES FROM THE ONTOLOGICAL COMMITMENTS OF THE 1AC MIRRORS NEOLIBERAL SUBJECT AS RATIONAL, ATOMIC INDIVIDUALS CAN EVADE IMPLICATION IN MACHINES. THE DANGER IN THE PERM’S MODEL OF UTILITY OUTWEIGHS THE VALUE OF THE CONTENT IT PREACHES.\\ 3. UTOPIAN FIAT – NOT A VOTING ISSUE, THERE’S NO BRIGHTLINE.\\ 4. DIALECTICISM – DIALECTICAL SYNTHESIS EXTENDS NEOLIBERALISM’S ATTEMPT AT TOTAL INCLUSION OF EARTH AND ARGUMENT AS CALCULABLE MATERIALS. ONTOLOGICAL RESISTANCE HAS TO PRECEDE THE POLITICAL, OTHERWISE EXTINCTION\\ JORONEN ‘13** (Mikko, Department of Geography and Geology, Geography Section, University of Turku, Finland, “Conceptualising New Modes of State Governmentality: Power, Violence and the Ontological Mono-politics of Neoliberalism” Geopolitics, 00:1–15, pp. 12-13)\\ It is important to notice … our existential relation to things. ==== 1NR Gambling K ==== **TEMPORAL DEPENDENCE IN THEIR NON-TEMPORALIZED CORRELATIVE MODEL. PEACE MIGHT CAUSE TRADE INSTEAD OF TRADE CAUSING PEACE. WHEN YOU DON'T EXPECT A WAR YOU ARE MORE LIKELY TO TAKE PART IN A RISKY BUSINESS VENTURE. RE-REGRESSION CONTROLLING FOR TEMPORAL SPLINES REDUCES THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THEIR RESULTS TO __ZERO__.**\\ **BECK, KATZ, & TUCKER ‘98** (Nathaniel Beck, University of California, San Diego Jonathan N. Katz, University of Chicago Richard Tucker, Harvard University, “Taking Time Seriously: Time-Series-Cross-Section Analysis with a Binary Dependent Variable”, American Journal of Political Science, Volume 42, Issue 4 (Oct., 1998), 1260-1288. \\ Russett and his colleagues (Russet 1990, . . . in typical logit estimation may be enormous 35 **OVERFITTING IGNORING CONFOUNDING COVARIANCES BETWEEN WAR AND GEOGRAPHIC PROXIMITY AND THIRD PARTY CONFLICT INITIATION, AS WELL AS SPECIFIC DYADIC DYNAMICS. SURPRISE, THIS ALSO REDUCES THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THEIR RESULTS TO ZERO**\\ **WARD, SIVERSON, & CAO ‘7** (MICHAEL D. WARD, Professor of Political Science at Duke University, RANDOLPH M. SIVERSON, Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Davis, AND XUN CAO, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Penn State, “DISPUTES, DEMOCRACIES, AND DEPENDENCIES: A RE-EXAMINATION OF THE KANTIAN PEACE,” American Journal of Political Science Volume 51, Issue 3, pages 583–601, July 2007, DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-5907.2007.00269.x\\ Abstract. Militarized interstate disputes are widely thought . . . any substantial degree of predictive power. **__[Ward, Siverson, Cao continues . . . ] __** The broad research program of the democratic peace . . . be the case for Kantian peace theory. **INTERDEPENDENCE FUNCTIONS THROUGH SIGNALING**\\ **GARTZKE ‘10** (Erik Gartzke, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of California, San Diego, “Interdependence Really is Complex,” 2/15/10) A venerable debate in international relations involves the . . . in informational conditions is likely to result. ====Gambling K - A2 Econ Solves Warming ==== **WTO UNIQUELY DESTROYS THE ENVIRONMENT AND ANY POSSIBILITY OF RESOLVING CLIMATE CHANGE \\ PEET ‘9** (Richard, Prof. of Human Geography, Graduate School of Geography @ Clark U., Unholy Trinity: the IMF, World Bank and WTO,)\\ In the first ellipse, the … for enforcing international environmental agreements! **THE AFFIRMATIVE’S OBSESSION WITH BIOLOGICAL DEATH DESTROYS VALUE IN LIFE, REDUCES EXISTENCE TO INUTILITY\\ ROBINSON ‘12** (Andrew, Political Theorist, Activist Based in the UK and research fellow affiliated to the Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice (CSSGJ), University of Nottingham, “Jean Baudrillard: The Rise of Capitalism & the Exclusion of Death”, March 30,\\ Symbolic exchange – or rather, its … serves the reproduction of domination. ==== Gambling K - A2 Deliberation Possible ==== **THEIR FRAMEWORK ARGUMENT IS WORSE THAN OUR K—IT’S NOT JUST UNFALSIFIABLE BUT FAILS EVERY STANDARD OF SOCIAL THEORY\\ MUTZ ‘8** (Diana, Department of Political Science and Annenberg School, University of Pennsylvania, “Is Deliberative Democracy a Falsifiable Theory?” Annual Review of Political Science Vol. 11: 521-538)\\ Falsifiability is probably the single … previous theory or empirical evidence. ==== Gambling K - A2 Fear not Ressentiment ==== **URE ‘12** (Michael, date inferred, political and social theory prof at Monash University, Resentment/Ressentiment,\\ This paper has shown that … avoid totalitarian or perfectionist politics. ====Gambling K - A2 McIvor ==== **GIBSON, THE END OF THEIR ARTICLE:\\ GIBSON ‘8** (John, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Kent, “The Myth of the Multitude: The Endogenous Demise of Alter-globalist Politics,” Global Society, Vol. 22, No. 2, April, 2008) \\ Both Bauman and Zizek argue … than heed their respective calls. ====Gambling K - A2 Science ==== **HUMANITY IS TRESPASSING THE BIOPHYSICAL BOUNDARIES OF PLANETARY SURVIVAL AS A WHOLE – THIS DEMANDS CHANGE\\ ASU CITING NATURE ‘9** (“International scientists set boundaries for survival”. September 23, 2009. Citing Nature article “A safe operating space for humanity”, Nature 461, 472-475 (24 September 2009). Authors: Johan Rockström, executive director of the Stockholm Environment Institute and the Stockholm Resilience Centre and professor of natural resource management at Stockholm University. Will Steffen professor at and executive director of the Australian National University Climate Change Institute, member of the Australian Climate Commission. Kevin Noone, Professor of Atmospheric Physics at the Stockholm Resilience Center at Stockholm University, Åsa Persson, Post-Doctoral fellow at the Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University. F. Stuart Chapin, III, professor of Ecology at the Department of Biology and Wildlife of the Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska, former President of the Ecological Society of America. Eric F. Lambin, Professor at the Department of Geography and Geology at the University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Timothy M. Lenton, Chair in Climate Change/Earth Systems Science at the University of Exeter, Marten Scheffer, Professor of Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management group at Wageningen University, Carl Folke, Professor of Systems Ecology at Stockholm University, fellow at The Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, founding Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Chair of the German Advisory Council on Global Change. Dr. Björn Nykvist is a Research Fellow at Stockholm Environment Institute at Stockholm University, Cynthia A. de Wit, Professor of Applied Environmental Science, Stockholm University, Terry Hughes, Professor, Federation Fellow, and Centre Director at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, Sander van der Leeuw, Director of the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University, Henning Rodhe, Professor emeritus of Chemical Meteorology, Sverker Sörlin is a Professor in the Division of History of Science and Technology at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. Peter K. Snyder, assistant professor in the Department of Soil, Water, and Climate and the Department of Forest Resources at the University of Minnesota, Robert Costanza, Professor of Sustainability at Portland State University in Oregon, Professor and Senior Research Fellow at the Stockholm Resilience Centre and former Director of International Affairs at the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (Formas). Professor Malin Falkenmark is a globally renowned water expert and currently serves as Senior Scientific Advisor to the Stockholm International Water Institute, Louise Karlberg, PhD, is a research fellow at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. Robert W. Corell is an American global climate scientist, Principal for the Global Environment Technology Foundation, an Ambassador for ClimateWorks, Professor II at the University of the Arctic’s new Institute of Circumpolar Reindeer Husbandry and a Professor II at the University of Tromso. He is a Partner of the Sustainability Institute and it’s C-ROADS Climate Interactive Initiative, and Head of US Office for the Global Energy Assessment, Dr. Victoria Fabry is a Professor of Biological Sciences at California State University San Marcos and a Visiting Scientist at USCD Scripps Institution of Oceanography, James Hansen, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, adjunct professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Columbia University, Brian Walker, Chief of the Division of Wildlife and Ecology at Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Chairman of the Board, Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics, Swedish Academy of Sciences, and chair of Resilience Alliance. Diana Liverman, Professor and co-director of the University of Arizona Institute of the Environment, Katherine Richardson is Professor in Biological Oceanography at the University of Copenhagen, Paul Jozef Crutzen is a Dutch Nobel prize winning atmospheric chemist, professor at Department of Atmospheric Chemistry at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Jonathan Foley is the director of the Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota, where he is a professor and McKnight Presidential Chair in the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior. Also, Nature is the world's most influential and highly cited journal in the world, according to the 2010 Journal Citation Reports Science Edition (Thomson Reuters, 2011))\\ Human activities have already pushed … real risks to our survival." ===== Abbas/Work K===== **THE DRIVE TO MORAL OUTRAGE ABOUT PROSTITUTION IS A SENTIMENTAL POLITICS WHICH PROMISES THAT EMPATHETIC IDENTIFICATION WILL RESHAPE THE WORLD AND ACTUALIZE AN ETHICS OF CARE. THE AFF IMAGINES THAT BRINGING THE SUFFERING PROSTITUTE’S BODY INTO THE DEBATE SPACE BECOMES A PROPHYLACTIC FROM OUR VIOLENCE TOWARD OTHERS AND STATE VIOLENCE TOWARD THOSE. POLITICIZING THIS VIOLENCE RELIES ON A ECONOMY IN WHICH BODIES ARE VAMPIRICALLY DRAINED OF LIFE, ALL WHILE ACADEMICS EXTRACT JOUISSANCE AND ADVANCEMENT FROM THEIR OBJECTIFIED IDENTITIES. **\\ **BERLANT ’98** (Lauren, George M. Pullman Professor, Department of English, University of Chicago, “Poor Eliza,” American Literature, Vol. 70, No. 3, No More Separate Spheres! (Sep., 1998), Duke University Press, pg. 635-668) \\ What distinguishes these critical texts are the startling . . . expressed by the overpresence of the stereotypical image. **THE AFF’S COMMITMENT TO ANALYZE “SEX WORK” THROUGH GENEALOGICAL EXCAVATION REAFFIRMS THE LIBERAL VALUES OF WORK THAT LIE AT THE HEART OF CAPITALIST EXPLOITATION. THEIR ‘PRAGMATIC’ ATTEMPT TO RESIST LIBERAL MORALISM ENDS UP REPRODUCING A PROGRAMATICS OF UTILITY CENTERED ON WORK AND PRODUCTION.**\\ **WEEKS ‘11** (Kathi, Associate Professor, Women's Studies Program, Duke University, THE PROBLEM WITH WORK: Feminism, Marxism, Antiwork Politics, and Postwork Imaginaries, Duke University Press, Durham and London, Pg. 65-68)\\ Although these demands for inclusion have undeniably been . . . practice to that of a respectable employment relation. **THE AFF’S PRESENTATION OF SUFFERING CREATES A MARKETPLACE OF TRAUMA, TRANSFORMING WOUNDS INTO A COMMODITY FOR WESTERN CONSUMPTION. THEIR POLITICS OF MOURNING EXISTS BY TURNING THE OTHER INTO A DEAD OBJECT THROUGH WHICH WE CAN CONSTRUCT A SENTIMENTAL ECONOMY OF PLEASURE AND PACIFICATION. THEIR FANTASY OF CHANGE THROUGH INVESTMENT IN THE LAW SHIELDS CRITICISM AND GUISES VIOLENCE.**\\ **BERLANT ‘99** (Lauren, George M. Pullman Professor, Department of English, University of Chicago, “The Subject of True Feeling: Pain, Privacy and Politics” in Cultural Pluralism, Identity Politics and the Law ed. Sarat & Kearns, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, Pg. 49-54)\\ Ravaged wages and ravaged bodies ... for sustaining the hegemonic field.9 **WE MUST REFUSE THE POLITICS OF LIBERALISM AND THE ECONOMIZATION OF INJURY AND SUFFERING. NOTHING SHORT OF AN OUTRIGHT REJECTION OF THE ENTIRETY OF LIBERALISM – ETHICS, AESTHETICS AND POLITICS – WILL BE SUFFICIENT. THE ALTERNATIVE DOES NOT WISH AWAY SUFFERING, NOR CAN IT RESOLVE ALL OF THE VIOLENCE OF MODERNITY, BUT IT CAN OPEN US UP TO EXPERIENCING THE WORLD, NOT AS ZOMBIES OR VAMPIRES, BUT AS CREATURES OF SENSUOUS LIFE.**\\ **ABBAS ‘10**(Asma, Professor and Division Head in . . . , pg. Pg. 183 - 187)\\ In Martha Nussbaum’s celebration of cosmopolitanism, the . . . , desire, hope, and life itself. ===== Sex Worker Exclusion K ===== **WE SHOULD REFUSE TO ENGAGE THE SPECTACLE OF SEX WORK DEBATES – INSTEAD OF ADVANCING PEDANTIC AND MORALISTIC POSITIONS, WE SHOULD DISCURSIVELY RECONFIGURE THE DEBATE BY DEFERRING REPRESENTATION AND JUDGMENT TO SEX WORKERS **\\ **__GRANT ’14__** (Melissa Gira, writer covering intersection of sex, politics, and technology, contributor to the Nation, the Atlantic, Wired, the Guardian, Reason, Glamour, Slate, Jezebel, Rhizome, AlterNet, In These Times, and $pread, contributing editor at Jacobin, former sex worker, “Will nobody listen to the sex workers,” 15 March 2014, The Observer, The sex work debate, no matter how . . . perform. Here come the questions for her: Is prostitution violence against women? Are . . . "raise awareness" about "this issue"? Then there are the questions rarely up for . . . – that is, about their own lives? We should, in fact, refuse to . . . little for their participation behind the debate podiums. **ADVOCACIES FOR OR AGAINST CRIMINALIZATION MISREAD HOW PROSTITUTION HAS BEEN PROBLEMATIZED AND REGULATED IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY – POWER OPERATES TO NORMALIZE, NOT TO EXILE, THE PROSTITUTE**\\ **__SCOTT ‘5__** (John Geoffrey, Professor of Sociology and Criminology at the University of New England, BA (Newcastle, NSW); BSocSci [Hons] Sociology and Anthropology (Newcastle, NSW); PhD Sociology and Anthropology (Newcastle); Graduate Certificate of Higher Education (New England), “How Modern Governments Made Prostitution a Social Problem,” 2005, p. 1-6) It is tempting to think of prostitution as . . . techniques of power that have rendered objectified subjects. ===== Affect K===== **AT THE LEVEL OF AFFECTIVE INVESTMENT, THEIR GENEALOGICAL RETRIEVAL OF MASTER/SLAVE RELATIONS PRODUCES EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE RESULT OF WHAT THEY INTEND: IT MAKES THE CLOSURE OF COLONIALISM ABSOLUTE AND IGNORES THE CONTINGENCY OF THE CONTENT OF RACIALIZED AND SEXUALIZED CLAIMS BY PROMOTING OUR IDENTIFICATION WITH A RACIALIZED BINARY. UNTIL WE CONFRONT THIS SYMBOLIC STRUCTURING, WE CANNOT PRODUCE A MEANINGFUL RUPTURE IN THE ORDER OF RACIAL AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE**\\ **__HUDSON__** (Political Studies Department, University of the Witwatersrand , Johannesburg) 13 (Peter, Social Dynamics (2013): . . . .1080/02533952.2013.802867) This is a slightly more ... a condition of its possibility.8¶ **INSTEAD, WE MUST REFUSE THE SYSTEM OF SIGNIFICATION THAT AUTOMATICALLY MAPS “FEMALE SLAVE” ONTO “PROSTITUTE.”**\\ **__SESHADRI__**. English, Umass, 2000 (Kalpana, Desiring Whiteness) We must develop a new adversarial aesthetics that . . . ethics beyond the specious enjoyment promised by Whiteness. =====Quarters - Chocolate Laxatives===== **LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA IS THE CHOCOLATE LAXATIVE—IT IS A LIBERAL VISION OF POLITICS THAT RESISTS THE HARD KERNEL OF THE REAL BY CREATING PLEASURES THAT CONTAIN THEIR OWN PRINCIPLE OF CONSTRAINT. THE IMPACT IS A JUSTICATION OF CAPITALISM, BIOPOLITICS AND COMPLICITY WITH THE WAR MACHINE**\\ **__ZIZEK ‘3__** (Slavoj, On today's market, we find a whole . . . Reality is experienced as reality without being one. Is this not the attitude of the hedonistic . . . big Other of historical Necessity justifies absolute ruthlessness). Today's hedonism combines pleasure with constraint — it . . . IS a kind of "opium without opium." The structure of the "chocolate laxative," . . . "mature" enough to live by it… However, what we were describing what cannot . . . mere life" regulated by the administrative knowledge? But what if these two stances nonetheless rely . . . that of destroying and that of prolonging life. Superego is thus not directly S2; it . . . , obfuscating the unfreedom on which it relies. **THE 1AC IS MARKETING PLOW DESIGNED TO ENSURE THAT SOCIAL LIBIDINAL ENERGIES REMAIN FIRMLY DRIVEN TOWARDS STULTIFYING CONSUMPTION. THIS REDUCES THE WORLD TO A SERIES OF OBJECTS AND REIFIES A MODERN SUBJECT DEVOID OF CARE, CAUSING EXTINCTION**\\ **__STIEGLER ‘12__** (Bernard, is Director of the Institut de recherché et d’innovation (IRI) and founder of Ars Industrialis and the Ecole de Philosophe d’Epineuil-le-Fleuriel. “Care: Within the limits of Capitalism, economizing means taking care” Telemorphosis: Theory in the Era of Climate Change Vol 1., Online) We all know that in no case will . . . an am- biguous expression, ascendant innovation. **THE ALTERNATIVE IS TO REFUSE INSTITUTIONAL TINKERING IN FAVOR OF REINVESTING DECISION-MAKING WITH CARE**\\ **OUR ACT OF CRITICISM REVEALS THIS DEBATE REPRESENTS A CHOICE—REINSCRIBING DECISION-MAKING WITH CARE IS A PREREQUISITE TO CHALLENGING THE DRIVE TO CONSUME AND TREND TOWARD INDIVIDUATION THAT IS PREVENTING THE LEFT FROM THINKING A CHALLENGE TO THE MIS-GROWTH OF CAPITALISM**\\ **__BARKER ‘9__** (Stephen, Professor and Head of Doctoral Studies at The Claire Trevor School of the Arts, University of California at Irvine. “Transformation as an ontological Imperative: The [Human] Future according to Bernard Stiegler”, Transformations, Meta-transformation means that just as the . . . the human in a world of psychotechnological mystifications. =====Quarters - Cartels Advantage===== ***THE AFFIRMATIVE’S DEPICTION OF MEXICO AS A PLACE OF NARCO-CHAOS AND UNREST CONTRIBUTES TO THE DOMINANT NARRATIVES OF THE DRUG WAR, LEGITIMATING IMPERIALIST INTERVENTION AND OBSCURING THAT THE ROOT CAUSE OF ALL THEIR IMPACTS IS US POLICY**\\ **__CARLOS 14__** (Alfredo, Q.A. Shaw McKean Jr. Fellow @ Rutgers U School of Management and Labor Relations and Doctoral Candidate in Political Science @ U California – Irvine, Mexico “Under Siege”: Drug Cartels or U.S. Imperialism?, Latin American Perspectives, Issue 195, Vol. 41 No. 2, March 2014, p. 43-59) According to major U.S. newspapers . . . engage in. That discourse is purposefully absent. **NARCONARRATIVES ARE FIRST AND FOREMOST A PRODUCT OF REPRESENTATIONS – REDUCTION OF MEXICO TO ANARCHIC MYTH MUST BE RESISTED WITH COUNTERNARRATIVES PROVIDED BY THE NEGATIVE**\\ **__ZAVALA ‘14__** (Oswaldo, Associate Professor of contemporary Latin American literature at the CUNY Graduate Center and at the College of Staten Island, “Imagining the U.S.-Mexico Drug War: The Critical Limits of Narconarratives” Comparative Literature 66:3, p. 357) In Julio Cortázar’s celebrated short story “. . . that power: drug trafficking as power itself. Political violence and terrorism doesn’t exist – mexico is just domestic organized crime, world net daily is a joke Weitz 11 – (11/9, . . . -latin-america-s-terrorists-) Violent mass movements remain in some Latin American . . . the region, or to contemporary mass terrorists. Extra-regional terrorist movements such as al. . . for the most serious sources of local violence. Latin American countries generally are not a conducive . . . politically, in struggles for votes and influence. No Latin American government appears to remain an . . . anti-terrorism laws against indigenous Mapuche protesters. Indeed, Latin American terrorism is sometimes exaggerated. . . fight “terrorist” threats at America’s expense. Ironically, the strength of transnational criminal organizations . . . raise funds and collaborate operationally with local militants. But Latin America’s powerful transnational criminal movements, . . . and other international attention on their criminal operations. Cartels are losing now – state legalization has forced them out of the market **__DOWNS 4/10/14__** (David, East Bay Express, "Grand Closing: America's Pot Farmers Are Putting Mexican Cartels Out of Business") For the first time in generations, farmers . . . Americans would stop with this legalization.'” Regulations create an underground market – **__MORRIS 13__** (Evelyn Krache, International Security Fellow at the Belfer Center @ Harvard, December 3 2013, Foreign Policy "Think Again: Mexican Drug Cartels - They aren't just about Mexico or Drugs Anymore") What's more, even legitimate drugs can spur . . . have even seen armed hijackings of cigarette trucks.) Only taking their money will stop cartels - **__MORRIS 13__** (Evelyn Krache, International Security Fellow at the Belfer Center @ Harvard, December 3 2013, Foreign Policy "Think Again: Mexican Drug Cartels - They aren't just about Mexico or Drugs Anymore") Exactly. Despite the ongoing arguments about drug . . . for the cartels to clean their dirty money. And, cartels are going Heisenberg on yo ass and doing real drugs – weed doesn’t matter. Morris 13 (Evelyn Krache, International Security . . . They aren't just about Mexico or Drugs Anymore") Drugs are just the tip of the iceberg. . . distribution, and develop new sources of revenue. No instability – exaggerated media hype Seelee and Shirt, 10 – *director . . . /03/26/AR2010032602226.html) The country has certainly seen a big rise . . . third of drug-linked deaths last year. But the violence is not as widespread or . . . the states of Sinaloa, Chihuahua and Tamaulipas. While the violence underscores weaknesses in the government's . . . Mexico is not turning into a failed state. **NO BLACKOUTS—THE GRID IS SAFE**\\ **__KOERTH-BAKER__**, science editor – Boing Boing, columnist – NYT Magazine, electric grid expert, 8/3/’12 (Maggie, “Blackout: What's wrong with the American grid,” But this is about more than mere bad . . . . So we have reserve power for emergencies.” No risk of nuclear terrorism---too many obstacles Mearsheimer 14 (R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished . . . -unhinged-9639?page=show) Am I overlooking the obvious threat that strikes . . . to place nuclear materials in highly secure custody. **DIRTY BOMBS AREN’T A THREAT**\\ **__COATES 2009__** – former adjunct professor at George Washington University, President of the Kanawha Institute for the Study of the Future and was President of the International Association for Impact Assessment and was President of the Association for Science, Technology and Innovation, M.S., Hon D., FWAAS, FAAAS, (Joseph F., Futures 41, 694-705, "Risks and threats to civilization, humankind, and the earth”, ScienceDirect, WEA) The opportunity for setting off a nuclear device. . . anticipate and a distraction to conjecture about here. **No nuclear retaliation**\\ **__NEELY 13__** (Meggaen Neely, is a research intern for the Project on Nuclear Issues. The views expressed above are her own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Center for Strategic and International Studies or the Project on Nuclear Issues., "Doubting Deterrence of Nuclear Terorrism," CSIS, March 21, Yet, let’s think about the series of . . . strikes under deterrence of nuclear terrorism is missing. **LATIN AMERICA INSTABILITY LOL. FARC DOESN’T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT WEED.**\\ **__REUTERS 13__** ( (Reuters) - Colombia's FARC rebels control . . . of cocaine to the United States and Europe. **THE IMAGE OF A “HOLLOWED OUT STATE” IS PART AND PARCEL OF A DISCOURSE THAT FEARS DIFFERENCE JUSTIFYING INFINITE VIOLENCE IN THE NAME OF AN UNATTAINABLE GLOBAL PEACE**\\ **__ABRAHAMSEN, 2K5__** (Rita, Department of International Politics, University of Wales “Blair's Africa: The Politics of Securitization and Fear. “Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, Vol. 30, 2005) The further securitization of Africa does not follow . . . two authorized responses to otherness. (60) =====Quarters - Keedz===== **KIDS WILL GET THE WEED ANYWAY**\\ **BIOINSECURITY IS FALSELY PERPETUATED TO BUTTRESS THE POWER OF THE SECURITY STATE, CAUSING THEIR IMPACTS **\\ **__KERANEN ‘11__** (Lisa, Department of Communication , University of Colorado Denver, “Concocting Viral Apocalypse: Catastrophic Risk and the Production of Bio(in)security” Western Journal of Communication, Volume 75, Issue 5) The dominant critical read of the U.. . . weapons agents are normalized and awaiting further action. **EXTINCTION GENETICALLY IMPOSSIBLE**\\ **__POSNER 2005__** (Richard A., Judge U.S. Court of Appeals 7th Circuit, Professor Chicago School of Law, January 1, 2005, Skeptic, Altadena, CA, Catastrophe: Risk and Response, Yet the fact that Homo sapiens has managed . . . far more lethal pathogen than smallpox ever was. **THE SHORTAGE OF SCIENTISTS IS A MISPERCEPTION- NOBODY WANTS TO GIVE R&D MONEY ANYMORE AND NOBODY IS COMMERCIALIZING ANYWAY**\\ ANDRY ‘10 Allain C. Andry, Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson, P.A., June 17th, 2010, “New creativity needed to advance promising biotech discoveries,” The past few years have ... advance new and promising discoveries. WEED USE DOESN’T HURT COGNITION OR EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES, THIS IS THE BEST STUDY AND ALL OF THEIRS FALL PREY TO CONFOUNDING VARIABLES **__MCCAFFREY ET AL 10__** (Daniel F. McCaffrey,1 Rosalie Liccardo Pacula,2 Bing Han,2 and Phyllis Ellickson2 The RAND Corporation. Marijuana Use and High School Dropout: The Influence of Unobservables. Published in final edited form as: Health Econ. Nov 2010; 19(11): 1281–1299. doi: 10.1002/hec.1561) Considerable research has demonstrated a positive association between . . . of this bias using the rich panel data. **DATA EXCLUSIVITY = NO INNOVATION**\\ **__EPSTEIN 11__** (Richard A. Epstein, James Parker Hall Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of Law and Senior Lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School. The Laurence A. Tisch Professor of Law, New York University School of Law, The Peter and Kirsten Bedford Senior Fellow, The Hoover Institution, and a senior lecturer at the University of Chicago, 2011, “The Constitutional Protection of Trade Secrets and Patents under the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act of 2009”, 66 Food Drug L.J. 285) C. Benefits of Trade Secret Protection One . . . is fully defensible on fundamental social welfare grounds. **INNOVATIONS AREN’T COMMERCIALIZED – RISK OF FINANCIAL LOSSES AND COMPLEX REGULATIONS.**\\ ICAF IN ‘9 The Industrial College of the Armed Forces. . . . is-report-biotechnology-2009.pdf Given this data, certain trends such as . . . challenge the vitality and profitability of the industry. =====Finals - Pot K===== **ON APRIL 17, 2010, DRUG LAWYER JENNIFER SOARES STOOD IN FRONT OF A CROWD IN CALIFORNIA AND ANNOUNCED THAT SHE OPPOSED LEGISLATION TO LEGALIZE MARIJUANA IN CALIFORNIA. AN AUDIENCE OF DRUG USERS, HIPPIES, AND INDUSTRY REPRESENTATIVES STARED BACK AT HER.**\\ (From the East Bay Express, August . . . -legalization/Content?oid=2018142) Sitting on a legal panel at the International . . . lollipops, Soares nervously spoke into the microphone. "All I can say is, you . . . to say. You should read it yourself." Soares expected her comment to be followed by . . . 19? It doesn't make sense?'" However, the boos started online shortly thereafter. According to Soares, "it just skyrocketed immediately after that." The lawyer began getting scathing calls at her . . . — the boos in the crowd were audible. Though Soares says she does not smoke weed . . . could send the close race down in defeat. **THE DEBATE COMMUNITY THINKS OF ITSELF AS PROGRESSIVE, IF NOT RADICAL. ADVOCATING MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION IN A COMMUNITY LIKE THIS ONE IS NOT TRANSGRESSIVE, BUT ALMOST TAKEN FOR GRANTED. THE LAW IS AN EMPTY PROHIBITION THAT DOESN’T REFLECT SOCIAL NORMS. RELAXING THIS PROHIBITION TAKES THE TEETH OUT OF TRANSGRESSION—MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION FITS WITH THE LARGER INJUNCTION TO ENJOY BECAUSE NOTHING IS FORBIDDEN, WHICH PARADOXICALLY RESULTS IN A REGIME OF SELF-REGULATION**\\ **__ZIZEK ‘3__** (Slavoj, On today's market, we find a whole . . . Reality is experienced as reality without being one. Is this not the attitude of the hedonistic . . . big Other of historical Necessity justifies absolute ruthlessness). Today's hedonism combines pleasure with constraint — it . . . IS a kind of "opium without opium." The structure of the "chocolate laxative," . . . "mature" enough to live by it… **TRANSGRESSION REQUIRES LAW—WE SHOULD RECOGNIZE THAT IT CAN ONLY OCCUR IN THE PRESENCE OF LAW ESTABLISHING THE POSSIBILITY OF SACRED MOMENTS THAT PUSH SUBJECTS BEYOND THE LIMIT OF UTILITY. WE ONLY BREAK THE LAW BECAUSE IT’S THERE—THE AFF’S PUSH FOR LEGALIZATION UNDERCUTS THEIR STRATEGY BY BLUNTING THE DESIRE FOR MARIJUANA AND RENDERING IT TAME**\\ **__HEGARTY 2K__** (Paul, Dept of French, University College, Cork, Bataille: Core Cultural Theorist) Transgression is ordinarily seen as the breaking of . . . conclusively break or break with law/taboo. In earlier societies the realm of taboo was . . . existence, whilst transgression is caught within law: Transgression, then, is not, finally. . . Preface to Transgression’, 35 trans. mod.) Foucault completes the thought of Bataille on this . . . recalled as individuals lose themselves in sovereign moments. **THE SOVEREIGN MOMENTS THAT TRANSGRESSION GESTURES TOWARDS ARE THE ONLY RESPONSE TO GENOCIDE AND CATASTROPHIC VIOLENCE. WE CAN’T PRETEND TO ABOLISH THE LINE OF THE LAW TO MAKE OURSELVES INNOCENT, BUT MUST PUT OURSELVES IN CONTACT WITH THE GUILT AND COMPLICITY OF THE LAW TO GESTURE BEYOND IT, TO COME IN CONTACT WITH THE FORBIDDEN CASUALTIES OF THE SOCIETY THAT WE HAVE CREATED**\\ **__LAND ‘92__** (Nick Land is a lecturer in Continental Philosophy at Warwick University, The Thirst for Annihilation: Georges Bataille and Virulent Nihilism, 138-140) However great the revulsion that can be felt . . . is the latter who is most profoundly caged. The technical core of the final solution was . . . we would be more fastidious than they were? That there is nothing to insulate us from . . . than zero is the final term of imprisonment. * * * There is poetry after Auschwitz, just as . . . ‘poetry is the impossible’ [III 520]. It is not out of innocence, but . . . of my steps…’ [III 161]. I efface the step i efface the word space and breath are lacking [IV 28]. The alcohol Of poetry Is silence Unmade [of a corpse] [III 372]. **OUR ALTERNATIVE IS TO AFFIRM THE LEGAL PROHIBITION ON MARIJUANA. SUPPORTING THE LAW IS THE ONLY TRANSGRESSIVE MOVE LEFT TO US WHICH PREVENTS A REGRESSION INTO INEFFECTUAL CYCLES OF FORCED ENJOYMENT**\\ **__FOLEY ET AL ‘12__** (Matt Foley, Neil McRobert and Aspasia Stephanou, “Introduction: the limits of transgression and the subject,” in Transgression and its limits) Within postmodern culture, the conditions that make . . . work of Lacan, Slavoj Zizek writes that. For Lacan, the Kantian overcoming of the . . . -posited (2006,93-4). That is why for Zi2ek, Bataille is . . . subject in a repetitive cycle of ineffectual transgressions. =====Finals - Framework===== **THE PLAN IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH THE ALT—THE PURITY OF POLICY SOLUTIONS MOBILIZES ONE FASCISM AGAINST ANOTHER—YOU SHOULD REMEMBER THE LISTLESS AND LACK OF JOY WITH WHICH MILES INDICATES THAT THE ONLY REASON TO VOTE AFF IS THAT THEY’RE A LITTLE BIT BETTER AT DEBATE EVEN THOUGH THE AFF IS ABOUT A SYSTEMATIC GENOCIDE. THEY ARE THE MOST JOYLESS REVOLUTIONARIES I’VE EVER SEEN. WE NEED TO BURN A HOLE THROUGH THE WALL, BUT THAT MEANS WE NEED TO KEEP THE WALL**\\ **__LAND ‘92__** (Nick Land is a lecturer in Continental Philosophy at Warwick University, The Thirst for Annihilation: Georges Bataille and Virulent Nihilism, 140) Fascism is not so much a symptom of . . . matters is burning a hole through the wall. **OUR MODEL SHOULD NOT BE TO RUN TOWARDS THE LAW, BUT TO ENGAGE IN EXODUS FROM THE LAW.**\\ **__BOURASSA ‘12 __**(Gregory, PhD Student @ Utah U., “An Autonomist Rethinking of Resistance Theory and Pedagogical Temporality” Philosophy of Education, pp. 361-362) What these parallels point to is a second . . . toward “autonomous production.” 28 Virno elaborates: The “exit” modifies the conditions within . . . of the game and disorients the enemy. 29 For Virno, the key is the understanding . . . potentiality for the creation of something entirely new. To date, the best account of educational . . . inclusive, and creative practice of collective becoming. In the educational theories of Illich, and . . . , any conception of revolutionary pedagogy is doomed. ====Finals – Overview==== TRANSGRESSIONS REQUIRE THE LAW, BUT THEY ALSO CLEAR SPACE FOR ITS EVENTUAL ELIMINATION OF LAW **__DIREK ‘7__** (Zeynep, assoc prof of philosophy at Galatasaray Univ, Turkey, “Erotic experience and sexual difference in Bataille,” in Reading Bataille Now, ed. Shannon Winnubst) Bataille's conception of eros and the ethics it . . . existence queer in its dynamic, subversive pleasures. **THE 1AC’S INSISTENCE ON REASONED DEBATES IN A VAGUELY PUBLIC SPHERE LIKE THIS ONE IGNORES THAT THE ROOT OF THE WAR ON DRUGS IS NOT LAW BUT ENLIGHTENMENT RATIONALITY WHICH WAGES INFINITE VIOLENCE AGAINST ALL SOURCES OF IRRATIONALITY – ONLY OUR TRANSGRESSIVE ADVOCACY OPENS THE POSSIBILITY OF SHATTERING THAT METAPHYSICAL WAR ON DRUGS AND CREATE THE CONDITIONS FOR ACTUALLY DEFUSING THAT INFINITE VIOLENCE**\\ **__SCHEP ‘11__** (Dennis, PhD Researcher in Poststructuralism, Drugs: Rhetoric of Fantasy, Addiction to Truth, pp. 87-93) As I noted above, the … everything outside this paranoid relationship. ====Finals - A2 No Racism===== **ARGUMENTS FOR LEGALIZATION DON’T HAPPEN IN A VACUUM—THEY REFLECT THE DOMINANCE OF WHITENESS, AND THE POST LEGALIZATION REGIME WILL BE AS CONTROLLED BY RACE AND CAPITAL AS THE REGIME OF PROHIBITION. THERE’S NO SOLVENCY FOR THEIR AFF, AND ONLY OR CRITIQUE CAN SOLVE.**\\ **__ELLISON__**, Washing ton Correspondent, Philadelphia Tribune, 2014 (Charles, Maybe not. Many seem all … a top public-policy priority. **LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA UNIQUELY DISEMPOWERS RADICAL RESISTANCE TO THE SYSTEM, LINK-TURNS THEIR ADVANTAGES**\\ **__BEY__**, Anarchist, ‘99 (Hakim. "Against “Legalization”." Journal of Cognitive Liberties 1.1 (1999): 34-38.) Beyond (or aside from) economic … of the triumph of Control. =====Finals - Must Do Something===== **THE LAW AGAINST MARIHUANA ENCOURAGES TRANSGRESSION OF LAW IN GENERAL - IT CONVEYS PROHIBITION WITHOUT AUTHORITY WHICH IS PRECISELY WHAT OUR LINK EVIDENCE IS ABOUT**\\ **__CHRISTIANSEN ‘10__** (Matthew, lawyer, “A Great Schism: Social Norms and Marijuana Prohibition,” Harvard Law and Policy Review) This historical examination of marijuana … U.S. population in that cohort62 =====Finals - Perm===== **TRANSGRESSION NEEDS THE LAW—COMBINING TRANSGRESSION WITH A REFUSAL OF THE LAW RESULTS IN UNLIMITED VIOLENCE**\\ **__FOLEY ET AL 2012__** (Matt Foley, Neil McRobert and Aspasia Stephanou, “Introduction: the limits of transgression and the subject,” in Transgression and its limits) That is not to say, … an anarchy of unmediated violence. **ONLY THE EXISTENCE OF THE LAW GUARANTEES THE DESIRE FOR TRANSGRESSIVE PRACTICES THAT IT FORBIDS—MAINTAINING LEGAL PROHIBITIONS IS NECESSARY TO SOLVE THE CASE BY TURNING THE LAW AGAINST ITSELF AND HAS AN EXTERNAL NET BENEFIT IN OUR CONTACT WITH THE SACRED SPACE OF SOVEREIGNTY**\\ **__FOLEY ET AL 2012__** (Matt Foley, Neil McRobert and Aspasia Stephanou, “Introduction: the limits of transgression and the subject,” in Transgression and its limits) For Georges Bataille transgression is … who lacks completeness or unity. **WE CAN ADOPT A REFUSAL OF THE WAR ON DRUGS, BUT MARIJUANA IN PARTICULAR OFFERS AN EASY RE-INTEGRATION BY THE SYSTEM OF CAPITALISM**\\ **__BEY__**, Anarchist, 1999 ( Bey, Hakim. "Against “Legalization”." Journal of Cognitive Liberties 1.1 (1999): 34-38.) As a writer, I am … with a dose of stoicism. =====Finals – Abbas K===== **THE AFF IS A SENTIMENTAL POLITICS WHICH PROMISES THAT EMPATHETIC IDENTIFICATION WITH VICTIMS OF THE WAR ON DRUGS WILL RESHAPE THE WORLD AND ACTUALIZE AN ETHICS OF CARE. THE AFF IMAGINES THAT BRINGING THE SUFFERING PRISONER’S BODY INTO THE DEBATE SPACE BECOMES A PROPHYLACTIC FROM OUR VIOLENCE TOWARD OTHERS AND STATE VIOLENCE TOWARD THOSE. **\\ **YOU’RE NOT IN THE MOVEMENT, A BALLOT WON’T HELP IT, AND THEY DON’T WANT YOU INVOLVED. THEIR POLITICIZATION OF THIS VIOLENCE RELIES ON A RACIST VICTIM ECONOMY IN WHICH BLACK, BROWN AND RED BODIES ARE VAMPIRICALLY DRAINED OF LIFE, MADE TO DANCE FOR A INFINITELY DEFERRED FREEDOM, ALL WHILE ACADEMICS EXTRACT JOUISSANCE AND ADVANCEMENT FROM THEIR OBJECTIFIED IDENTITIES. **\\ BERLANT ‘98 /Lauren, George M. Pullman Professor, Department of English, University of Chicago, “Poor Eliza,” American Literature, Vol. 70, No. 3, No More Separate Spheres! (Sep., 1998), Duke University Press, pg. 635-668/ What distinguishes these critical texts … overpresence of the stereotypical image. THE AFF’S PRESENTATION OF SUFFERING CREATES A MARKETPLACE OF TRAUMA, TRANSFORMING WOUNDS INTO A COMMODITY FOR WESTERN CONSUMPTION. THEIR POLITICS OF MOURNING EXISTS BY TURNING THE OTHER INTO A DEAD OBJECT THROUGH WHICH WE CAN CONSTRUCT A SENTIMENTAL ECONOMY OF PLEASURE AND PACIFICATION. THE AFF IS EMPATHETIC IDENTIFICATION AS DEATHMAKING WHICH ENSURES THE SMOOTH FUNCTIONING OF IMPERIALISM. THEIR FANTASY OF CHANGE THROUGH INVESTMENT IN THE LAW SHIELDS CRITICISM AND GUISES VIOLENCE. **__BERLANT ‘99 __**/Lauren, George M. Pullman Professor. . . Michigan Press, Pg. 49-54/ Ravaged wages and ravaged bodies saturate the global . . . legitimating devices for sustaining the hegemonic field.9 **WE MUST REFUSE THE POLITICS OF LIBERALISM AND THE ECONOMIZATION OF INJURY AND SUFFERING. NOTHING SHORT OF AN OUTRIGHT REJECTION OF THE ENTIRETY OF LIBERALISM – ETHICS, AESTHETICS AND POLITICS – WILL BE SUFFICIENT. OUR POLITICS DOES NOT IGNORE THE VIOLENCE OF THE WORLD, IT REFUSES A PARTICULAR SET OF REPRESETATIONS AND VALUES WHICH ENFRAME SAID SUFFERING AGAINST THE MOVEMENT OF BECOMING, OF LIFE. THE ALTERNATIVE DOES NOT WISH AWAY SUFFERING, NOR CAN IT RESOLVE ALL OF THE VIOLENCE OF MODERNITY, BUT IT CAN OPEN US UP TO EXPERIENCING THE WORLD, NOT AS ZOMBIES OR VAMPIRES, BUT AS CREATURES OF SENSUOUS LIFE.**\\ ABBAS ‘10 /Asma, Professor and Division Head in Social Studies, Political Science, Philosophy at the Liebowitz Center for International Studies at Bard College at Simon’s Rock, Liberalism and Human Suffering: Materialist Reflections on Politics, Ethics, and Aesthetics, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pg. Pg. 183 - 187/ In Martha Nussbaum’s celebration of … desire, hope, and life itself. =====Finals - Case===== THE PROLIFERATION OF MEANING AND CONSCIOUSNESS RAISING RELY ON A FANTASY OF COMMUNICATION WHICH IMLODES UNDER ITS OWN WIEGHT. MORE KNOWLEDGE DOES NOT CHANGE REALITY. **__BAUDRILLARD 2000__** / We live in a world where there . . . overproduction and regeneration of meaning and of speech. **EXODUS IS BETTER POLITICS**\\ **__BOURASSA ‘12 __**(Gregory, PhD Student @ Utah U., “An Autonomist Rethinking of Resistance Theory and Pedagogical Temporality” Philosophy of Education, pp. 361-362) What these parallels point … revolutionary pedagogy is doomed. =====Kentucky===== ====Kentucky Round 2 Jason's Farm-Fresh Produce K==== **LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA IS THE CHOCOLATE LAXATIVE— A LIBERAL VISION OF POLITICS THAT RESISTS THE HARD KERNEL OF THE REAL BY CREATING PLEASURES THAT CONTAIN THEIR OWN PRINCIPLE OF CONSTRAINT. “YOU CAN GET YOUR WEED WITH YOUR PEACHES!” **\\ **__ŽIŽEK ‘3__** (Slavoj, On today's market, we find a whole . . . obfuscating the unfreedom on which it relies. **THE SHIFT TOWARD LOCAL, ORGANIC, COMMUNITY IS NOT BENIGN BUT PART OF A BROADER NEOLIBERALIZATION OF FOOD POLICIES WHICH DEPOLITICIZES THE QUESTION OF THIRD WORLD NETWORKS, CREATE COMPETITIVE BUSINESS-LOCALITIES, AND ENTRENCHES SYSTEMIC VIOLENCE**\\ **__GUTHMAN ‘8 __**/Julie, Community Studies Department, University of California Santa Cruz, “Neoliberalism and the making of food politics in California” Geoforum 39 (2008) 1171–1183/ It is indisputable that the rise of consumption . . . , have in some ways been overdetermined there. **EXTINCTION**\\ **__PARR ’13__** (Adrian, Assoc. Prof. of Philosophy and Environmental Studies @ U. of Cincinnati, THE WRATH OF CAPITAL: Neoliberalism and Climate Change Politics, pp. 145-147) A quick snapshot of the twenty-first . . . that after 2050 it may all be over. **VOTE NEGATIVE TO AFFIRM A CORPOREAL CONDUCT AWAY FROM GOVERNMENTALITY. **\\ **__LAZZARATO ‘3__** (Maurizio, Paris-based sociologist, a member of the editorial group of the journal Multitudes and the author of the influential essay Immaterial labour, “Struggle, Event, Media”, in Makeworlds) Why can the paradigm of representation not function . . . constitutive of reality and not of its representation. ====Kentucky Round 2 Cretinous Oedipus K==== **YOUR EXTINCTION SCENARIOS ARE INEVITABLE**\\ **__FLUSSER ‘83__** (Vilém, Deceased Prof. of Media Studies and Philosophy @ U. of Sao Paulo, “Our Dread,” Post-History, pp. 125-127) This is no longer the case. Gadgets . . . neither Cesar nor Spartacus, but Fabius Cunctator. **YOU ARE A CRETINOUS OEDIPUS?**\\ **__FLUSSER ‘83__** (Vilém, Deceased Prof. of Media Studies and Philosophy @ U. of Sao Paulo, “Our Dread,” Post-History, pp. 128-130) We cannot therefore engage with human intelligence against . . . . be anything more terrifying than a cretinous Oedipus? ====Kentucky Round 2 Small Farms==== **THEY ARE THE MCDONALDIZATION OF WEED. MICROBUD CULTIVATION IS INSIGNIFICANT IN THE FACE OF THE BONFIRE OF INDUSTRIALIZED PRODUCTION**\\ **__CRAWFORD ‘13__** (Seth S., Assoc. Prof. of Sociology @ Oregon State U., “The Political Economy of Medical Marijuana” pp. 144-151) In the time between starting this study and . . . users with the peak expression of marijuana’s potential. **THIS IS PART AND PARCEL OF THE SYSTEM OF RACIAL CAPITALISM THAT MAKES MOCKERY OF THEIR PROGRESSIVE AGENDA**\\ **__CALHOUN ’14__** (Ryan, Philosophy student and activist at the University at Buffalo, “Weed Legalization As Privatization, Disempowerment” The beginning of this year saw the first . . . , to treat them as inherently dangerous and volatile. **THEY CAN’T POSSIBLY SOLVE A GLOBAL TRANSITION TO SMALL FARMING: ALTIERI SAYS WE HAVE TO CURB THE EXPANSION OF BIOFUELS, TRANSGENIC CROPS AND AGRO-EXPORTS, AND PUT AN END TO SUBSIDIES TO INDUSTRIAL FARMING AND DUMPING PRACTICES THAT HURT SMALL FARMERS.**\\ **SUSTAINABILITY IS THE NEW ENCLOSURE – IT MASKS THE INTRINSIC CONTRADICTION BETWEEN CAPITAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. THE CREATION OF REGIMES OF SUSTAINABILITY JUST MASKS UNDERLYING FORMS OF ENCLOSURE THAT DESTROY THE ENVIRONMENT. ONLY A RELATION TO THE ENVIRONMENT THROUGH COMMONS – AS OPPOSED TO SUSTAINABILITY – CAN SOLVE.**\\ **__JOHNSTON ‘3__** (Josée, Assistant Professor Department of Sociology University of Toronto at Mississauga . Who Cares About the Commons? Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, Vol. 14.3, pp. 1-41) Despite the growth of public environmental awareness and . . . so much as a standard business strategy.3 **SECURITIZATION OF FOOD IS PART OF THE MASTER NARRATIVE OF MODERNITY – INFINITE PROGRESS, MAN CONQUERS NATURE – THAT CAN ONLY RESULT IN VIOLENCE AND CAPITALIST DESTRUCTION**\\ **__MCMURRY ’12__** (Andrew, Assoc. Prof. of English @ U. of Waterloo, “Framing Emerson's “Farming”: Climate Change, Peak Oil, and the Rhetoric of Food Security in the Twenty-First Century” Interdiscip Stud Lit Environ (Summer 2012) Vol. 19.3) None of the foregoing will come as news . . . North/South consumption, and biophysical drawdown. ====Kentucky Round 2 Fumigation Or Something==== **THEY CANNOT WIN THIS ADVANTAGE INTERNAL LINK.**\\ **1) THEY HAVE BOXED AND BOLDED A PART OF THE ARTICLE SAYING THAT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO STOP THE COLUMBIAN DRUG TRADE WITHOUT ENDING UNITED STATES DEMAND FOR THE DRUG. REGARDLESS OF WHAT INTERNATIONAL CREDIBILITY LEGALIZATION HAS – ALLOWING USE OF MARIJUANA IS TOTALLY UNRELATED TO THE FACT THAT WHITE PEOPLE LOVE THE SNOWMAN.**\\ **2) THEY DON’T STOP THE UNITED STATE’S INDEPENDENT DESIRE TO IMPOSE A PROHIBITION ON COLUMBIA. EVEN IF LEGALIZATION MAKES OTHER COUNTRIES MORE WILLING TO DO SO, SEVERAL DECADES OF THE DRUG WAR PROVES WE’D DO OTHERWISE. WE ARE AGAINST FARC FOR POLITICAL REASONS, NOT JUST DRUG REASONS.**\\ **AMAZON DEFORESTATION WENT UP BY 29% LAST YEAR DUE TO THINGS TOTALLY UNRELATED TO THE AFF**\\ **__THE GUARDIAN 9-11__** ("Amazon deforestation jumps 29%," The destruction of the world’s largest rainforest accelerated . . . Amazon, such as roads and hydroelectric dams. **THE DAMAGE CAUSED BY FUMIGATION DOESN’T EVEN COME CLOSE TO THE ONGOING DEVASTATION CAUSED BY RANCHING**\\ **__CIMITILE 9__** (Matthew, "Amazon Deforestation: Earth's Heart and Lungs Dismembered," Live Science, January 9, Such scenes are becoming increasingly common as large . . . ranchers farther into the forest, explained Arima.¶ **IT’S STRUCTURALLY RUINED – DEVELOPMENT**\\ **__THE GUARDIAN 13__** ("Amazon roads and dams pose threat to rainforest and indigenous peoples," December 20, The oil industry has already taken over her . . . it is done in secret," she says. **NO IMPACT TO OXYGEN—EVEN IF EVERY TREE IN THE WORLD WAS BURNED OXYGEN LEVELS WOULD REMAIN HIGH**\\ **__NOWAK ET AL 2007__** (David J. Nowak, Project Leader, USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station 5 Moon Library; Robert Hoehn, Biological Science Technician, USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station 5 Moon Library; Daniel E. Crane, Information Technology Specialist USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station 5 Moon Library. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, May, The reason the oxygen production value of urban . . . the sheer volume of oxygen in the atmosphere. **WE FIGHT FARC BECAUSE TERRORISM, NOT DRUGS.**\\ **__TAYLOR 13__** (Steven L. Taylor is Professor and Chair of Political Science at Troy University, MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2013, “The USA v. the FARC,” The FARC has also long been funded by . . . amongst the best in the hemisphere over time). **ECKERSLEY’S GREEN SOVEREIGNTY CREATES UNENDING BIOPOLITICAL DESTRUCTION, REDUCES THE WORLD TO BARE LIFE**\\ **__SMITH ‘11__** (Mick, associate professor and Queen’s National Scholar in the Department of Philosophy and the School of Environmental Studies at Queen’s University, Against Ecological Sovereignty: Ethics, Biopolitics, and Saving the Natural World, “In Relation to the Lack of Environmental Policy”) To the extent that the modern nation-. . . When it deems its own security is threatened. **NO IMPACT TO BIODIVERSITY—NO BROADER ENVIRONMENTAL HARM OR DOMINO EFFECT. LOW RESILIENCE CLAIMS ARE FALSE**\\ **__RIDDER 2008__** – PhD, School of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Tasmania (Ben, Biodiversity And Conservation, 17.4, “Questioning the ecosystem services argument for biodiversity conservation”) *ES = environmental services The low resilience assumption Advocates of the conservation of biodiversity tend not . . . the conservation literature that ES depend on biodiversity. An extreme example of this claim is made . . . et al. 1997, p. 101). The claim that ES depend on biodiversity is . . . the absence of any clarification indicates its influence. That the low resilience assumption is largely false . . . 177). He continued with the following observation: Have there been permanent and significant ‘resource’ . . . value to us? (p. 192) Later, at the first conference on biodiversity. . . Sagoff 1997; Slobodkin 2001; Western 2001). The low resilience assumption is also undermined by . . . civilization predicted by the more pessimistic environmental authors. The popularity of the low resilience assumption is . . . economic arguments to justify the conservation of biodiversity. ====Kentucky Round 3 Death K==== **THE AFF’S TURN TO DEATH IS NOT A RADICAL GESTURE; IT MERELY REINFORCES A WESTERN METAPHYSICS BOUND TO NECROPHILIA AND DEATH DEALING. THE AFF’S SYMBOLIC OBSESSION WITH DEATH NECESSARILY FORECLOSES A POLITICS OF NATALITY. INSTEAD OF ENGAGING IN A PROCESS OF CONTINUAL MORTIFICATION, WE MUST EMBRACE NATALITY, AN UNPREDICTABLE AND RADICAL AFFIRMATION OF LIFE THAT IS CAPABLE OF BREAKING FROM A HISTORY OF OBJECTIFICATION THAT MAKES ALL MASS AND MICRO VIOLENCE NECESSARY AND INEVITABLE.**\\ **__JANTZEN ‘4 __**/Grace M. is Research Professor of Religion, Culture and Gender at the University of Manchester, Death and the Displacement of Beauty: Volume One: Foundations of Violence, London: Routledge, pg. 5-6/ A central thesis of these volumes is that . . . attention if we are to redeem the present. **ONLY SHIFTING OUR CRITICAL EYE FROM DEATH TO BIRTH ALLOWS US TO RESIST THE INFORMATION SOCIETY THAT CULMINATES IN THE TOTAL ERADICATION OF DEATH, LIFE AND DIFFERENCE. THE ACCELERATION OF INFORMATION CULMINATES IN THE ABSOLUTE ERASURE OF CORPOREALITY AND REDUCES VALUE OF LIFE TO THAT OF THE LIVING DEAD; THE MOST VIOLENT EXERCIZES OF POWER ARE DEPENDENT ON THE CONTROL OF BIRTH, ONLY THE ALT CAN SOLVE.**\\ **__BOGARD ‘8__** /William, Department of Sociology, Whitman College, “Empire of the living dead” Mortality, Vol. 13, No. 2, May 2008, DOI: 10.1080/13576270801954377/ Life without passion, desire, or intensity. . . , so decoded by information that it disappears. **THIS SHIFT IN PARADIGM AWAY FROM DEATH TO NATALITY IS CAPABLE OF GENERATING A FORM OF FREEDOM IN COMMUNION WITH OTHERNESS. YOU SHOULD AFFIRM HOPE AGAINST THE MELANCHOLIC POLITICS OF DEATH THE AFF OFFERS. ONLY A RADICAL REFUSAL OF DEATH CAN CULTIVATE A NATAL CULTURE OF HOPE, BODILY FREEDOM AND ACTION CAPABLE OF REPLACING THE NECROPHILIC ECONOMY THAT CONDEMNS US TO EXTINCTION.**\\ **__JANTZEN ‘4 __**/Grace M. is Research Professor of Religion, Culture and Gender at the University of Manchester, Death and the Displacement of Beauty: Volume One: Foundations of Violence, London: Routledge, pg. 35-38/ If any therapy is to succeed in releasing . . . the present and bringing newness into the world. **FOCUS ON NATALITY INSTEAD OF MORTALITY, BIRTH INSTEAD OF DEATH; ONLY THIS SHIFT CAN BREAK THE CYCLE OF VIOLENCE NECESSITATED BY OUR DRIVE TO MASTER THE WORLD AND RESIST THE DESIRE FOR IMMORTALITY. AGAINST THE AFF’S ATTEMPT TO RE-EVALUATE OUR VALUES THROUGH DEATH, WE MUST AFFIRM THE NEWNESS OF NATALITY, A WELLSPRING OF VALUE THAT ALLOWS US TO ACT WITH VIRTUE AND LIVE PEACEFULLY WITH OTHERS.**\\ **__WALTERS ‘9__** /Bryan, DPhil, is the Stead Professor of Christian Social Ethics, and Director of the Stead Center for Ethics and Values at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminar, “REVITALIZING MEDICINE: EMPOWERING NATALITY VS. FEARING MORTALITY.” Ethics & Medicine: An International Journal Of Bioethics, 25(2), 83-94/ Arendt insists that if we fixate on death. . . metaphor for ordering our common life.'^ ====Kentucky Round 3 Case==== **DESIRE TO PROVIDE “MEANING” OR “CHOICE” FOR CONTEMPORARY DEATH BECOMES SIMPLY ANOTHER MARKET IN THE LIBERAL BEHEMOTH – CHOOSE YOUR OWN DEATHSTYLE. CELEBRATORY AFFIRMATIONS OF ACCESS TO PAS IGNORE THAT CONTEMPORARY SOVEREIGNTY STRUCTURES EVERYONE IN PERMANENT EXPOSURE TO DEATH, WHICH MEANS CRITICISM OF THAT STRUCTURE IS A PREREQUISITE TO PRODUCTIVE RELATION TO DEATH.**\\ **__NOYS ‘5__** (Benjamin, Reader in English at the University of Chichester, Culture of Death, pp. 51-52) What are the implications of these arguments concerning . . . This would be a new ‘postmodern’ death. Such a ‘postmodern’ celebration of the fragmentation . . . power that still takes death as its object. If we cannot celebrate these effects of fragmentation . . . death has become thoroughly politicised in modern culture. **OUR RESPONSE TO THE POLITICIZATION OF DEATH SHOULD NOT SIMPLY BE A MOVE AGAINST SURVIVAL AND LIFE**\\ **__NOYS ‘5__** (Benjamin, Reader in English at the University of Chichester, Culture of Death, pp. 72-74) CONCLUSION: SURVIVAL OR SUICIDE? To further chart the terrain of modern death. . . reassuring us about our vulnerability to medical power. However, although we are fascinated by medical . . . of our exposure to enforced survival by power. In fact, existentialist philosophy was preoccupied with . . . murder, by pushing someone off a train. We might see these sorts of acts not . . . other possibilities of challenging our exposure to death. **PHYSICIAN-ASSISTED SUICIDE EMERGES FROM A SYMBOLIC FIELD OVERDETERMINED BY AUTHORITY – THE RADICAL DEMAND OF THE AFF IS RENDERED ANOTHER RISK-FREE VERSION OF LIBERAL INDIVIDUALISM**\\ **__TIERNEY 97__** (THOMAS F. TIERNEY, Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at Wooster College, “Death, Medicine and the Right to Die: An Engagement with Heidegger, Bauman and Baudrillard,” Body & Society 1997 3: 51 DOI: 10.1177/1357034X97003004003 In the development of their different, but . . . and Social Security. (1993:174) **THE AFFS MOVE TO GENEALOGIZE DEATH AND PAS PERFECTLY MIRRORS ON THE LEVEL OF COMMUNICATION THE OPERATIONS OF POWER IT SETS OUT TO UPSET. GENEALOGY IS PART OF THE CULTURE OF TRANSPARENCY AND PRODUCTION THAT IS NOTHING MORE THAN THE EPISTEMOLOGICAL SUPPLEMENT TO POWER AND CAPITAL.**\\ **__THOMAS ’93__** /Calvin, “Baudrillard's Seduction of Foucault” Jean Baudrillard :the disappearance of art and politics /edited by William Stearns and William Chaloupka./ For Baudrillard, Foucault's mistake is to allow . . . power, but helps it jerk itself off. **THIS TRANSPARENCY IS THE METASTASIS OF THE SOCIAL THAT MAKES SINGULARITY IMPOSSIBLE AND VIOLENCE INEVITABLE**\\ **__BAUDRILLARD 9__** (Jean, Dead frenchy currently teaching at the EGS, formerly Professor Emeritus at the Université de Paris X, Nanterre “The Vanishing Point of Communication” in Jean Baudrillard: Fatal Theories, Edited by David B. Clarke, Marcus A. Doel, William Merrin and Richard G. SmithThis text is based on a transcript of a lecture delivered in English by Jean Baudrillard to the Department of Social Sciences, Loughborough University, UK, New York:Routledge, pg. 15-23 Everything about communication seems to have been said. . . of the interface, of contiguity and networks. **__JONES 7__** (Ph.D. in religion from Emory University; CEO of the Public Religion Research Institute) 7 (Robert P., Liberalism’s Troubled Search For Equality: Religion and Cultural Bias in the Oregon Physician Assisted Suicide Debate, pg. 151-2) Third, while ODDA proponents most prominently embodied . . . this appeal to ",,1 right to choose." **THEIR GENEALOGY RELIES ON A CONCEPTION OF THE AUTONOMOUS, TRUTH-SEEKING SUBJECT THAT TURNS US INTO AGENTS FOR THE REPRODUCTION OF THE SYSTEM. WE MUST REFUSE THE 1AC’S ATTEMPT TO CONSTRUCT A BETTER SUBJECT**\\ **__GUR-ZE'EV 98__** (Ilan Gur-Ze'ev, professor of education at the University of Haifa, 1998, “Toward a Nonreperssive Critical Pedagogy,” For fully developed Critical Theory, the return . . . concept of time, revolution, and redemption. **THE PROLIFERATION OF MEANING AND CONSCIOUSNESS RAISING RELY ON A FANTASY OF COMMUNICATION WHICH IMLODES UNDER ITS OWN WIEGHT. MORE KNOWLEDGE DOES NOT CHANGE REALITY.**\\ **__BAUDRILLARD 2000__** / We live in a world where there . . . overproduction and regeneration of meaning and of speech. =====Wake Forest===== ====Wake Rd 2 - Sentimentality K==== **THE AFF IS A SENTIMENTAL POLITICS WHICH PROMISES THAT EMPATHETIC IDENTIFICATION WILL RESHAPE THE WORLD AND ACTUALIZE AN ETHICS OF CARE. THE AFF IMAGINES THAT BRINGING THE SUFFERING PRISONER’S BODY INTO THE DEBATE SPACE BECOMES A PROPHYLACTIC FROM OUR VIOLENCE TOWARD OTHERS AND STATE VIOLENCE TOWARD THOSE. POLITICIZING THIS VIOLENCE RELIES ON A RACIST VICTIM ECONOMY IN WHICH BODIES ARE VAMPIRICALLY DRAINED OF LIFE, MADE TO DANCE FOR A INFINITELY DEFERRED FREEDOM, ALL WHILE ACADEMICS EXTRACT JOUISSANCE AND ADVANCEMENT FROM THEIR OBJECTIFIED IDENTITIES. **\\ **BERLANT ’98** (Lauren, George M. Pullman Professor, Department of English, University of Chicago, “Poor Eliza,” American Literature, Vol. 70, No. 3, No More Separate Spheres! (Sep., 1998), Duke University Press, pg. 635-668)\\ What distinguishes these critical texts are the startling . . . by the overpresence of the stereotypical image. **THE POLITICS OF ANARCHO-FEMINISM IS A CONTINUATION OF MULTI-CENTURY PROCESS OF TEMPORARY PRIVILEGED IDENTIFICATION WITH THE SUFFERING OTHER, AN OUTLET VALVE FOR FRUSTRATION AT SYSTEMS THAT THEY HAVE LITTLE GENUINE INTEREST IN FIXING. IT PLAYS INTO A BROADER GENRE OF SEXUAL RESISTANCE THAT REMAIN LEGIBLE TO THE GENERIC LIBERAL SUBJECT OF EMPATHY AND END UP SUPPORTING THE SAME VICTIM ECONOMIES THAT MAINTAIN SYSTEMIC DOMINATION AND OPPRESSION**\\ **BERLANT ‘13** (Lauren, George M. Pullman Distinguished Service Professor Department of English, University of Chicago, “The Female Complaint” April 28,\\ “Everyone knows what the female complaint is: women live for love, and love is the gift that keeps on taking” 1. Popular culture “market[s] what is sensational . . . of a bourgeois revolutionary aesthetic” 20. **THE AFF’S PRESENTATION OF SUFFERING CREATES A MARKETPLACE OF TRAUMA, TRANSFORMING WOUNDS INTO A COMMODITY FOR WESTERN CONSUMPTION. THEIR POLITICS OF MOURNING EXISTS BY TURNING THE OTHER INTO A DEAD OBJECT THROUGH WHICH WE CAN CONSTRUCT A SENTIMENTAL ECONOMY OF PLEASURE AND PACIFICATION. THE AFF IS EMPATHETIC IDENTIFICATION AS DEATHMAKING WHICH ENSURES THE SMOOTH FUNCTIONING OF IMPERIALISM. THEIR FANTASY OF CHANGE THROUGH INVESTMENT IN THE LAW SHIELDS CRITICISM AND GUISES VIOLENCE.**\\ **BERLANT ’99** (Lauren, George M. Pullman Professor, Department of English, University of Chicago, “The Subject of True Feeling: Pain, Privacy and Politics” in Cultural Pluralism, Identity Politics and the Law ed. Sarat & Kearns, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, Pg. 49-54)\\ Ravaged wages and ravaged bodies saturate the global . . . devices for sustaining the hegemonic field.9 **WE MUST REFUSE THE POLITICS OF LIBERALISM AND THE ECONOMIZATION OF INJURY AND SUFFERING. NOTHING SHORT OF AN OUTRIGHT REJECTION OF THE ENTIRETY OF LIBERALISM – ETHICS, AESTHETICS AND POLITICS – WILL BE SUFFICIENT. OUR POLITICS DOES NOT IGNORE THE VIOLENCE OF THE WORLD, IT REFUSES A PARTICULAR SET OF REPRESETATIONS AND VALUES WHICH ENFRAME SAID SUFFERING AGAINST THE MOVEMENT OF BECOMING, OF LIFE. THE ALTERNATIVE DOES NOT WISH AWAY SUFFERING, NOR CAN IT RESOLVE ALL OF THE VIOLENCE OF MODERNITY, BUT IT CAN OPEN US UP TO EXPERIENCING THE WORLD, NOT AS ZOMBIES OR VAMPIRES, BUT AS CREATURES OF SENSUOUS LIFE.**\\ **ABBAS ’10** (Asma, Professor and Division Head in Social Studies, Political Science, Philosophy at the Liebowitz Center for International Studies at Bard College at Simon’s Rock, Liberalism and Human Suffering: Materialist Reflections on Politics, Ethics, and Aesthetics, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pg. Pg. 183 - 187)\\ In Martha Nussbaum’s celebration of cosmopolitanism, the . . . desire, hope, and life itself. ====Wake Rd 2 - Laruelle K==== **BEGINNING AT SEXUAL DIFFERENCE REENTRENCHES PHILOSOPHICAL DIFFERENCE BY AFFIRMING A VIOLENT IMAGE OF THE SUBJECT. ANARCHO-FEMINISM READS SEXUALITY THROUGH THE PHILOSOPHY OF DECISION, BREAKING THE WORLD INTO THE BINARY OF REAL AND THOUGHT. **\\ **O’ROURKE ‘13** (Michael, Lecturer in Gender and Sexuality @ Independent Colleges, Dublin, “Quantum Queer: Towards a Non-Standard Queer Theory” Identities: Journal for politics, gender, culture, Vol. 10.1-2, pp. 131-132)\\ Benjamin Norris in “Re-asking the . . . ‘sufficient’ in theories of sexuality.”65 **THIS IS A FRAMEWORK ARGUMENT, NOT AN ALTERNATIVE: WE CAN CLONE THEIR PROJECT – CREATE A COPY OF THEIR PHILOSOPHY, CONSIDER IT AS UNIVERSAL TRUTH, AND THEN DISSECT ITS DECISIONAL STRUCTURE. VOTE NEGATIVE TO THINK THE AFFIRMATIVE NON-PHILOSOPHICALLY**\\ **MULLARKEY & SMITH ’12** (John, Prof. of Film and Television Studies @ Kingston U., and Anthony Paul, Assist. Prof of Religion @ La Salle U., “Introduction: The Non-Philosophical Inversion: Laruelle's Knowledge Without Domination” Laruelle and Non-Philosophy, pp. 5-7)\\ We described non-philosophy above as a . . . universal victor of a now defunct quarrel. ====Wake Rd 2 - Case==== **THEIR CLASSICALLY ANARCHIST SUSPICION OF THE STATE IS A POLITICS OF RESSENTIMENT THAT REJECTS A PRIORI THE PLACE OF POWER – THAT’S DOOMED TO REACCUMULATE THE VERY SAME MODES OF VIOLENCE THAT THEY CRITICIZE**\\ **__NEWMAN 2K__** (Saul Newman, Professor of Political Theory at the University of London at Goldsmiths, 2000, “Anarchism and the Politics of Ressentiment,” Theory and Event, 4:3)\\ Ressentiment is diagnosed by Nietzsche … words, an anarchism without ressentiment. ==== Wake Rd 4 - Vitalism K==== **THE SALE OF ORGANS TRANSFORMS DEAD BODIES INTO CORPSES, OBJECTS FOR EXCHANGE AND UTILITY IN THE SERVICE OF GLOBAL CAPITAL ACCUMULATION AND DISCIPLINE**\\ **BOGARD ‘8** (William Bogard is DeBurgh Professor in Social Sciences at Whitman College, “Empire of the living dead,” Mortality, Vol. 13, No. 2, May 2008)\\ There are no corpses in symbolic societies. . . . , and set an example to others. **THIS INSTRUMENTAL ATTITUDE TO THE CORPSE SUSTAINS A LARGER BIOMEDICAL DREAM OF IMMORTALITY AND PERPETUAL YOUTH—THE DARK UNDERSIDE OF THIS DISCOURSE IS THE CONSTANT PRODUCTION OF NEW CORPSES THROUGH STATE VIOLENCE AND THE GENOCIDE OF UNWORTHY BODIES**\\ **BOGARD ‘8** (William Bogard is DeBurgh Professor in Social Sciences at Whitman College, “Empire of the living dead,” Mortality, Vol. 13, No. 2, May 2008)\\ Of course, this is not really news. . . so decoded by information that it disappears. **THE REFUSAL TO ACCEPT INDIVIDUAL DEATH IS THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORST EXCESSES OF STATE VIOLENCE AND MASS MURDER—OUR ALTERNATIVE IS TO REFUSE THE DRIVE FOR MECHANICAL LIFE EXTENSION **\\ **BERES ‘94** (Louis Rene, Professor of International Law, Dept of Political Science at Purdue, Arizona Journal of Comparative and International Law, Spring)\\ Where do we turn? It is to . . . those moments and their inalienable values." 55 ==== Wake Rd 4 - Sentimentality K==== **THE AFF IS A SENTIMENTAL POLITICS WHICH PROMISES THAT EMPATHETIC IDENTIFICATION WILL RESHAPE THE WORLD AND ACTUALIZE AN ETHICS OF CARE. THE AFF IMAGINES THAT BRINGING THE SUFFERING DONOR’S BODY INTO THE DEBATE SPACE BECOMES A PROPHYLACTIC FROM OUR VIOLENCE TOWARD OTHERS. THIS RELIES ON A RACIST VICTIM ECONOMY IN WHICH BODIES ARE VAMPIRICALLY DRAINED OF LIFE, MADE TO DANCE FOR A INFINITELY DEFERRED FREEDOM, ALL WHILE ACADEMICS EXTRACT JOUISSANCE AND ADVANCEMENT FROM THEIR OBJECTIFIED IDENTITIES. **\\ **BERLANT ’98** (Lauren, George M. Pullman Professor, Department of English, University of Chicago, “Poor Eliza,” American Literature, Vol. 70, No. 3, No More Separate Spheres! (Sep., 1998), Duke University Press, pg. 635-668)\\ What distinguishes these critical texts are the startling . . . by the overpresence of the stereotypical image. **WE MUST REFUSE THE POLITICS OF LIBERALISM AND THE ECONOMIZATION OF INJURY AND SUFFERING. NOTHING SHORT OF AN OUTRIGHT REJECTION OF THE ENTIRETY OF LIBERALISM WILL BE SUFFICIENT.**\\ **ABBAS ’10** (Asma, Professor and Division Head in Social Studies, Political Science, Philosophy at the Liebowitz Center for International Studies at Bard College at Simon’s Rock, Liberalism and Human Suffering: Materialist Reflections on Politics, Ethics, and Aesthetics, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pg. Pg. 183 - 187)\\ In Martha Nussbaum’s celebration of cosmopolitanism, the . . . desire, hope, and life itself. ====Wake Rd 4 - Tyranny==== **ORGAN SALES COMMODIFY ALL LIFE AND MAKE HUMAN BEINGS DISPOSABLE—LANGUAGE OF RATIONAL CHOICE AND BIOETHICS MAKES A GLOBAL SOCIAL ETHIC IMPOSSIBLE**\\ **SCHEPER-HUGHES ‘2** (Nancy, prof of anthropology at UC Berkeley, “The Ends of the Body: Commodity Fetishism and the Global Traffic in Organs,” SAIS Review, Winter/Spring)\\ The problem with markets is that they reduce . . . protected by transplant medicine’s coyly averted gaze. **THE LOGIC OF MARKET DISPOSABILITY IS THE UNDERPINNING OF MODERN WAR AND GENOCIDE**\\ **SANTOS ‘3** (Boaventura de Sousa, Director of Center for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, “Collective Suicide?,” Bad Subjects #63, April\\ According to Franz Hinkelammert, the West has . . . axis of evil: neoliberalism plus war. More important, however, than rebutting the . . . cheapening and coarsening of human relationships. Finally, creation of an organ market threatens . . . others and so dehumanizes both buyer and seller. ====Wake Rd 4 - Shortages==== **AUTONOMY JUSTIFICATIONS ARE A LIE AND DEVOLVE INTO THE CORRUPT AND RAMPANT EXPLOITATION OF THE POOR**\\ **SCHEPER-HUGHES ‘2** (Nancy, prof of anthropology at UC Berkeley, “The Ends of the Body: Commodity Fetishism and the Global Traffic in Organs,” SAIS Review, Winter/Spring)\\ Can the language of gifting, of life . . . : above all, do no harm. ==== Wake Rd 5 - Communism Ability K==== **CAPITALISM IS THE ROOT CAUSE OF BOTH THE MEDICAL GAZE AND THE DISCIPLINING OF WORKERS BASED ON THE QUESTION OF ABILITY**\\ **RUSSELL & MALHOTRA ‘2** (Marta, “Impaired” Activist and Writer, and Ravi, Assoc. Prof of Law @ U. of Ottawa, member of the Human Rights Committee of the Council of Canadians with Disabilities and the Education Committee of the Canadian Centre for Disability Studies, “Capitalism and Disabilitiy” Socialist Register, Vol. 38, 213-215)\\ Industrial capitalism thus created not only a class . . . with a significant disability do so.36 **DECONSTRUCTING A STATIC IDENTITY FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES AND INCORPORATING MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES WEAKENS THE POLITICAL EFFICACY OF DISABLED GROUPS—THE CRITIQUE OF CAPITALISM MUST PRECEDE THEIR IDENTITY CLAIMS BECAUSE PRIVILEGING THE BODY OVER MARKETS JUST MEANS THAT RESISTANCE GETS DISSOLVED**\\ **VEHMAS & WATSON ‘13** (Simo, dept. of disability studies, U of Helsinki; Nick, dept of disability studies, U of Glasgow, “Moral wrongs, disadvantages, and disability: a critique of critical disability studies,” Disability & Society)\\ The influence of CDS and its challenge to . . . but impairment’ (Wolff 2009, 135). **DIFFERENTIATIONS EXIST BETWEEN THE ONTOLOGICAL WORLDS OF INSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURE. THESE DIFFERENTIATIONS ARE CENTRAL TO VIOLENCE AND EXTERMINATION AND NECESSITATE UNENDING WAR**\\ **BALIBAR ‘1** (Etienne, Emeritus Prof. of Philosophy @ U. of Paris X Nanterre and U. of Cal., Irvine, “Outlines of a Topography of Cruelty: Citizenship and Civility in the Era of Global Violence,” Constellations, Vol. 8.1)\\ This paper is based on a talk which . . . , seem to be mainly “economic.” **THE IMPACT IS EXTINCTION**\\ **ROBINSON ‘14** (William I., Prof. of Sociology, Global and International Studies, and Latin American Studies, @ UC-Santa Barbara, “Global Capitalism: Crisis of Humanity and the Specter of 21st Century Fascism” The World Financial Review)\\ Cyclical, Structural, and Systemic Crises Most commentators on the contemporary crisis refer to . . . domination that is portrayed even as heroic. **THIS ROUND IS KEY – LET THE DISCUSSION BECOME A METAPHORIC CONDENSATION FOR COMMUNISM. **\\ **BADIOU ‘10** (Alain, Prof. @ European Graduate School, Former chair of Philosophy @ École Normale Supérieure, The Idea of Communism, pgs. 11-13 bb)\\ We will now ask: why is it . . . . We can, so we must. **THE COMMUNIST HYPOTHESIS IS UNADULTERATED SUPPORT OF THE POSSIBILITY OF A CLASSLESS EXISTENCE. THE SURVIVAL OF THE HYPOTHESIS IS A PRECONDITION TO ACTION.**\\ **BADIOU ‘9** (Alain, Prof. @ European Graduate School, Former chair of Philosophy @ École Normale Supérieure, The Communist Hypothesis, pgs. 115-117 bb)\\ The task facing us, after the negative . . . both in consciousness and in concrete situations. ==== Wake Rd 5 - 1NC Case ==== **THE AFF IS A SENTIMENTAL POLITICS WHICH PROMISES THAT EMPATHETIC IDENTIFICATION WILL RESHAPE THE WORLD AND ACTUALIZE AN ETHICS OF CARE. POLITICIZING THIS VIOLENCE RELIES ON A RACIST VICTIM ECONOMY IN WHICH BODIES ARE VAMPIRICALLY DRAINED OF LIFE, MADE TO DANCE FOR A INFINITELY DEFERRED FREEDOM, ALL WHILE ACADEMICS EXTRACT JOUISSANCE AND ADVANCEMENT FROM THEIR OBJECTIFIED IDENTITIES. **\\ **BERLANT ‘98** (Lauren, George M. Pullman Professor, Department of English, University of Chicago, “Poor Eliza,” American Literature, Vol. 70, No. 3, No More Separate Spheres! (Sep., 1998), Duke University Press, pg. 635-668)\\ What distinguishes these critical texts are the startling . . . by the overpresence of the stereotypical image. **THE AFFIRMATIVE IS THEORY FOR THEORY’S SAKE – THE PROCESS OF DISCOURSING SUFFERING GIVES WAY TO A BUREAUCRATIZATION OF THE OTHER’S SUFFERING WHICH FURTHER ENTRENCHES DOMINATION WHILE POSITIONING THE AFFIRMATIVE AS SAVIOR**\\ **NAYAR ‘13** (Jayan Nayar, PhD from the University of Cambridge, Department of Law at the University of Warwick, February 2013, “The Politics of Hope and the Other-in-The-World: Thinking Exteriority,” Law and Critique Volume 24 Issue 1,\\ People suffer.17 This is a simple . . . -usual (Robinson and Tormey 2009). **THE AFFS MOVE TO GENEALOGIZE PERFECTLY MIRRORS ON THE LEVEL OF COMMUNICATION THE OPERATIONS OF POWER IT SETS OUT TO UPSET. GENEALOGY IS PART OF THE CULTURE OF TRANSPARENCY AND PRODUCTION THAT IS NOTHING MORE THAN THE EPISTEMOLOGICAL SUPPLEMENT TO POWER AND CAPITAL.**\\ **THOMAS ’93** (Calvin, “Baudrillard's Seduction of Foucault” Jean Baudrillard :the disappearance of art and politics /edited by William Stearns and William Chaloupka.)\\ For Baudrillard, Foucault's mistake is to allow . . . power, but helps it jerk itself off. **THIS TRANSPARENCY IS THE METASTASIS OF THE SOCIAL THAT MAKES SINGULARITY IMPOSSIBLE AND VIOLENCE INEVITABLE**\\ **BAUDRILLARD 9** (Jean, Dead frenchy currently teaching at the EGS, formerly Professor Emeritus at the Université de Paris X, Nanterre “The Vanishing Point of Communication” in Jean Baudrillard: Fatal Theories, Edited by David B. Clarke, Marcus A. Doel, William Merrin and Richard G. SmithThis text is based on a transcript of a lecture delivered in English by Jean Baudrillard to the Department of Social Sciences, Loughborough University, UK, New York:Routledge, pg. 15-23)\\ Everything about communication seems to have been said. . . the interface, of contiguity and networks. ====Wake Rd 5 - Betcher ==== **THE DRIVING FACTOR IN THE PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX IN AMERICA IS CAPITALISM – IT’S THE MOST EFFICIENT MODE OF DISCIPLINING THE POOR AND RACIALLY STRATIFYING THE WORKING CLASS. THE 1AC IMPACT AND ROOT CAUSE CLAIM RELIES ON A BANKRUPT READING OF THE PRESENT: DISABILITY IS THE ROOT CAUSE OF CAPITALISM BECAUSE CAPITALISM IS ABOUT HAVING WORKERS BUT DISABILITY EXPLAINS THE PRISONS BECAUSE THERE’S JUST A DESIRE TO DISABLE PEOPLE AMONG THOSE IN POWER. **\\ **PARENTI 2K** (Christian, Activist, “Beyond the Prison Industrial Complex: Class warfare from above” CovertAction Quarterly)\\ What drives incarceration and the massive build-. . . Deal War and the War on Poverty. **NOW, I THINK THESE CARDS ARE STILL DRAMATIC OFFENSE AGAINST THE AFFIRMATIVE. THEIR TREATMENT OF DISABILITY IS PART OF A HEGEMONIC NORTHERN DISCOURSE THAT EXCLUDES THE PERSPECTIVES OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES AND THE GLOBAL SOUTH**\\ **GOODLEY & LAWTHORN ‘13** (Dan and Rebecca, Manchester Metropolitan University, “Hardt and Negri and the Geo-Political Imagination: Empire, Multitude and Critical Disability Studies,” Critical Sociology 39.3)\\ Critical disability studies must respond to the inequities . . . more akin to imperialism than to empowerment. **DISABILITY STUDIES ARE INFORMED BY NORTHERN PERSPECTIVES AND IGNORE THE STRUCTURAL PRODUCTION OF IMPAIRMENT—THEIR THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK IS ULTIMATELY JUST COLONIALISM**\\ **MEEKOSHA 2011** (Helen, School of Social Sciences and International Relations, University of New South Wales, “Decolonising disability: thinking and acting globally,” Disability & Society 26.6)\\ This paper attempts to situate disability in a . . . of a southern theory of disability. ==== Wake Rd 5 – Crip Nation ==== **COMMUNISM IS THE BASELINE OF HUMAN NATURE – IT IS THE GROUNDWORK UPON WHICH FORMS OF EXCHANGE OPERATE**\\ **GRAEBER ‘11** (David, Reader in Social Anthropology @ Goldsmiths, U. of London, Debt: The First 5000 Years, pp. 95-102)\\ Almost everyone follows this principle if they are . . . . "It's more visits from kings." ==== Wake Rd 5 - Alt/Framework ==== **COMMUNISM IS UNIQUELY KEY TO ABOLISH THE VIOLENCE OF DISABILITY**\\ **REDED ‘11** (May 22 2011 Communism: The real movement to abolish disability,\\ The following article is a tentative attempt to . . . condition for the free development of all. =====Fullerton===== ==== Fullerton Rd 2 ==== THE SALE OF ORGANS TRANSFORMS DEAD BODIES INTO CORPSES, OBJECTS FOR EXCHANGE AND UTILITY IN THE SERVICE OF GLOBAL CAPITAL ACCUMULATION AND DISCIPLINE Bogard ‘8 (William Bogard is DeBurgh Professor in Social Sciences at Whitman College, “Empire of the living dead,” Mortality, Vol. 13, No. 2, May 2008) There are no corpses in … set an example to others. THIS INSTRUMENTAL ATTITUDE TO THE CORPSE SUSTAINS A LARGER BIOMEDICAL DREAM OF IMMORTALITY AND PERPETUAL YOUTH—THE DARK UNDERSIDE OF THIS DISCOURSE IS THE CONSTANT PRODUCTION OF NEW CORPSES THROUGH STATE VIOLENCE AND THE GENOCIDE OF UNWORTHY BODIES Bogard ‘8 (William Bogard is DeBurgh Professor in Social Sciences at Whitman College, “Empire of the living dead,” Mortality, Vol. 13, No. 2, May 2008) Of course, this is not … by information that it disappears. THE REFUSAL TO ACCEPT INDIVIDUAL DEATH IS THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORST EXCESSES OF STATE VIOLENCE AND MASS MURDER—OUR ALTERNATIVE IS TO REFUSE THE DRIVE FOR MECHANICAL LIFE EXTENSION Beres ‘94 (Louis Rene, Professor of International Law, Dept of Political Science at Purdue, Arizona Journal of Comparative and International Law, Spring) Where do we turn? It … moments and their inalienable values." 55 ETHICAL RELATION TO ORGANS IMPOSSIBLE WITHOUT DECODING THE MURMUR OF THE TREES FROM IMPERIAL LANGUAGE AND GIVING ANUS-ORGANS BACK TO THE CHILDREN WHO MISS THEM DEARLY. TURNS THE AFF Lingis ‘94 (Alphonso, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy @ Penn State U., “The Society of Dismembered Body Parts” Gilles Deleuze and the Theater of Philosophy, pp. 298-302) Now the voice no longer … length come to an end. SITUATING THE PLAN WITHIN THE CIPHER OF SPECIFICALLY HUMAN ORGANS FOLDS THE ADVOCACY WITHIN CARNOPHALLOGOCENTRIC ETHICS WHICH IS INDEPENDENTLY VIOLENT. WE NEED TO EAT BETTER. Derrida ‘91 (Jacques, “’Eating Well,’ or the Calculation of the Subject: An Interview with Jacques Derrida”) JD: The Heideggerian discourse on the … to the deconstruction of phallogocentrism). THE AFF’S SENTIMENTAL POLITICS PROMISES THAT EMPATHETIC IDENTIFICATION WILL RESHAPE THE WORLD AND ACTUALIZE AN ETHICS OF CARE. THIS RELIES ON A RACIST VICTIM ECONOMY IN WHICH BODIES ARE VAMPIRICALLY DRAINED OF LIFE, MADE TO DANCE FOR A INFINITELY DEFERRED FREEDOM, ALL WHILE ACADEMICS EXTRACT JOUISSANCE AND ADVANCEMENT FROM THEIR OBJECTIFIED IDENTITIES. Berlant ‘98 /Lauren, George M. Pullman Professor, Department of English, University of Chicago, “Poor Eliza,” American Literature, Vol. 70, No. 3, No More Separate Spheres! (Sep., 1998), Duke University Press, pg. 635-668/ What distinguishes these critical texts … overpresence of the stereotypical image. ORGAN SALES COMMODIFY ALL LIFE AND MAKE HUMAN BEINGS DISPOSABLE—LANGUAGE OF RATIONAL CHOICE AND BIOETHICS MAKES A GLOBAL SOCIAL ETHIC IMPOSSIBLE Scheper-Hughes ‘2 (Nancy, prof of anthropology at UC Berkeley, “The Ends of the Body: Commodity Fetishism and the Global Traffic in Organs,” SAIS Review, Winter/Spring) The problem with markets is … transplant medicine’s coyly averted gaze. THE PLAN CAUSES NEGLECT OF THE DYING, INJUSTICE TO THE POOR, OUTRIGHT MURDER, AND LOWERS THE VALUE OF HUMAN LIFE IN ALL ASPECTS OF SOCIETY Dougherty ‘87 (Charles J., prof and chairman, Dept of Philosophy, Creighton Univ, “Body Futures: The Case Against Marketing Human Organs,” Health Progress, June 1987, 51-55) More important, however, than rebutting … and coarsening of human relationships. ORGAN SALES DESTROY THE MORAL BASIS OF HUMAN WORTH Dougherty ‘87 (Charles J., prof and chairman, Dept of Philosophy, Creighton Univ, “Body Futures: The Case Against Marketing Human Organs,” Health Progress, June 1987, 51-55) Finally, creation of an organ … dehumanizes both buyer and seller. BETTER ORGANIZATION AND INTEGRATION WILL COMPLETELY ELIMINATE THE ORGAN SHORTAGE NOW SCHWARZ 2014 (Ariel, senior editor at Co.Exist, “Can this new startup end the organ shortage forever?” Fast Company, Jan 30, Last year, Segal, a former … a ton of lives quickly." SYNTHETIC ORGAN RESEARCH WILL GROW RAPIDLY NOW GRANDVIEW RESEARCH 6-21-2014 (“Global Artificial Organ & Bionics Market (Artificial Heart, Liver, Kidney, Pancreas, Bionic Limbs, Hear Valves, Cardiac, Vision) - Industry Analysis, Size to 2020,”, lexis) The global market for artificial … 11.0% from 2014 to 2020. TURNS THE CASE—NO TRANSPLANTATION SCHEME CAN EVER MEET DEMAND IN THE LONG TERM—ONLY SYNTHETIC ALTERNATIVES ARONSON ‘13 (Bob, founder of Bob’s New Heart and Facebook’s Organ Transplant Initiative, Artificial and Bioengineered Organs Can End the Shortage, Feb 10, Organ printing, or the process … other technologies like 3D printing. ORGAN DEMAND IS KEY TO BIOPRINTING RESEARCH AND COMMERCIALIZATION—IT WILL BE ONLINE IN THE STATUS QUO WITHIN TEN YEARS PR NEWSWIRE 3-17-2014 (3D Bioprinting Market, 2014-2030, lexis) Specifically, 3D bioprinting is gradually … additional boost in subsequent years. THE PLAN CROWDS OUT CHARITABLE DONATIONS, LOWERS TRANSPLANT QUALITY, AND CREATES A WORLDWIDE BLACK MARKET CAPRON AND DANOVITCH ‘14 (Alexander M. Capron is a professor at the Gould School of Law and the Keck School of Medicine at USC and co-director of the Pacific Center for Health Policy and Ethics. Dr. Gabriel Danovitch is a professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and the medical director of the Ronald Reagan Medical Center kidney and pancreas transplant program, “Kidneys are no Commodities,” The New Nation, July 9, lexis) The meticulous screening process for … negative repercussions the world over. ORGAN SALES NET DECREASE SUPPLY—EXTRINSIC INCENTIVES TRADE OFF WITH INTRINSIC ONES ROTHMAN AND ROTHMAN 2006 (S.M. AND D.J., THE HIDDEN COST OF ORGAN SALE, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION; 13 FEBRUARY 2006) Advocates think it self-evident that … between extrinsic and intrinsic reward. A MARKET ISN’T FEASIBLE—SURVEY DATA PUTS THE EQUILIBRIUM PRICE FOR KIDNEYS IN THE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS EACH WELLINGTON AND WHITMIRE 2007 (ALLISON, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ECONOMICS, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS, THE COLLEGE OF WOOSTER; JUSTIN, BA, THE COLLEGE OF WOOSTER, “KIDNEY TRANSPLANTS AND THE SHORTAGE OF DONORS: IS A MARKET THE ANSWER?” CONTEMPORARY ECONOMIC POLICY, JANUARY) Rows 5 and 6 of Table 6 show … could make an important difference. REGULATIONS WILL FAIL—THE PLAN WILL EVENTUALLY RESULT IN A DEREGULATED MARKET ROTHMAN AND ROTHMAN 2006 (S.M. AND D.J., THE HIDDEN COST OF ORGAN SALE, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION; 13 FEBRUARY 2006) Proponents offer very different models … that makes kidneys a commodity? AUTONOMY JUSTIFICATIONS ARE A LIE AND DEVOLVE INTO THE CORRUPT AND RAMPANT EXPLOITATION OF THE POOR SCHEPER-HUGHES 2002 (Nancy, prof of anthropology at UC Berkeley, “The Ends of the Body: Commodity Fetishism and the Global Traffic in Organs,” SAIS Review, Winter/Spring) Can the language of gifting, … above all, do no harm. ORGAN PURCHASES RESULT IN LOWER QUALITY ORGANS AND KILL RECIPIENTS DELMONICO AND SCHEPER-HUGHES ‘3 (Francis, Director of Renal Transplantation Unit at Massachusetts General; Nancy, prof of anthropology at UC Berkeley, “Why we should not pay for human organs,” Zygon 38:3) Transplant patients relying on paid … of securing a monetary payment. THE PLAN CREATES A GLOBAL BLACK MARKET—IT’S MODELED AS AN UNREGULATED MARKET ABROAD AND ENCOURAGES TRAFFICKING INTO THE U.S. DANOVITCH AND LEICHTMAN ‘6 (Gabriel, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Division of Nephrology; Alan, University of Michigan Division of Nephrology; “Kidney Vending: The “Trojan Horse” of Organ Transplantation,” Clinical Journal of the American Society for Nephrology, October) We are confident that Matas … and criminal exploitation of donors (12,13). ==== Fullerton Rd 4 ==== THE AFF’S FRAMEWORK FOR UNDERSTANDING RACIAL HIERARCHALIZATION IS INCORRECT. RACISM, SLAVERY, AND IMPERIALISM EMANATE FROM, AND ARE GOVERNED BY, A TOPOS OF HARMONY. WHITENESS GAINS POWER AND JUSTIFIES ITS VIOLENCE THROUGH THIS IDEALIZATION OF HARMONY. HARMONY IS OPERATIONALIZED THROUGH THE RACIALIZED MACHINE OF FACIALITY—A LOGIC OF NON-BINARISTIC SAME THAT ESTABLISHES AN IDEAL – THE WHITE MAN – AND DOLES OUT THE MARK OF DEVIANCE TO ALL THOSE WHO DOES NOT FIT THE IDEAL. A PROPER UNDERSTANDING OF HOW RACISM OPERATES IS A PREREQUISITE TO RESISTANCE; THE AFF HAS FAILED TO PROPERLY UNDERSTAND THE METHOD AND MADNESS OF RACISM. Hight ‘3 /Christopher, Teacher, Critic, Theorist, Rice University School of Architecture “Stereo Types: The Operation of Sound in the Production of Racial Identity” LEONARDO, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 13–17, 2003/ Acamera pulls back slowly from …assemblages of sound and vision. RACISM DOES NOT OPERATE THROUGH EXCLUSION, LACK OF RECOGNITION OR BANISHING BLACKNESS FROM HUMANITY. THE AFF’S DIALECTICAL UNDERSTANDING OF RACISM THROUGH THE RACIAL BINARIES BETWEEN BLACK/WHITE AND RED/WHITE FAILS TO ATTEND TO THE COMPLICATED PROCESS OF DIFFERENTIATION CREATING THE MATERIAL CONDITIONS FOR, AND SCRIPTING THE RELATIONALITY OF, THE RACIAL MACHINE. FACIALITY ENABLES THE POWER RELATIONS THAT FOUNDED RACIAL IMPERIALISM BY CONFERRING IDENTITY ACCORDING TO DEVIANCE FROM THE WHITE NORM. ANTI-BLACKNESS AND COLONIALISM THE RESULT OF THE HUMANIST PROJECT OF NORMALIZATION THROUGH FACIALITY. RACISM IS NOT PRODUCED THROUGH A SIMPLE STATIC DYAD; RATHER, IT OPERATES VIA A LOGIC OF THE SAME THAT TERRITORIALIZES DIFFERENCE AND CANNOT BE OVERTURNED OR UNDERSTOOD THROUGH THE AFF’S HEGELIAN THEORIZATIONS. Saldanha ‘7 /Arun, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Environment, and Society, University of Minnesota and Senior Lecturer of Social Sustainability at Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, Psychedelic White: Goa Trance and the Viscosity of Race, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pg.194-196/ My disagreement is not with … Hegelian sublation into the universal. THE ONTOLOGICAL DIVISION BETWEEN BLACK AND WHITE PROFFERED BY THE AFF IS AN ARBORESCENT CONCEPTUALIZATION OF IDENTITY. THE SUPPOSEDLY REVOLUTIONARY MOVE OF THE AFF REMAINS LOCKED IN THE CONCEPTUAL BINARY ASSEMBLAGE OF THE STATE. THEIR USE OF THE BLACK-WHITE BINARY IS A DENIAL OF DIFFERENCE AND BECOMING THAT CLOAKS AND, BY MAPPING IDETIITY THROUGH STATIST LOGIC, ENSURES THE REPRODUCTION OF CIVIL SOCIETY. ONLY THE ALTERNATIVES RHIZOMATIC ONTOLOGY OF DIFFERENCE CAN BREAK DOWN THE STATIST ASSEMBLAGE UPHOLDING CIVIL SOCIETY. Newman ‘9 /Saul, Reader in Political Theory at Goldsmiths College, University of London. He received his B.A. from the University of Sydney, and his Ph.D in political science from the University of New South Wales, “War on the State: Stirner and Deleuze’s Anarchism” For Stirner discourses such as … the anarchist critique of authority. THE AFF’S THEORY OF ONTOLOGY IS BEHOLDEN TO A HUMANIST BINARY DIVISION OF WHITE AND BLACK CONDEMNING THEIR RESISTANCE TO REPRODUCE COLONIAL DOMINATION, VICTIMIZATION AND EXCLUSION. THE ALTERNATIVES RHIZOMATIC BECOMING MINORITARIAN CAN BREAK OPEN THE CONCEPT OF THE HUMAN AND ALLOW FOR A SUCCESSFUL FORM OF ANTI-COLONIAL RESISTANCE THAT AFFIRMS DIFFERENCE SANS HUMANIST NEGATIVITY AND RACISM. Larue ‘11 /Robert, M.A. in English from UT-Arlington, “MOVING BEYOND THIS MOMENT: EMPLOYING DELEUZE AND GUATARRI‟S RHIZOME IN POSTCOLONIALISM,” August, Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of The University of Texas at Arlington in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Masters of Arts in English,‎/ By trying to uncover a … institutes them as European-style individuals. THE AFF’S RACIAL ONTOLOGY REMAINS BEHOLDEN TO A VISION OF BEING THAT IS LIFE NEGATING AS IT NECESSARILY PRODUCES A POLITICS TEEMING WITH GUILT, DRENCHED IN RESSENTIMENT AND INCAPABLE OF ANYTHING MORE THAN A WILL TO NOTHINGNESS. Panaioti ‘13 /Antoine, Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy @ Union College, B.A., McGill University (First Class Honours); M.Phil., University of Cambridge (Distinction); Ph.D., University of Cambridge, Nietzsche and Buddhist Philosophy Cambridge University Press: London, pg. 19-24/ The nihilist mentality is what … a cowardly will to nothingness. AGAINST THE AFF’S THEORY OF ANTI-BLACKNESS GROUNDED IN A DIALECTICS OF RACIAL OPPOSITION, WE MUST CUT INTO THE TRADITION OF RACIAL THINKING WITH A DELEUZIAN UNDERSTANDING OF AFFIRMATIVE ONTOLOGY AND RACIAL MACHINIC ASSEMBLAGE. RACE IS MACHINIC; IDENTITY IS DEFINED BY PURE AND UNENDING DIFFERENCE, INFINITE VIRTUAL POTENTIALITY LIES IN EACH AND EVERY MOVEMENT AND IDENTITY. RACE IS NOT CONFINED TO A STATIC DIVISION OF BLACK AND WHITE; IDENTITY EMERGES THROUGH A MULTIPLICITY, BECOMING, AN ACTIVE FOLDING DEPENDENT UPON PHENOTYPE, GEOGRAPHY, HISTORY AND SO MUCH MORE. RACE IS CONSTANT DIFFERENTIATION EMERGING IMMANENTLY, WITHOUT AN ESSENCE, NOT BOUND TO A DIALECTIC, BUT TENDENTIAL AND COALESCING IN VISCOUS MOVEMENTS TIED TO AFFECTIVE ENCOUNTER AND PRODUCTION. RACIAL DIFFERENCE HAS BECOME OPPRESSIVE IN ITS CURRENT MACHINIC INSTANTIATION, BUT THIS IS NOT ETERNAL. A DELEUZIAN PARADIGM REVEALS THE AFFIRMATIVE POTENTIAL OF RACIAL DIFFERENCE TO UNSHACKLE ITSELF FROM ALL VARIATIONS OF FASCISM AND VIOLENCE, BUT ONLY IF WE GIVE UP THE PRISON OF DIALECTICAL DETERMINATION AND ONTOLOGICAL ESSENCE THE AFF IS BETROTHED TO. Saldanha ‘7 /Arun, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Environment, and Society, University of Minnesota and Senior Lecturer of Social Sustainability at Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, Psychedelic White: Goa Trance and the Viscosity of Race, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pg.188-192/ “Racial formation” has become a … it can undo itself too. WE MUST BEGIN OUR ANALYSIS OF RACE FROM THE POSITION OF DIFFERENCE AND BECOMING. BY PROLIFERATING RACIAL DIFFERENCE WE CAN FREAK WHITENESS, DESTABILIZING THE STATIC NOTION OF IDENTITY EMBEDDED IN THE AFF AND ESSENTIAL TO RACIAL IMPERIALISM. WE MUST NOT BEGIN WITH NEGATION, ONLY BY AFFIRMING RACIAL DIFFERENCE AND RACE’S VIRTUALITY CAN WE RECLAIM DIFFERENCE AS JOYFULLY CACOPHONIC AND EMBRACE THE ETHICAL LINES OF FLIGHT UNCOVERED IN THE PROCESS OF BECOMING MINORITARIAN. ONLY THE NEG’S AFFECTIVE UNDERSTANDING OF RACIAL DIFFERENCES PROLIFERATION AND POTENTIALITY CAN TURN RACE AGAINST ITSELF AND BEGIN TO TEAR DOWN THE STATIC IDENTITY FORMATIONS CRUCIAL TO WHITENESS’ IMPERIAL MACHINE. Saldanha ‘7 /Arun, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Environment, and Society, University of Minnesota and Senior Lecturer of Social Sustainability at Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, Psychedelic White: Goa Trance and the Viscosity of Race, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pg.197-201/ “In no real sense did … whiteness they want to attack. THINKING BLACKNESS THROUGH ONTOLOGY AND STRUCTURAL ANTAGONISM TRAPS BLACKNESS THE PRISON OF HISTORY, THEREBY NEGATING THE POTENTIAL OF BECOMING TO ESCAPE THE EXCLUSIONARY AND VIOLENT MACHINATIONS OF HISTORY. BEGINNING WITH STRUCTURAL ANTAGONISM AND ONTOLOGY CONSTRAINS THE SUBJECT IN A CALCULABLE GRID; AGAINST THIS PREDETERMINED STRUCTURALISM WE MUST ASSERT A STRATEGY OF BECOMING MINORITARIAN. ONLY BEGINNING WITH SOCIETY AS MACHINE AND IDENTITY AS BECOMING CAN FOLLOW LINES OF FLIGHT OUT OF THE RACIST REGIME OF FACIALITY. WE MUST MAP OUR WAY OUT OF DIALECTICAL ONTOLOGY THROUGH AN AFFIRMATION OF AFFECTIVE POTENTIAL, INTENSITY AND MOVEMENT. THE ALTERNATIVE NECESSITATES ABANDONING ALL STRUCTURING THEORETICAL CONCEPTS OF THE AFF FOR A BECOMING MINORITARIAN. Koerner ‘12 /Michelle, Professor of Comparative Literature @ UC-Berkeley, “Line of Escape: Gilles Deleuze’s Encounter with George Jackson” Genre, Vol. 44, No. 2 Summer 2011 DOI 10.1215/00166928-1260183/ In “The Case of Blackness” Moten … map the ways out of it. AT THE LEVEL OF AFFECTIVE INVESTMENT, THEIR ARGUMENT PRODUCES EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE RESULT OF WHAT THEY INTEND: IT MAKES THE CLOSURE OF COLONIALISM ABSOLUTE AND IGNORES THE CONTINGENCY OF THE CONTENT OF RACIALIZED CLAIMS BY PROMOTING OUR ENJOYMENT OF AND IDENTIFICATION WITH A RACIALIZED BINARY. UNTIL WE CONFRONT THIS SYMBOLIC STRUCTURING, WE CANNOT PRODUCE A MEANINGFUL RUPTURE IN THE ORDER OF RACIAL VIOLENCE Hudson (Political Studies Department, University of the Witwatersrand , Johannesburg) 13 (Peter, Social Dynamics (2013): The state and the colonial unconscious, Social Dynamics: A journal of African studies, DOI: 10.1080/02533952.2013.802867) This is a slightly more … a condition of its possibility.8¶ THEY DEHISTORICIZE AND GENERALIZES THE LIVED PHENOMENON SOCIAL DEATH TO THE POINT OF MEANINGLESSNESS Miller ‘12 (Joseph, T. Cary Johnson, Jr. Professor of History @ U. of Virginia, [According to Brad’s professor, the world’s foremost historian on global slaving], The Problem of Slavery as History, pp. 20-23) Orlando Patterson’s definitive synthesis of … exception to the general model.45 COMPLETES THE HEGEMONIC CLOSURE OF THE MASTER – THERE WAS ONLY SOCIAL DEATH IN THE MINDS OF SLAVE OWNERS Miller ‘12 (Joseph, T. Cary Johnson, Jr. Professor of History @ U. of Virginia, [According to Brad’s professor, the world’s foremost historian on global slaving], The Problem of Slavery as History, pp. 32-33) This definition is therefore from … ideological assertion than historical behavior. ==== Fullerton Rd 6 ==== FRAMING THE DEBATE AROUND THE SCRIPTING OF IDENTITY CATEGORIES AND THE MULTIPLICITY OF IDENTITY DIRECTLY TRADESOFF WITH A PRIORITIZATION OF CLASS—VOTE NEGATIVE TO MOVE PAST THE POLITICS OF RACIAL DIFFERENCE INTO A RADICAL CRITIQUE OF THE MATERIAL CONDITIONS OF RACIAL OPPRESSION McLaren and D’Anniballe ‘4 (Peter, Professor at the Graduate School of Education at UCLA, and Valerie “Class Dismissed? Historical materialism and the politics of ‘difference’”, Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia) A radical political economy framework … the fundamental agent of change. SOCIAL LOCATION AND PERSONAL EXPERIENCE EXIST BUT DO NOT CREATE IRRECONCILABLE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN INDIVIDUALS: UNDERSTANDING THE HISTORICAL AND OBJECTIVE FORMATIONS OF CAPITAL ARE CRITICAL TO CREATING LINKAGES ACROSS DIFFERENCE McLaren and D’Anniballe ‘4 (Peter, Professor at the Graduate School of Education at UCLA, and Valerie “Class Dismissed? Historical materialism and the politics of ‘difference’”, Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia) This framework must be further … requires a broad class-based approach. THE MODEL OF SUBJECTIVITY AS POSITIVE MULTIPLICITY FAILS TO SEE THAT CAPITALISM IS ALREADY DETERRITORIALIZED TO THE FULLEST AND IT IS STILL REPRODUCING THE HARMS OF THE SYSTEM. Žižek, Institute for Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana, ‘4 [Slavoj, Appendix I: canis a non canendo, iraq the borrowed kettle pg.72-4] Todays anti-globalization movement seems … is — or, rather, was — about) THE IMPACT IS EXTINCTION Robinson ‘14 (William I., Prof. of Sociology, Global and International Studies, and Latin American Studies, @ UC-Santa Barbara, “Global Capitalism: Crisis of Humanity and the Specter of 21st Century Fascism” The World Financial Review) Cyclical, Structural, and Systemic Crises Most commentators on the contemporary … is portrayed even as heroic. THIS ROUND IS KEY – LET THE DISCUSSION BECOME A METAPHORIC CONDENSATION FOR COMMUNISM. VOTING NEGATIVE MEANS THE BATTLE IS ALREADY WON. Badiou ‘10 (Alain, Prof. @ European Graduate School, Former chair of Philosophy @ École Normale Supérieure, The Idea of Communism, pgs. 11-13 bb) We will now ask: why … We can, so we must. THE AFF’S SENTIMENTAL POLITICS PROMISES THAT EMPATHETIC IDENTIFICATION WILL RESHAPE THE WORLD AND ACTUALIZE AN ETHICS OF CARE. THIS RELIES ON A RACIST VICTIM ECONOMY IN WHICH BODIES ARE VAMPIRICALLY DRAINED OF LIFE, ALL WHILE ACADEMICS EXTRACT JOUISSANCE AND ADVANCEMENT FROM THEIR OBJECTIFIED IDENTITIES. Berlant ‘98 /Lauren, George M. Pullman Professor, Department of English, University of Chicago, “Poor Eliza,” American Literature, Vol. 70, No. 3, No More Separate Spheres! (Sep., 1998), Duke University Press, pg. 635-668/ What distinguishes these critical texts … overpresence of the stereotypical image. THEIR ANALYTICAL PRIVILEGING OF THE PROCESSES OF SCRIPTING AND EXPECTATION CONSTITUTES THE CLOSURE OF POLITICS AND THE REDUCTION OF IDENTITY TO RESSENTIMENT. Enns ‘12 (Diane, Prof. of Philosophy @ McMaster U., The Violence of Victimhood, pp. 28-30) We need to think carefully … exploration of this third outcome. THE AFF ASSUMES THE ROLE OF THE ASCETIC WHO SUFFERS IN THEIR ROLE AS THE SAVIOR OF THE HERD. IN THEIR ATTEMPT TO MASTER AND BANISH SUFFERING, RESSENTIMENT IS TURNED INWARD AS FEELINGS OF GUILT FLOURISH. THE DRIVE TO RESOLVE THE SUFFERING OF THE WORLD IS ROOTED IN A WILL TO SELF-PROTECTION. LIBERALISM’S MANAGEMENT OF SUFFERING IS A LIFE DENYING WILL TO NOTHINGNESS WHICH ATTEMPTS TO STERILIZE EXISTENCE AND FREEZE THE MOVEMENT/BECOMING WHICH IS CONSTITUTIVE OF LIFE’S MEANING. Abbas ‘10 /Asma, Professor and Division Head in Social Studies, Political Science, Philosophy at the Liebowitz Center for International Studies at Bard College at Simon’s Rock, Liberalism and Human Suffering: Materialist Reflections on Politics, Ethics, and Aesthetics, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pg. Pg. 68-71/ We are told that the … unwilling, wanted, and unwanted subjects? ==== Fullerton Octos ==== LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA IS THE CHOCOLATE LAXATIVE—IT IS A LIBERAL VISION OF POLITICS THAT RESISTS THE HARD KERNEL OF THE REAL BY CREATING PLEASURES THAT CONTAIN THEIR OWN PRINCIPLE OF CONSTRAINT. THE IMPACT IS A JUSTICATION OF CAPITALISM, BIOPOLITICS AND COMPLICITY WITH THE WAR MACHINE Zizek ‘3 (Slavoj, On today's market, we find … unfreedom on which it relies. EXTINCTION Robinson ‘14 (William I., Prof. of Sociology, Global and International Studies, and Latin American Studies, @ UC-Santa Barbara, “Global Capitalism: Crisis of Humanity and the Specter of 21st Century Fascism” The World Financial Review) Cyclical, Structural, and Systemic Crises Most commentators on the contemporary … is portrayed even as heroic. JUST SAY NO TO PROBLEMATIZE THE FUNCTION OF BIOPOLITICAL NEOLIBERALISM Nieto ‘12 /Diego, full-time professor at the Political Studies Department, Universidad Icesi, Neoliberalism, Biopolitics, and the Governance of Transnational Crime Colombia Internacional 76, julio a diciembre de 2012: 137-165/ Affirming that nation-states face diverse … formation and implementation (Rose and Miller 1992, 174). SECURITIZATION OF FOOD IS PART OF THE MASTER NARRATIVE OF MODERNITY – INFINITE PROGRESS, MAN CONQUERS NATURE – THAT CAN ONLY RESULT IN VIOLENCE AND CAPITALIST DESTRUCTION McMurry ’12 (Andrew, Assoc. Prof. of English @ U. of Waterloo, “Framing Emerson's “Farming”: Climate Change, Peak Oil, and the Rhetoric of Food Security in the Twenty-First Century” Interdiscip Stud Lit Environ (Summer 2012) Vol. 19.3) None of the foregoing will ... North/South consumption, and biophysical drawdown. MARIJUANA HAS AN AGGRESSIVELY LOW IMPACT ON CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE Kornell – their author – 10 (Sam Kornell, Journalist @ PSmag and Slate, “Marijuana, Dark Horse Savior of California Agriculture”,, October 29, 2010) If that’s true, it means … hotter and how much drier. THEIR EVIDENCE JUST SAYS THEY LEAD TO SWITCHING WEED FOR FOOD, WHICH RAISES FOOD PRICES NOOBS- IT ALSO ISN’T ACTUALLY GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, IT IS ONLY SLIGHTLY LESS BAD Kornell ’10 (Sam Kornell, Journalist @ PSmag and Slate, “Marijuana, Dark Horse Savior of California Agriculture”,, October 29, 2010) While a legalized marijuana crop … to occur any time soon. HIGH FOOD PRICES INEVITABLE- DROUGHT AND CONSTRAINED MEAT MARKETS- REGULATING WEED GROWING DOESN’T MAKE IT RAIN MORE Grieff ’14 (James Grieff, Bloomberg, “California drought points to next food-price shock”,, April 17, 2014) Drought in the United States, … be confined to U.S. shores. THEIR IMPACT CARD TO BIODIVERSITY IS A DEVASTATING NEG UQ CARD, ONLY THE K SOLVES Allen-Diaz – their author – 2k (B. Allen-Diaz is Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, UC Berkeley, “Biodiversity California’s is criticalto future health of ecology and economy”, CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE, VOLUME 54, NUMBER 2, 2000) The diversity of plant communities provides habitat for numerous animal species (table 2). New native species are still being discovered, while habitat change — including urban growth and agriculture, and human resource extraction — are threatening others with extinction.¶ The most human-altered ecosystems in California, such as the L.A. Basin or the S.F. Bay Area or the Central Valley have been affected by agriculture, urbanization, grazing and timber harvesting. Noss and Peters (1995) report significant reductions in the native vegetation of several California plant communities and formations (table 1). Human activities have also introduced new species to California. The native California grasslands, for example, are now dominated by introduced species of Mediterranean Europe. The Jepson Manual lists 1,023 naturalized alien species (Hickman 1993). Whether these newcomers provide similar ecosystem benefits to people is matter of debate ( see box, p. 32 ). Managed grazing can be compatible and useful in meeting conservation objectives. Urbanization, on the other hand, generally encompasses a complete conversion of land with few accommodations for species or habitats. Agriculture is generally some-where between the two, depending on the agricultural method.¶ LEGALIZATION PRODUCES BEST CASE $35 BILLION INDUSTRY Ferner 14 Matt Ferner, staff writer HuffPost, citing GreenWave Advisors, a research and advisory firm, 10/23 “Marijuana Industry Could Be Worth $35 Billion In 2020, If All States And Feds Legalize It”, If all 50 states legalized marijuana and the federal government ended prohibition of the plant, the marijuana industry in the United States would be worth $35 billion just six years from now. That's according to a new report from GreenWave Advisors, a research and advisory firm that serves the emerging marijuana industry in the U.S., which found that if all 50 states and the federal government legalized cannabis, combined sales for both medical and retail marijuana could balloon to $35 billion a year by 2020. US GDP IS $16.8 TRILLION, WHICH MEANS THEY TRANSLATE TO A ROUGHLY 0.2% EFFECT IN GDP GOOGLE IN 5 MINUTES AGO THAT IS ONE SEVENTH OF THE MARGIN OF ERROR IN BEA GDP GROWTH REVISION 538 14 (ANDREW FLOWERS staff wrtier “The Messy Truth Behind GDP Data” The BEA releases multiple estimates … the state of the economy. EVEN IF THE MONEY WERE POOLED IT WOULD BARELY COVER CALIFORNIA’S SCHOOL BUDGET SHORTFALL Ceasar 11 (Stephen Ceasar and Teresa Watanabe, Los Angeles Times, July 31, 2011, “Education takes a beating nationwide” In California, state budget cuts … recent history, according to fiscal experts. LET ALONE OUR INFRASTRUCTURE GAP, ALSO PEOPLE ARE REFUSING TO FUND INFRASTRUCTURE REGARDLESS OF MONEY Cooper et al. ’12 (Donna Cooper is a Senior Fellow with the Economic Policy team at the Center for American Progress. John Craig is a Research Assistant with the Economic Policy team at the Center. Keith Miller is an intern with the Economic Policy team at the Center, “Accelerating Infrastructure Improvements with Better Public Policies that Tap Private Investment”,, November 27, 2012) The United States has underinvested … goals for carbon dioxide reduction. THE ASSUMPTION THAT EDUCATION IS NEUTRAL IS THE SINE QUA NON OF FAILED PROGRESSIVE POLITICS – ONLY BREAKING AWAY FROM INSTRUMENTALISM ALLOWS US TO COUNTER NEOLIBERAL POLITICS Giroux 11 (Henry A. Giroux, Global TV Network Chair in English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University, 8 November 2011, “Beyond the Limits of Neoliberal Higher Education: Global Youth Resistance and the American/British Divide”, The corporatization of schooling and … by class, ethnicity, and race.[41] Infrastructure funding is causing a bubble – spending cut would be good Flyvbjerg, 10 - Professor of Major Programme Management at Oxford University's Saïd Business School and is Founding Director of the University's BT Centre for Major Programme Management. He was previously Professor of Planning at Aalborg University, Denmark and Chair of Infrastructure Policy and Planning at Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands (Bent, “Survival of the unfittest: why the worst infrastructure gets built—and what we can do about it,” Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 25, Number 3, 2009, pp.344–367, Oxford Journals Online) In the introduction to this article, … in 2009, moving into energy instead. ECONOMIC DISCOURSE HIJACKS CLIMATE POLICY, ENFORCES BAD SOLUTIONS, TURNS THE AFF Methmann ‘10 (Chris Paul, Prof. @ U. of Hamburg, “‘Climate Protection’ as Empty Signifier: A Discourse Theoretical Perspective on Climate Mainstreaming in World Politics” Millenium Journal of International Studies, Vol. 39, pp. 364-366) As to the ethics of government, … in the climate protection discourse. ZERO EMPIRICAL SUPPORT FOR ECONOMIC DECLINE CAUSING WAR O’Neal and Tir 6 (John R. O’Neal, University of Alabama, Jaroslav Tir, University of Georgia “Does the Diversionary Use of Force Threaten the Democratic Peace? Assessing the Effect of Economic Growth on Interstate Conflict, 1921–2001,” International Studies Quarterly (2006) 50, 755–779) The empirical evidence offered by … are divided into fine-grained political categories. 4 ALT CAUSE – PERCEPTION OF US IMPERIALISM AND BUREAUCRATIC INEFFICIENCIES Sanchez & Morrison 14 (Alejandro and Kelly, "The Future of the Organization of American States," E-International Relations, August 28, The Organization of American States … the region’s key international organizations. NO SPILLOVER TO HARD DRUGS Miron 14 (Jeffrey Miron is Senior Lecturer and Director of Undergraduate Studies at Harvard University and Senior Fellow and Director of Economic Studies at the Cato Institute., "An Economic and Moral Case for Legalizing Cocaine and Heroin," CATO Institute, July 28, Yet amidst these cultural and … between marijuana and “hard drugs.” AFF DOESN’T SOLVE THE OTHER WAYS THAT THE UNITED STATES CONTRIBUTES TO THE GLOBAL WAR ON DRUGS Ceste et al 10 – Deputy director of the Open Society Global Drug Policy Programme [Joanne Ceste, Richard Parker (Professor of Sociomedical Sciences @ Columbia University) & Nancy Worthington (PhD Candidate at Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University), “Rethinking the War on Drugs: The Impact of US Drug Control Policy on Global Public Health,” Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, Law and Policy Project Working Paper, (March 2010) ¶ Whether the subject is stem … useful models for the world. OAS INSTITUTIONAL MODEL AND FRACTURED POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES MEAN IT CAN’T SOLVE Lee 12 (Brianna, "The Organization of American States," Council on Foreign Relations, April 13, CFR's Shannon K. O'Neil says the … of paper and a dream." THE WAR ON DRUGS IS ACTUALLY ABOUT TERRORISM, SOFTENING MARIJUANA LAWS DOES NOTHING TO AFFECT COOPERATION WRIT LARGE Taylor 13 (Steven L. Taylor is Professor and Chair of Political Science at Troy University, MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2013, “The USA v. the FARC,” The FARC has also long … in the hemisphere over time). THE OAS IS THE MURDER WEAPON OF IMPERIALISM Rev Comm 2000 [Revolutionary Worker #1058, June 11, 2000¶ OAS: Tool of U.S. Imperialism¶] The corporate empire-builders expected … U.S.-dominated regional trade bloc... ==== Fullerton Sems ==== LEGALIZATION IS REFORM IN THE NAME OF NEOLIBERALISM. THEIR DEMAND FOR CHANGE IS INEVITABLY COOPTED BY THE INSTITUTIONS THEY OPPOSE. IT IS BETTER TO LEAVE THE LAW IN PLACE AND CRITICIZE THE WAR ON DRUGS AS AN EXTENSION OF NEOLIBERAL CAPITAL. Zizek ‘3 (Slavoj, On today's market, we find … unfreedom on which it relies. EXTINCTION Robinson ‘14 (William I., Prof. of Sociology, Global and International Studies, and Latin American Studies, @ UC-Santa Barbara, “Global Capitalism: Crisis of Humanity and the Specter of 21st Century Fascism” The World Financial Review) Cyclical, Structural, and Systemic Crises Most commentators on the contemporary … is portrayed even as heroic. JUST SAY NO TO PROBLEMATIZE THE FUNCTION OF BIOPOLITICAL NEOLIBERALISM Nieto ‘12 /Diego, full-time professor at the Political Studies Department, Universidad Icesi, Neoliberalism, Biopolitics, and the Governance of Transnational Crime Colombia Internacional 76, julio a diciembre de 2012: 137-165/ Affirming that nation-states face diverse … formation and implementation (Rose and Miller 1992, 174). AFGHANISTAN INSTABILITY INEV– SECURITY, UNSTABLE PARTNERSHIPS, ETHNIC DISUNITY, NO AID, AND DUTCH DISEASE Hammond 12/29 (Andrew Hammond is an Associate at LSE IDEAS at the London School of Economics. He was formerly a special adviser in the UK Government, “Instability Looms Large for Afghanistan”,, 21/29/14, Former US presidential candidate, Senator … economy and the new government. No India-Pakistan war – unwinnable for both sides and the costs of nuclear war are too high Chari and Rizvi 08 – (*P. R. Chari is a research professor at the Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies in New Delhi and a former member of the Indian Administrative Service. Hasan Askari Rizvi is an independent political and defense consultant in Pakistan and is currently a visiting professor with the South Asia Program of the School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University. “Making Borders irrelevant in Kashmir” The Kashmir dispute has reached … movement of people and goods. DRUG MONEY LAUNDERING KEY TO WESTERN BANK LIQUIDITY Malone 8/18/12 David Malone. Graduate of the BBC science department , employee of Horizon. Documentary Director of documenatires on science, religion, on BBC and other TV networks – The reality is that drugs … centre and everyone knows it. LIQUIDITY SHOCK CRUSHES GLOBAL ECONOMY Evans-Pritchard 10/14/14 nternational Business Editor, Uk Telegrpah The global financial markets are … much for themselves,” he said THE FEAR POLITICS OF THE AFF HAS TURNED OUR IMAGINATIONS INTO BUNKERS. THE AFF’S RITUALIZED PERFORMANCE OF SECURITY THREATS ENSURES UNENDING WARFARE AND INSECURITY, LOCKING LIFE IN THE SARCOPHAGUS OF SECURITY. Masco ‘9 /Joseph P., Professor of Anthropology and of the Social Sciences @ The University of Chicago, 2008 Rachel Carson Prize from the Society for the Social Studies of Science and the 2006 Robert K. Merton Prize from the Section on Science, Knowledge and Technology of the American Sociology Association. His work as been supported by the American Council of Learned Societies, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, The Wenner-Gren Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities, “Life Underground: Building the Bunker Society” Anthropology Now, Vol. 1, No. 2, SPECIAL ATOMIC ISSUE (September 2009), pp. 13-29/ What has become of the … its bright and messy insecurity. Harm reduction is way too politically unpopular to catch on Cook et al 6/3/14 (Catherine Cook, Jamie Bridge, Susie McLean, Maria Phelan, Damon Barrett, “The funding crisis for harm reduction: Donor retreat, government neglect and the way forward”, Underpinning many of these resource … this may further restrict investment. DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA IS DOOMED Diamond 14 (Jared Diamond, professor of geography and environmental health sciences at UCLA, Feb 19, 2014, “Four threats to American democracy” First, political compromise has been … Instanz, is that of the future. THE SYSTEM ALWAYS GETS BETTER UNTIL IT GETS WORSE Toft 12 (Monica Duffy Toft, Associate Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School, February 2, 2012, “The peace bubble”, Steven Pinker and Joshua Goldstein … can all too easily pop. ==== Fullerton Finals ==== THE AFF’S CLAIM THAT INTERNATIONAL LAW IS FRAGILE WITHOUT US ADHERENCE IS A DISAVOWAL OF THE IMMENSE POWER OF THAT LAW HAS TO SANCTION VIOLENCE AND STRUCTURE THE WORLD—THIS ATTITUDE DISAVOWS THE POLITICAL AND PROMOTES UNLIMITED VIOLENCE WITHOUT RESPONSIBILITY Kennedy ‘9 (David, prof of law at Harvard Law School, “Reassessing international humanitarianism: the dark sides,” International Law and its Others, p. 150-152) It has become routine to … our effects on the world. THEIR ADVANTAGES ARE PROOF OF THE LAW’S CONTINGENCY—IF THE CLAIM TO JUSTICE COULD NOT FAIL, THEN IT WOULD BE STATED AS FACT, NOT JUSTIFIED WITH REASONS. TO VOTE AFF IS TO IGNORE THIS UNCERTAINTY IN FAVOR OF UNITY WHICH RESULTS IN UNLIMITED VIOLENCE. THE ACT OF VOTING NEGATIVE IN RECOGNITION OF LAW’S PARTIAL AND INCOMPLETE ORIGIN IS TO CRITIQUE THIS VIOLENCE AND ALLOW POLITICAL ENGAGEMENT Douzinas ‘9 (Costas, Professor of Law and Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Birkbeck College, International Law and its Others, 52-53)) But the confounding of particular … peace drowned in endless injustice. THE IMPACT IS INFINITE VIOLENCE – DEMOCRATIC DEVELOPMENT HAS BECOME A GLOBAL CIVIL WAR BETWEEN PROTECTED AND UNINSURED FORMS OF LIFE THAT WILL END IN SELF-ANNIHILATION Duffield ‘8 (Mark, Dept. of Politics, U. of Bristol, “Global Civil War: The Non-Insured, International Containment and Post-Interventionary Society,” Journal of Refugee Studies Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 161-162) This essay began with the … our own terms of engagement. THE AFF IS JUSTIFIED BY A LEGAL RATIONALE. THEIR CALL FOR THE PLAN IS BASED ON A CLAIM THAT INTERNATIONAL LAW REQUIRES IT, AND THEREFORE THAT YOUR ROLE AS A DECISIONMAKER IS TO IMPLEMENT THE LAW. THIS IS A DISAVOWAL OF HUMAN FREEDOM—OUR ALTERNATIVE IS TO CULTIVATE A POLITICAL ROLE FOR THE DECISIONMAKER AS A PREREQUISITE TO THE DECISION ITSELF, WHICH DEMANDS THAT YOUR DECISIONS ARE BASED ON YOUR OWN AGENCY RATHER THAN YOUR SUPPOSED DUTY TO VOTE FOR A PLAN IN EXECUTION OF THE LAW Orford ‘9 (Anne, Chair of Law and Director of the Institute for International Law and the Humanities at the University of Melbourne, International Law and its Others, p. 16) The chapter by David Kennedy … knowledge but not our power.56 THE 1AC’S SUPPOSEDLY STRATEGIC UNWILLINGNESS TO DISCLOSE ANY SPECIFIC SECURITY THREAT SHOULD BE INTERPRETED NOT AS A LIBERAL MOVE, BUT AS PART AND PARCEL OF THE FUNCTIONING OF AMERICA’S SECURITY APPARATUS. THE KEY TO ITS CONTINUITY IS MAINTAINING AMERICANS ON A RAZOR’S EDGE JUSTIFIED BY FLIP FLOPPING BETWEEN SECRET TERRORIST THREATS AND GENERIC WORLDWIDE DANGER. THIS IS AN AFFECTIVE POLITICS THAT MOBILIZES ENVIRONMENTS OF FEELING TO MAINTAIN AND INACTIVE AND DOCILE CITIZENRY FOR THE CONTINUITY OF IMPERIALISM Masco ‘14 (Joe, Professor of Anthropology @ U. Chicago, The Theater of Operations: National Security Affect from the Cold War to the War on Terror, pp. 14-20) Perceptions of the future are … affective inten­ sities that can be instrumentalized. They’ll use PMC’s instead which is just as bad if not worse. Williams 14 – (December 2014, Dodeye Uduak, PhD, Department of Political Science, University of Calabar, Calabar - Nigeria , “The Commodification of War: Political, Legal and Moral Issues,” Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy, Vol 5 No 27, From a strictly legal perspective, … only makes it more¶ difficult. Too state centric – fails. Landauer 14 – (2014, Carl, General Counsel, LOYAL3 Holdings, Inc, “The Ever-Ending Geography of International Law: The Changing Nature of the International System and the Challenge to International Law: A Reply to Daniel Bethlehem,” Eur J Int Law (2014) 25 (1): 31-34) Daniel Bethlehem makes a convincing …‘displaced persons’ after the war. International law can’t prevent war—it only matters when the stakes are small. Nobody takes reputational cost seriously and credibility doesn’t spill over across issue areas. Guzman 10/31/14 (Andrew, Assistant Professor of Law, Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California at Berkeley, “A COMPLIANCE BASED THEORY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW”) All else equal, it is … is unlikely to alter behavior. FULL LEGALIZATION IS NET BAD FOR THE STRENGTH OF INTERNATIONAL LAW Rauch 10/16 (Jonathan Rauch, a contributing editor of National Journal and The Atlantic, is the author of several books and many articles on public policy, culture, and economics., "Marijuana Legalization Poses a Dilemma for International Drug Treaties," Brookings Institute, Here you don’t have the … rules that it sets forth. THEY ARE FACTUALLY INCORRECT – THERE IS NO ESCAPE CLAUSE AS-APPLIED TO THE UNITED STATES IN THE SINGLE CONVENTION TNI 14 (Transnational Intsitute, "The Rise and Decline of Cannabis Prohibition the History of cannabis in the UN drug control system and options for reform," March 7, The United States has invested … regarding cultivation and trafficking offences¶ (article 3, paragraph 6). THE IMPACT IS THAT THE AFF IS NET WORSE THAN THE STATUS QUO AND UNDERMINES THE INTEGRITY OF THE TREATY SYSTEM. FLEXIBILITY IS ONLY ADMISSIBLE IN CASES OF A MINOR NATURE. Martin Jelsma 14, coordinated TNI's Drugs & Democracy Programme, David R. Bewley-Taylor, University of Wales Swansea and Tom Blickman, “Cannabis reforms: the scope and limits of treaty latitude”, March, The Rise and Decline of Cannabis Prohibition, Transnational Institute, PDF As discussed above, there remains … whether drug abusers or not.’ 86 ====== '13-'14 BoSu Negative ====== ===== GSU Round 2 - Network 1NC ===== Tournament: GSU | Round: 2 | Opponent: Trinity RoYo | Judge: Montee First off is Network: The 1AC has failed to produce an account of Drones that takes into account the vast array of actors and actants that build the systems it discusses. About the operators, but also the computers and keyboards they use, the screens, the manufacturers of those devices, the training required to operate a drone, the psychology of its operation, the individuals on the ground, the technology required for accurate aiming – the more we think about it, the less they’ve really told us, except that it’s “imperialist.” Our interpretation is that a non-plan affirmative must trace a network via the presentation of the 1AC. Failure to faithfully trace the connections between social actors at every “level” of our world produces simplistic accounts with “explanations” that lack any actual content or political possibility Latour ‘5 (Bruno, Prof. @ Sciences Po and director of the TARDE program (Theory of Actor-network and Research in Digital Environments), Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network Theory, pp. 128-133) But what is a good … rather ‘objectfullness’ to be achieved. We’ve got to do network analysis of drones in particular – otherwise our old conceptual categories will fail to grasp new complexities. Latour ’11 (Bruno, Prof. @ Sciences Po and director of the TARDE program (Theory of Actor-network and Research in Digital Environments), “Networks, Societies, Spheres: Reflections of an Actor-Network Theorist” International Journal of Communication, V. 5, p. 802) But what I like most … to change the social theory. The tendency to over-explain and under¬-describe shows us totalizing entities. They jump to “empire” and “imperialism” by totalizing them. Through that, there is no possible resistance against it, entrenching a violent ressentiment. If we trace these connections, we open up new avenues for resistance. Latour ‘5 (Bruno, Prof. @ Sciences Po and director of the TARDE program (Theory of Actor-network and Research in Digital Environments), Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network Theory, pp. 249-253) But no matter how respectable … what we should aim for. It’s not enough to add further explanation in the 2AC: the affirmative sets itself up as a priori correct: it provides little space for genuine disagreement or dialogue, which performs politics without allowing politics to continue. Latour ’13 (Bruno, Prof. @ Sciences Po and director of the TARDE program (Theory of Actor-network and Research in Digital Environments), An Inquiry into Modes of Existence, pp. 344-345) What makes it almost impossible … on which we could rest. Only a politics beginning with and centered around diplomatic network analysis can mobilize action necessary to combat a climate crisis that exceeds every possible “social” explanation. Latour ’13 (Bruno, Prof. @ Sciences Po and director of the TARDE program (Theory of Actor-network and Research in Digital Environments), An Inquiry into Modes of Existence, pp. 485-486) But it is the second … to ward off the worst. ===== GSU Round 2 - Network 2NC ===== Tournament: GSU | Round: 2 | Opponent: Trinity RoYo | Judge: Montee 1. IS THERE A MEANINGFUL ROLE PROVIDED FOR NON-HUMANS 2. IS THEIR SOCIAL UNSTABLE 3. DOES IT AIM AT A COLLECTIVE RE-CONSTRUCTION? LATOUR ‘5 (Bruno, Prof. @ Sciences Po and director of the TARDE program (Theory of Actor-network and Research in Digital Environments), Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network Theory, pp. 10-11) Since then it has moved … reconnect the social (Callon et al. 2001; Latour 2004b). NO END YOU’RE RIGHT, YOU CAN’T DO A PERFECT JOB, BUT YOU’VE TRIED TO: WE HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THE LIMITS THAT THE FORMAT AND POSSIBILITIES OF DEBATE PROVIDES TO US AND THEN FIT OUR DESCRIPTIONS INSIDE OF THAT FORM. LATOUR ‘5 (Bruno, Prof. @ Sciences Po and director of the TARDE program (Theory of Actor-network and Research in Digital Environments), Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network Theory, p. 148) S: But that’s exactly my … an ANT tenet, if any. PERM SECOND, DON’T FALL FOR THE FAILED COMPROMISE – TOSSING A LITTLE OF OUR INSIGHT INTO THE PRE-EXISTING SOCIAL FRAMEWORKS RENDERS THEM MOOT. WE HAVE TO START OVER, START SLOWLY, AND TRACE THE CONNECTIONS THAT MAKE THEIR THEORY ITSELF CAPABLE OF MOVEMENT AT ALL. LATOUR ‘5 (Bruno, Prof. @ Sciences Po and director of the TARDE program (Theory of Actor-network and Research in Digital Environments), Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network Theory, pp. 24-25) Metaphors borrowed from cartography or … ticket, and prepare for delays. STARTING POINT – THESE ARE FUNDAMENTALLY DISTINCT BEGINNINGS OF ANALYSIS: THEY START WITH SOCIAL AGGREGATES AND EXPLAIN OUR WORLD; WE START WITH THE WORLD AND ASK HOW AGGREGATES GET CONSTRUCTED AND MOVE LATOUR ‘5 (Bruno, Prof. @ Sciences Po and director of the TARDE program (Theory of Actor-network and Research in Digital Environments), Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network Theory, pp. 5-8) If they are so different, … associations instead of resuming it. TRACE IT STARTING WITH THE “SOCIAL” IS BAD. LATOUR ‘5 (Bruno, Prof. @ Sciences Po and director of the TARDE program (Theory of Actor-network and Research in Digital Environments), Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network Theory, pp. 160-164) If you confuse the second … able to collect the collective. THE URGE TO SYSTEMATICALLY EXPLAIN THE WORLD CAN BE USEFUL, BUT ONLY IF WE DON’T CONFUSE IT FOR POLITICS. THEIR THEORY IS FALSELY COHERENT – WE HAVE TO LOCALIZE IT AND ASK HOW IT CAN FIT IN THE BROADER STRUGGLE TO COMPOSE A COMMON WORLD, OTHERWISE IT BECOMES A LIMITING AND DEPOLITICIZING WORLDVIEW LATOUR ‘5 (Bruno, Prof. @ Sciences Po and director of the TARDE program (Theory of Actor-network and Research in Digital Environments), Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network Theory, pp. 186-190 I agree that the point … had not been fathomed first? ===== GSU Round 2 - Ronell K 2NC ===== Tournament: GSU | Round: 2 | Opponent: Trinity RoYo | Judge: Montee TO BE “AGAINST” AUTHORITY IS TO SITUATE YOURSELF “FOR” IT – THE PHILOSOPHICAL CRITIQUE OF AUTHORITY MERELY LEAVES THE EDIFICE AND INEVITABILITY OF AUTHORITY IN A QUESTIONED STABILITY RONELL ’10 (Avital, University Professor and Professor of German, Comparative Literature and English at New York University, “Have I Been Destroyed?: Answering to Authority and the Politics of the Father” differences, Vol. 21.1, pp. 55-57) Authority also turns Hannah Arendt ... Let us not be intimidated. ===== GSU Round 2 - Study K 1NC ===== Tournament: GSU | Round: 2 | Opponent: Trinity RoYo | Judge: Montee Study The affirmative interrupts its intriguing study for the moment we’re waiting for: the ADVOCACY. What should we do? We should…. But the “What should we do?” question has the political situation backwards: contemporary governance and capitalism force us to constantly act, taking our impotentiality away from us. The most radical position is to reverse the question: “Can this be an instance of our not doing anything?” The impact is an infinite ressentiment and Eichmann. Snoek ‘12 (Anke, PhD in Philosophy Department @ Macquarie U., Agamben’s Joyful Kafka) Given the preceding sketch Agamben … resistance, to reverse political situations. Rather than attempt to mobilize the productive research of debate into some outward facing advocacy statement that sets its sights on the big ole government out there, we should perform a cautious, continuous study with no goal or end in sight. Only this activates a true politics that breaks with the biopolitical control of the status quo. Snoek ‘12 (Anke, PhD in Philosophy Department @ Macquarie U., Agamben’s Joyful Kafka) Study as a strategy According to Agamben, study is … them from it for good. (SE, 64) ===== GSU Round 2 - Study 2NC ===== Tournament: GSU | Round: 2 | Opponent: Trinity RoYo | Judge: Montee WE HAVE TO PROFANE THE DRONES, STOP TREATING THEM SO DARN SERIOUSLY AND START PLAYING WITH THEIR POSSIBILITIES, WHICH OPENS UP A NEW WORLD WITH DRONES. THE FAILURE OF THE AFF IS THAT IT ALREADY DETERMINES THAT WORLD. AGAMBEN ‘8 (Giorgio, Prof. of Aesthetics, Accademia di Architettura, Mendrisio @ Università della Svizzera Italiana, Profanations, pp. 85-86) It is, however, possible that … old use, rendering it inoperative. ===== GSU Round 3 - Galli K 1NC ===== Tournament: GSU | Round: 3 | Opponent: Michigan AP | Judge: Jeff Roberts RE-ASSERTING HEGEMONY IS A RESPONSE TO THE EVACUATION OF CONCRETE POLITICAL DISTINCTIONS BY POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION – AN ENDLESS STRING OF ENEMY CREATION, PERMANENT DEVELOPMENT OF THE GLOBE, AND CONVERSION OF POLITICS TO POLICING. YOU MAY BE RIGHT THAT HEGEMONY ISN’T COLLAPSING, BUT IT’S ONLY BECAUSE THE AFFIRMATIVE’S POLITICS DOOMS AMERICA TO WINNING A PERMANENT WAR OF ATTRITION GALLI ‘10 (Carlo, Professor of Political Philosophy @ U. of Bologna, Politics Spaces and Global War, trans. Adam Sitze, pp. 175-179) Of course, even if there ... an immediate and unthinking way. THE IMPACT IS EXTINCTION – DEMOCRATIC DEVELOPMENT HAS BECOME A GLOBAL CIVIL WAR BETWEEN PROTECTED AND UNINSURED FORMS OF LIFE THAT WILL END IN SELF-ANNIHILATION DUFFIELD ‘8 (Mark, Dept. of Politics, U. of Bristol, “Global Civil War: The Non-Insured, International Containment and Post-Interventionary Society,” Journal of Refugee Studies Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 161-162) This essay began with the ... our own terms of engagement. WE EXIST IN A CONDITION OF GLOBAL WAR – MAKING WAR MORE “MANAGEABLE” RE-CREATES VIOLENCE BY FAILING TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE CONFUSION OF FRIENDS AND ENEMIES IS AN INEVITABLE ASPECT OF A GLOBALIZED WORLD CANNIBALIZING ITS OUTSIDE AND LEAVING PHANTOMENEMIES IN THAT PLACE DEBRIX and BARDER ’12 (François, Professor of Political Science @ Virginia Tech, Director of the Alliance for Social, Political, Ethical, and Cultural Thought, and Alexander, Dept. of Political Science @ American U. of Beirut, Beyond Biopolitics: Theory, violence, and horror in world politics, pp. 105-106) While McClintock insists on the ... by the gray global twilight.54 THE AFFIRMATIVE’S ATTEMPT TO JURIDICALLY LIMIT DRONE DEPLOYMENT IGNORES THAT DRONE WARFARE IS PART OF A BROADER CONCEPTUAL SHIFT IN AMERICAN GEOSTRATEGY DISSOLVING TRADITIONAL WAR, REPLACING THE HEROIC MODEL OF BATTLE WITH AN ANXIOUS ATTEMPT TO ASSURE IMMORTALITY ON THE SIDE OF THE FIGHTER. THE US STATE HAS BECOME A HUNTING STATE – A CYNEGETIC STATE – LOST IN A NEVER-ENDING MANHUNT THAT INEVITABLY CREATES VIOLENT BACKLASH CHAMAYOU ’11 (Grégoire, Philosophy and Medicine @ CERSES, researcher at the Max-Planck institute in Berlin, “The manhunt doctrine” Radical Philosophy 169, In cynegetic war, armed violence seeks to pursue the prey wherever it might be. The place of hostilities is ... the same conclusion for themselves. OUR ALTERNATIVE IS TO DEFUSE HUNTING POLITICS ANY COMBINATION WITH THE AFF MERELY INVERTS THE DIALECTIC BETWEEN HUNTER AND HUNTED: MAINTAINING THE RELATIONSHIP ON DIFFERENT TERMS. AN ETHIC OF PROTECTION GUTS CYNEGETIC POWER FROM INSIDE AND RE-CREATES THE POSSIBILITY FOR MORAL EXISTENCE CHAMAYOU ’12 (Grégoire, Philosophy and Medicine @ CERSES, researcher at the Max-Planck institute in Berlin, Manhunts: A Philosophical History, pp. 153-154) The other great obstacle to ... protection against interhuman predatory relationships. ===== GSU Round 3 - Galli K 2NC ===== Tournament: GSU | Round: 3 | Opponent: Michigan AP | Judge: Jeff Roberts MANHUNT CREATES A WORLD OF INFINITE FEAR THAT DESTROYS THE MEANINGFULNESS OF THE LIVES OF BOTH THE HUNTERS AND HUNTED DEBRIX and BARDER ’12 (François, Professor of Political Science @ Virginia Tech, Director of the Alliance for Social, Political, Ethical, and Cultural Thought, and Alexander, Dept. of Political Science @ American U. of Beirut, Beyond Biopolitics: Theory, violence, and horror in world politics, pp. 66) Among other things, what Dillon's ... to fear but fear itself. FRAMEWORK POLITICS HAS SHIFTED AND THE STATE HAS LOST ITS PRINCIPAL ROLE IN CONTROLLING WORLD AFFAIRS – WE NEED TO BEGIN WITH A NEW POLITICS OF SPACE OR ELSE BE CONDEMNED TO VIOLENT STATE REACTIONS AND REACTIONARY MOVEMENTS GALLI ‘10 (Carlo, Professor of Political Philosophy @ U. of Bologna, Politics Spaces and Global War, trans. Adam Sitze, pp. 105-108) In the age of globalization, ... we will address this later) . EMPIRICISM EMPIRICIST STUDIES PLAY BACK INTO THE FAILED CATEGORIES OF SPACE THAT THE K CRITICIZES – WE HAVE TO INVENT NEW CONCEPTUAL SCHEMATA FROM THE GROUND UP. SITZE ‘10 (Adam, Assist. professor of law, jurisprudence, and social thought @ Amherst College, Political Spaces and Global War, pp. lxxiv-lxxv) The various figures of political ... no relation to the global age. PERM 3. CLEAR THE GROUND FIRST – ONLY RADICALLY DECONSTRUCTING THE OUTDATED CONCEPTS WE STILL APPLY TO WORLD AND STARTING AFRESH SOLVES, OTHERWISE OUR OLD REMEDIES BECOME HEGEMONIC GALLI ‘10 (Carlo, Professor of Political Philosophy @ U. of Bologna, Politics Spaces and Global War, trans. Adam Sitze, p. 188) Rather than denying the theoretico-political ... hinders more than it helps. 4. THIS ISN’T SIMPLY “CAN WE COMBINE TWO PERSPECTIVES”: ONLY RADICALLY STARING INTO THE HORROR OF CONTEMPORARY WARFIGHTING ALLOWS US TO RESOLVE THE CHALLENGES OF ENMITY. THE PERMUTATION MAKES THE AFF PALATABLE: OUR POINT IS TO STAIN IT WITH HORROR DEBRIX and BARDER ’12 (François, Professor of Political Science @ Virginia Tech, Director of the Alliance for Social, Political, Ethical, and Cultural Thought, and Alexander, Dept. of Political Science @ American U. of Beirut, Beyond Biopolitics: Theory, violence, and horror in world politics, pp. 46-47) In concluding this chapter, and ... in a context of horror. ORIENTALISM BANNERJEE and LING ‘6 (Payal, Prof. @ Syracuse U., and L. H. M., Prof. @ The New School, “HYPERMASCULINE WAR GAMES: Triangulating US-India-China” International Affairs Working Paper bb) We do not suggest that ... radical re-envisioning of India and China. HYPE POWER THE IMPACT IS INFINITE WAR. LUKE ‘9 (Timothy, University Distinguished Professor of Political Science in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences as well as Program Chair of the Government and International Affairs Program @ Virginia Tech U., “Hyper-Power or Hype-Power?” The Geopolitics of American Insecurity: Terror, power and foreign policy pp. 30-31) The hyper-power's spectacle of ... long war over the world. DRONE PHILOSOPHERS THIS IS NOT SIMPLY MENTAL DEPUTY POLITICS, IT IS THE LITERAL MILITARIZATION OF DEBATE, THE DRONIZATION OF THE PUBLIC SPHERE. ROTH ’13 (Marco, Co-founder and Editor of N+1, “The Drone Philosopher” It turns out, by the ... starry heavens to guide them. THE IMPACT IS AN EVISCERATION OF OUR ETHICAL CAPABILITIES. THIS IS OUR OPPORTUNITY TO LET THE DRONE PHILOSOPHERS FROM MICHIGAN COME FACE TO FACE WITH THE ENEMY THEY WILL NEVER ADDRESS – THE ONE WHO REMAINS ONLY A SPECTER IN THE 1AC’S DISCUSSION OF LEGITIMACY. ROTH ’13 (Marco, Co-founder and Editor of N+1, “The Drone Philosopher” Yet something stops me. I ... begin with this unfortunate reality. A2 MAY THE ALTERNATIVE IS A PREREQUISITE TO THE TYPE OF CHANGE THAT MAY CALLS FOR—OUR LINKS SHOULD BE EVALUATED FIRST. MAY ‘5 (Todd, Clemson U, “To change the world, to celebrate life: Merleau-Ponty and Foucault on the body”, Philosophy Social Criticism 2005; 31; 517) To change the world and ... to all of us by now. OUR SUBJECT LINKS COME FIRST MAY ‘5 (Todd, Clemson U, “To change the world, to celebrate life: Merleau-Ponty and Foucault on the body”, Philosophy Social Criticism 2005; 31; 517) The ontology Merleau-Ponty offers ... opening to what is intolerable. ===== GSU Round 8 – 1NC Galli K===== **The affirmative’s emphasis on international norms arises due to what their Brooks evidence, “traditional notions of sovereignty” which rely on a Westphalian system of spatial organization that has been destroyed not by drones but by globalization’s destruction of conventional spatial categories.**\\ **The affirmative’s invocation of juridical war powers misses that the new modality of conflict is one of non-state-determined, non-bordered, unlimited Global War driven by and driving globalization. Fixing War Powers laws leaves the global war intact, we direct our weapons at actors who no longer exist, permanently susceptible to spectral violence**\\ **__Galli__** ‘10 (Carlo, Professor of Political Philosophy @ U. of Bologna, Politics Spaces and Global War, trans. Adam Sitze, pp. 161-164) The absence of modern political spatiality does not . . . and spaces - all within a new politics. **The impact is extinction – democratic development has become a global civil war between protected and uninsured forms of life that will end in self-annihilation**\\ **__Duffield__** ‘8 (Mark, Dept. of Politics, U. of Bristol, “Global Civil War: The Non-Insured, International Containment and Post-Interventionary Society,” Journal of Refugee Studies Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 161-162) This essay began with the proposition that to . . . need to establish our own terms of engagement. **Our alternative is to refuse the affirmative’s depiction of space **\\ **Space is the central question of the contemporary, and only an axiomatic politics that dreams of a space after globalization avoids the dangers of the status quo**\\ **__Galli__** ‘10 (Carlo, Professor of Political Philosophy @ U. of Bologna, Politics Spaces and Global War, trans. Adam Sitze, pp. 189-191) It is impossible to see a Spirit of . . . new institutions that are compatible with postmodernism today? We need terra firma, certainly, but . . . but toward freedom understood as “uncontrolled action.” The new conceptual tools and institutions that we . . . , we see him blinded but still engaged: What a delight to heart and ear This stir of spades at work to hear; All, that owe service for their land, Are active in the work at hand, Earth with itself to reconcile, Fix limits to the wild waves' race, And bind the sea with firm embrace.54 This image of draining the swamp and reclaiming . . . yet, in free activity to live.”56 Faust dies, do not forget. As . . . ” is the correct translation of logos.57 The word we must try to hear over . . . glimpse of some recognizable configuration of risky freedom. The duty with which Global War charges us. . . . It is the duty of a generation. ===== GSU Round 8 – 1NC Solvency===== **The multiple different extinction threats of the 1AC should not be read separately – the interconnected existential threats are evidence not of danger but the instrumentalization of fear by contemporary liberal states**\\ **__Evans__** ‘13 (Brad, Senior Lecturer in International Relations @ U. of Bristol, Liberal Terror, pp. 31-35) This brings us directly to the problem of . . . . Terrorists come with little story attached.80 **The president will circumvent**\\ **__Sullum__** 13 (Jacob Sullum, senior editor at Reason, Feb. 21, 2013, “To Check the President's Power of Life and Death, How About a Court He Is Free to Ignore?”, To Check the President's Power of Life and . . . the president still could do as he pleased. ===== GSU Round 8 – 1NC Norms===== **No one would listen**\\ Lerner ‘13 BEN LERNER, 3.25.13, American Spectator, “Judging ‘Drones’ From Afar,” Whatever the potential motivations for ... how this often plays out. Their assumption that the US precedent will spread globally without difference relies on the assumption that it’s moral order is universal Weissman (Distinguished Professor of Law; University of North Carolina School of Law) 13 (Deborah M., Remaking Mexico: Law Reform as Foreign Policy, April Legal systems develop and function ... as their circumstances may require.142 This form of liberal internationalism is no different from neo-conservativism – their attempt to create an academic consensus in this room based around fear of a global unraveling absent the US is racist and leads to endless wars **__Chernus__** (yah boy) 6 (Ira, Liberal Internationalists, http://. . . %20to%20Destroy/Chapter13.htm) Since the early days of ... of terror and national insecurity. Single instances of action do not change international perceptions of the United States. Fettweis, 8 (Christopher – professor of political science at Tulane, Credibility and the War on Terror, Political Science Quarterly, Winter) Since Vietnam, scholars have been ... was, it almost inevitably failed.40 No reverse modeling- norms can’t solve Saunders 5-4-13 [Paul J. Saunders is executive director of The Center for the National Interest and associate publisher of The National Interest. He served in the State Department from 2003 to 2005, “We Won't Always Drone Alone,”] A broader and deeper challenge ... groups they define as terrorists? =====GSU Round 8 – 1NC Turkey===== Kirişci – Turkish model will fail inevitably – don’t have any evidence the plan causes Turkey to shift to a more liberal mode of politics **__Baydar__** 8/30/13 (Yavuz Baydar is a contributing writer for Al-Monitor's Turkey Pulse. A journalist since 1979, he has been a radio reporter, news presenter, producer, TV host, foreign correspondent, debater and, in recent years, a news ombudsmen for the daily Sabah. His opinion pieces can be followed in the English-language daily Today's Zaman. “At a Dead End?” Dark clouds are gathering in Turkey over the . . . and error in this process,” it concluded. **The affirmative’s metaphorical description of Turkey as a “bridge” “mediatory” nation institutionalizes a Turkish exceptionalism that infiltrates all of politics and determines Turkey’s place within the international order**\\ Yanik ‘9 (Lerna K., Prof. . . , Vol. 14, 531–549) When the subject is Turkish politics, one . . . elites justify and frame their policy choices discursively. **The dialectical struggle framed between the clash of civilizations allows endless destruction**\\ Spanos ‘5 (William V., Prof. . . -2, pgs. 219-262) In 1991, following the disintegration and demise . . . to be called humanist studies, Studia Humanitatis. **“Middle East” is a link – it justifies racist foreign policies and serial failures**\\ Culcasi ’10 (Karen, Assist. Prof. . . .4, pp. 593-594) In this essay I showed that the Middle . . . examine our oversimplified notions of the Middle East. **No Syria escal**\\ **Historical evidence disproves their impact**\\ Luttwak 07 (Edward, senior adviser at . . . _details.php?id=9302) Why are middle east experts so unfailingly wrong. . . killed in a season of conflict in Darfur. No escalation – great powers won’t get involved Gelb, 10 – President Emeritus of the . . . Economic Power,” November/December, proquest) Also reducing the likelihood of conflict today is . . . they will stop well short of direct confrontation. =====GSU Round 8 – 1NC Caucusus===== **No war**\\ De Waal 2k10 (Thomas, senior associate . . . -of-history-in-caucasus) But the idea that the call of history . . . , if you care to look for it. No escalation – “great game” analysis wrong Collins 4 (Kathleen, Prof PoliSci–. . . and Crisis, p. 312-3) Conclusion The popular great game lens for analyzing . . . . Given the confluence of their chief strategic interests , the major powers are in a better . . . reinforce regional and domestic stability in Central Asia. ===== GSU Round 8 – 2NC LINKS===== **BETTER DRONES**\\ **__ZENKO__** 13 (Zenko, Douglas Dillon fellow in the Center for Preventive Action (CPA) at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Previously, he worked for five years at the Harvard Kennedy School and in Washington, DC, at the Brookings Institution, Congressional Research Service, and State Department's Office of Policy Planning, Council Special Report No. 65, January 2013, “U.S. Drone Strike Policies”,‎) In his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, . . . its drone policy in the ways suggested below. **THE ONLY REASON THAT IS TRUE IS BECAUSE WE ASSUME OTHER NATIONS ARE VIOLENT WHEREAS AMERICA IS THE BRINGER OF INTERNATIONAL LAW. HOWEVER, THE ATTEMPT TO INSTITUTIONALIZE NORMS OF INTERNATIONAL LOVE MERELY REPLICATES SYSTEMS OF IMPERIAL DOMINATION**\\ **__DILLON__** ‘96 (Michael, Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at the University of Lancaster, Politics of Security, In the thought of the limit there is . . . of ontological danger into postures of policing love. ===== GSU Doubles - Arms Race K 2NC ===== Tournament: GSU | Round: Doubles | Opponent: Emory DK | Judge: Harris, Strange, Walters THE INSISTENCE ON NORMS MERELY RENDERS CONTINUOUS ESCALATION MORE LIKELY BENFORD and KURTZ ’87 (Robert D., Prof. of Sociology @ U. of South Florida, and Lester R., Prof. of sociology @ George Mason U., “Performing the Nuclear Ceremony: The Arms Race as a Ritual” Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Vol. 23.4, pp. 468-470) Rituals are historically based, habitual, ... of the nuclear arms race. IMPACT TURNS THEIR BELLAMY EVIDENCE WHICH SAYS WE NEED TO CONTINUE TO APPLY JUST WAR THEORY TO DRONES - THAT INEVITABLY FAILS. PROVOST-SMITH 13 – (Patrick, PhD in History from Johns Hopkins, Assistant Professor of the History of Christianity at Harvard Divinity School, “A DRONE’S EYE VIEW: GLOBAL ANTI-TERRORISM AND THE EXISTENTIAL CRISIS OF JUST WAR THEORY,” The common perception is that ... Roman gladii or English longbows. ===== GSU Doubles - China Bashing K 2NC ===== Tournament: GSU | Round: Doubles | Opponent: Emory DK | Judge: Harris, Strange, Walters PARTICULARLY TRUE IN THE CONTEXT OF CHINA BASHING NYMALM ’11 (Nikola, GIGA Institute of Asian Studies, “The End of the “Liberal Theory of History”? Dissecting the U.S. Congress’ Discourse on China’s Currency Policy” GIGA Research Unit, Institute of Asian Studies, pp. 21-22) My aim in this paper ... currency policy through legislative measures. ===== GSU Doubles - Galli K 1NC ===== Tournament: GSU | Round: Doubles | Opponent: Emory DK | Judge: Harris, Strange, Walters THE AFFIRMATIVE’S EMPHASIS ON INTERNATIONAL NORMS ARISES DUE TO WHAT THEIR BROOKS EVIDENCE, “TRADITIONAL NOTIONS OF SOVEREIGNTY” WHICH RELY ON A WESTPHALIAN SYSTEM OF SPATIAL ORGANIZATION THAT HAS BEEN DESTROYED NOT BY DRONES BUT BY GLOBALIZATION’S DESTRUCTION OF CONVENTIONAL SPATIAL CATEGORIES. THE AFFIRMATIVE’S INVOCATION OF JURIDICAL WAR POWERS MISSES THAT THE NEW MODALITY OF CONFLICT IS ONE OF NON-STATE-DETERMINED, NON-BORDERED, UNLIMITED GLOBAL WAR DRIVEN BY AND DRIVING GLOBALIZATION. FIXING WAR POWERS LAWS LEAVES THE GLOBAL WAR INTACT, WE DIRECT OUR WEAPONS AT ACTORS WHO NO LONGER EXIST, PERMANENTLY SUSCEPTIBLE TO SPECTRAL VIOLENCE GALLI ‘10 (Carlo, Professor of Political Philosophy @ U. of Bologna, Politics Spaces and Global War, trans. Adam Sitze, pp. 161-164) The absence of modern political ... all within a new politics. THE IMPACT IS EXTINCTION – DEMOCRATIC DEVELOPMENT HAS BECOME A GLOBAL CIVIL WAR BETWEEN PROTECTED AND UNINSURED FORMS OF LIFE THAT WILL END IN SELF-ANNIHILATION DUFFIELD ‘8 (Mark, Dept. of Politics, U. of Bristol, “Global Civil War: The Non-Insured, International Containment and Post-Interventionary Society,” Journal of Refugee Studies Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 161-162) This essay began with the ... our own terms of engagement. OUR ALTERNATIVE IS TO PREFER NOT TO EMBRACE THE 1AC’S SPATIAL ASSUMPTIONS THIS REFUSAL INTERRUPTS THE ENDLESS CYCLE OF ACTING SO THAT NOTHING CHANGES AND OPENS UP SPACE CONTRA IDEOLOGY FOR NEW FORMS OF ASSISTANCE. ŽIŽEK ‘10 (Slavoj, Prof. of European Graduate School, Intl. Director of the Birkbeck Inst. for Humanities, U. of London, and Senior Researcher @ Inst. of Sociology, U. of Ljubljiana, Living in the End Times, pgs. 399-402) Indeed, was not Khrushchev's later ... is, change) one's Destiny itself.50 ===== GSU Doubles - Scenario Planning K 2NC ===== Tournament: GSU | Round: Doubles | Opponent: Emory DK | Judge: Harris, Strange, Walters ROLEPLAYING DA – REINFORCES BUNKER SECURITY, CULMINATES IN EXTINCTION, TEACHES BAD DECISIONMAKING DUFFIELD ‘11 (Mark, “Total War as Environmental Terror:?Linking Liberalism, Resilience, and the Bunker” South Atlantic Quarterly, Against the Day, pp. 760-762) In the emergence of environmental ... while still retaining system functionality. ===== GSU Octos - 1NC Galli Alternative ===== Tournament: GSU | Round: Octas | Opponent: Minnesota CE | Judge: Atchison, Miller, Weil Our alternative is to affirm our impotentiality The “What should we do?” question has the political situation backwards: contemporary governance and capitalism force us to constantly act, taking our impotentiality away from us. The most radical position is to reverse the question: “Can this be an instance of our not doing anything?” The impact is an infinite ressentiment and Eichmann. Snoek ‘12 (Anke, PhD in Philosophy Department @ Macquarie U., Agamben’s Joyful Kafka) Given the preceding sketch Agamben ... resistance, to reverse political situations. ===== GSU Octos - 2NC Duffield Impact Ext ===== Tournament: GSU | Round: Octas | Opponent: Minnesota CE | Judge: Atchison, Miller, Weil OPEN WAR HAS BEEN REPLACED BY UNSTOPPABLE INSTABILITY, A PERMANENT GLOBAL ZONE OF EXCEPTION WITH A BIOPOLITICAL MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION – THAT’S EXTINCTION. DUFFIELD ‘7 (Mark, Dept. of Politics, U. of Bristol, “Conclusion: From Containment to Solidarity,” Development, security and unending war: governing the world of peoples, pp. 223-232) The biopolitics of unending war ... practical solidarity of the governed. ===== GSU Octos - 2NC Galli Prisons Link ===== Tournament: GSU | Round: Octas | Opponent: Minnesota CE | Judge: Atchison, Miller, Weil THE AFF SIMPLY WORKS TO SHORE UP THE CRUMBLING MYTH OF US MORAL VIRTUE THAT ENABLES ENDLESS WAR, GLOBAL STRUCTURAL VIOLENCE AND SIMPLY SHIFTS THE PRISON TO THE GLOBAL SCALE MCCULLOCH 10 (Jude, Professor of Criminology at Monash University, Melbourne, From garrison state to garrison planet: state terror, the War on Terror and the rise of a global carceral complex, Contemporary State Terrorism Theory and practice, 196-213) In the same way that ... garrison state to garrison planet. ===== GSU Octos - 2NC Galli Terror Link ===== Tournament: GSU | Round: Octas | Opponent: Minnesota CE | Judge: Atchison, Miller, Weil MEANS THE K IS A PRIOR QUESTION. SITZE ‘10 (Adam, Assist. professor of law, jurisprudence, and social thought @ Amherst College, Political Spaces and Global War, pp. lix-lx) This has significant implications for ... mobilization has set into motion. ===== GSU Quarters - 1NC Equality K ===== All cites are the same as the 1NC DT read against Wake the round before. We didn't read any of the criticism of People's Power, however. ===== GSU Quarters - 2NC Equality K ===== IT’S ALL ABOUT EATING PUGLIESE ’13 (Joseph, Research Director, MMCCS @ Macquarie U., State Violence and the Execution of Law: Biopolitical Caesurae of Torture, Black Sites, Drones, pp. 44-45) In his profound meditation on ... they could not be eaten. 2NC – BALLOT/BOUNTY WE HAVE TO CONSIDER THE VERY LANGUAGE THE 1AC HAS USED: TO DEFINE THE BALLOT AS A BOUNTY LOCKS THEM INSIDE ECONOMISTIC UNDERSTANDINGS OF THE WORLD WHICH IS A REASON WHY THE PERMUTATION IS STRUCTURALLY IMPOSSIBLE: WE HAVE TO RETHINK THOSE STRUCTURES. BEATTY ‘4 (Joy E., “Grades as Money and the Role of the Market Metaphor in Management Education” Academy of Management Learning & Education, Vol. 3.2) Averages. Inflation. Competition. Failure. These ... our students' views of learning. ===== GSU Finals - 1NC Nuclear Metaphor K ===== THE 1AC CONSTRUCTION OF NUCLEAR STRATEGY IS ROOTED IN METAPHORS THAT HAVE BECOME SO NATURALIZED THAT WE TAKE THEM LITERALLY. THE AFF’S CLAIM THAT NUCLEAR WAR CAN BE AVERTED THROUGH TECHNOLOGICAL AND STRATEGIC MEANS DISTORTS THE CONTEXT OF THESE METAPHORS AND BUILDS A NARRATIVE OF CRISIS AVERTED—A HAPPY ENDING IS NOT ONLY POSSIBLE, BUT GUARANTEED HIRSCHBEIN ‘5 (Ron, Prof of Philosophy and Director of the Peace Institute, CSU Chico, Massing the Tropes: The Metaphorical Construction of American Nuclear Strategy, pp. 1-2) I asked my friend Mark ... somehow, all problems have solutions. THE AFF OBSCURES THE METAPHORICAL ROOTS OF NUCLEAR POLICY BY PRESENTING THEIR ARGUMENTS AS LITERAL TRUTH—THIS ONLY REINFORCES THE MOST DANGEROUS SYMBOLIC CATEGORIES OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND MAKES NUCLEAR WAR MORE LIKELY CHERNUS ‘86 (Ira, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, UC Boulder, Dr. Strangegod: On the Symbolic Meaning of Nuclear Weapons, p 153-155) Moreover, even if we could ... line between literalism and fantasy. REJECT THE AFF TO CONFRONT THE POSSIBILITY OF FAILURE—DESPAIR IN THE FACE OF THE NUCLEAR THREAT ALLOWS US TO CONFRONT THE DEPTHS OF LOSS AND DEVELOP A MEANINGFUL RELATION TO HUMAN EXTINCTION BARASH AND LIPTON ‘85 (David, Prof. of Psychology @ U. of Washington; Judith, Psychiatrist, The Caveman and the Bomb, 218-221) Even as we look toward ... or instantly, through nuclear war. ===== GSU Finals - 2NC Nuclear Metaphor K ===== FRAMEWORK DEMAND FOR CONCRETE POLITICAL CHANGE IS PRECISELY THE PROBLEM—THE AFF TREATS METAPHORS AS LITERAL TRUTH AND PREVENTS CONFRONTATION WITH THE SYSTEM OF NUCLEAR VIOLENCE CHERNUS ’91 (Ira, Associate Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Colorado Boulder, Nuclear Madness, p 58-59) Occasionally threats to the whole ... of anxiety by our meaninglessness. YOU ARE A RHETORICAL CRITIC, NOT A POLICY MAKER—WE HAVE TO GIVE UP ON POLICY SOLUTIONS AND CRITICIZE THE LANGUAGE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS FROM A POSITION OF DESPAIR TO BREAK OUR COLLECTIVE FASCINATION WITH THE BOMB AND AVERT LITERAL WAR WILLIAMS 1988 (David, Assistant Professor of Speech Communication at Northeast Missouri State University, Journal of the American Forensics Association, Winter, 193-205) Thanatotic apocalyptics are predicated upon ... in a safer, saner world. STUDENTS DEBATE NUCLEAR ARGUMENTS OUR K IS A PRECONDITION FOR THEIR FRAMEWORK ARGUMENTS—FAILURE TO EXAMINE NUCLEAR LANGUAGE UNDERMINES PUBLIC DELIBERATION AND MAKES NUCLEAR WAR MORE LIKELY SCHIAPPA 2003 (Edward, Chair of Communications Studies, University of Minnesota, Defining Reality: Definitions and the Politics of Meaning, 138-140) Farrell and Goodnight have suggested ... continuation of mutual nuclear terror” (1983, 3). ROLEPLAYING ROLEPLAYING DA – REINFORCES BUNKER SECURITY, CULMINATES IN EXTINCTION, TEACHES BAD DECISIONMAKING DUFFIELD ‘11 (Mark, “Total War as Environmental Terror:
Linking Liberalism, Resilience, and the Bunker” South Atlantic Quarterly, Against the Day, pp. 760-762) Internalizing Environmental Terror In the emergence of environmental ... while still retaining system functionality. A2 GUSTERSON ONTOLOGY HECHT ‘12 (Gabrielle, Prof. of History @ U. of Michigan, Being Nuclear, pp. 6-16) The atom bomb has become ... starting point for our history. PERM 2. PERM IS A FUNDAMENTALLY FLAWED STRATEGY FOR ENGAGING POLITICS – CALL FOR THIS LATER CHERNUS 91 (Ira Chernus, Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Colorado, Boulder, 1991, “Nuclear Madness: Religion and Psychology of the Nuclear Age”, pp. 40-43) "It is not enough to ... that anyone speaks up at all. 3. THE INSISTENCE ON LITERAL STATE ACTION MAKES ALTERNATIVES IMPOSSIBLE—WE BECOME LOCKED IN A SELF-SUSTAINING WORLD OF NUCLEAR TERROR CHERNUS ‘91 (Ira, Associate Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Colorado Boulder, Nuclear Madness, p 25) The analogous process in nuclear ... scratch in the body politic. THE AFF OBSCURES OUR ROLE IN PRODUCING SITUATIONS OF DANGER AND CREATING THE CONDITIONS FOR VIOLENCE. CHALOUPKA ‘92 (William, Chair of Political Science @ Colorado State, Knowing Nukes, pgs. 12-16) Even our best signs of ... the bases for fateful decisions."45 THE DISCOURSE OF ROGUE STATES IS SELECTIVELY APPLIED TO THOSE WHO REFUSE US CONSENSUS CREATION, JUSTIFIES INHUMAN BRUTALITY BY THE US WHILE PLACING STATES ANIMALLY OUTSIDE GLOBAL ORDER DERRIDA ‘1 (Jacques, Mother of Deconstruction, The Beast and the Sovereign, pp. 18-20) I believe that this troubling ... become known as “September 11.” “NUKES” NUCLEAR METAPHORS SHAPE OUR COMMUNITY AROUND THE IMPLICIT ASSUMPTIONS OF NUCLEAR STRATEGY—METAPHOR IS A PRIOR ISSUE TO PUBLIC DEBATE ON THE AFF SCHIAPPA 2003 (Edward, Chair of Communications Studies, University of Minnesota, Defining Reality: Definitions and the Politics of Meaning, 132-133) Domestication refers to the use ... Teachers of English “Doublespeak” award (Totten 1984, 44). A2 NON-FALSE THE POINT IS NOT TO BE DISPOSITIVE BUT TO METAPHORICALLY UNDERSTAND THE BOMB, TRY OR DIE CHERNUS 91 (Ira Chernus, Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Colorado, Boulder, 1991, “Nuclear Madness: Religion and Psychology of the Nuclear Age”, pp. 5-6) It is certainly a risky ... the core of the thing. =====KY RR Round 2 - Neg vs Wake MQ===== ====KY RR Round 2 - 1NC Target Logic K==== **Discourse on drones remains mired in a form of technological determinism that views drones either a) as the tool of future peace or b) a non-heroic sanitized slaughter. That’s the aff. What both fail to interrogate is the way that the subjectivity that makes drone killing possible in the first place is connected to and determined by a history of Western subjectivity**\\ **__Asaro ‘13__** (Peter M., School of Media Studies, The New School, “The labor of surveillance and bureaucratized killing: new subjectivities of military drone operators” Social Semiotics, Vol. 23.2, pp. 200-201) There is also a critical rhetoric that expresses . . . weaponized drones and their role in risk management. **It’s not about the drone – the discourse of the aff, whether the “everything is different” or the “sanitized killing” rhetoric were equally applicable to the bomber shift in World War II. The conversion of the world into a target provides the conditions of intelligibility for contemporary war in the first place. Even sitting on the tarmac, drones continue a deeper ideological war against the globe.**\\ **__Chow ‘6__** (Rey, Anne Firor Scott Professor of Literature @ Duke U., The Age of the World Target: Self-Referentiality in War, Theory, and Comparative Work, pp. 29-33) With the gigantic impact of the explosion thus . . . have not attained the same level of visibility. **The 1AC’s claim to be a “retreat” from the drone war is part and parcel of a particularly American way of relating to dangerous technologies – they are infinitely perfectible and a controllable weapon of peace for us, while uncontrollable violence in the hands of others. This sanitizes a history of violence beginning with the division of the sovereign Western subject from the non-Western world.**\\ **__Chow ‘6__** (Rey, Anne Firor Scott Professor of Literature @ Duke U., The Age of the World Target: Self-Referentiality in War, Theory, and Comparative Work, pp. 35-39) Among the most important elements in war, . . . be adorned with a benign, rational story. **Our alternative is to rethink the world as target**\\ **Their depictions of the world are intimately linked with structures of militarism – only a prior break from the aff’s mode of representation and knowledge production solves the impacts**\\ **__Chow ‘6__** (Rey, Anne Firor Scott Professor of Literature @ Duke U., The Age of the World Target: Self-Referentiality in War, Theory, and Comparative Work, pp. 39-41) It is in the light of such interlocking . . . "the problem of the vanishing object."55 ====KY RR Round 2 – 1NC Case==== **It’s important to understand the political stakes: The ballot doesn’t push them forward in a new political activism, it lodges them more firmly then ever under debate’s violent sovereignty and eviscerates their political capacity. They aren’t fugitives here: they’re running in place.**\\ **__Dolar ‘6__** (Mladen, Advising Researcher in theory at the Jan Van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, A Voice and Nothing More, pp. 176-179) But in her role as artist she is . . . out to accommodate the continuity all too well. **The Drones = Video Game Killing logic is overly simplistic, ignores that technology has made that an integral aspect of all contemporary war – it’s not detachment but intimacy that drones create, and this must be interrogated before the 1ac. **\\ **__Gregory ’11__** (Derek, Peter Wall Distinguished Professor and Professor of Geography at the University of British Columbia, “From a View to a Kill: Drones and Late Modern War” Theory, Culture & Society, Vol. 28(7- 8), pp. 190-193) I cannot adjudicate these questions here, and . . . , and whose implications are far more deadly. **The stance the affirmative takes is utterly insufficient – the harms they identified reach beyond targeted killing and drones**\\ **__Anderson 13__** (Kenneth Anderson, professor of law at American University, Visiting Fellow, The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, Member, Hoover Task Force on National Security and Law, Non-Resident Visiting Fellow, The Brookings Institution (Governance Studies), Senior Fellow, The Rift Valley Institute, May 24, 2013, “The Case for Drones,” Drone warfare consists of two distinct things. . . . . The drone pilot is just a pilot. The aff’s challenge to debate prefigures us as subjects dependent on oppression as the condition of possibility for our identity – this renders transformation impossible LUNDBERG 2012 (Chris, comm studies prof at UNC, Lacan in Public) The demands of student revolutionaries and antiglobalization protestors . . . that alone by which they are satisfied.”46 **The affirmative interrupts its intriguing study for the moment we’re waiting for: the ADVOCACY. What should we do? We should….**\\ **But the “What should we do?” question has the political situation backwards: contemporary governance and capitalism force us to constantly act, taking our impotentiality away from us. The most radical position is to reverse the question: “Can this be an instance of our not doing anything?” The impact is an infinite ressentiment and Eichmann.**\\ **__Snoek ‘12__** (Anke, PhD in Philosophy Department @ Macquarie U., Agamben’s Joyful Kafka) Given the preceding sketch Agamben gives of power . . . the possibility of a transcendent work of man. Kafka’s opera singing executioners or questioners Deleuze once defined power as the act in . . . CC, 32). What should one do? A clash with activists At the end of 2009, Agamben gave . . . question has not understood the problem at all. I always find it out of place to . . . nothing to do with that. (OT) Inactivity as active resistance to the state was . . . from active resistance, to reverse political situations. **Rather than attempt to mobilize the productive research of debate into some outward facing advocacy statement that sets its sights on the big ole government out there, we should perform a cautious, continuous study with no goal or end in sight. Only this activates a true politics that breaks with the biopolitical control of the status quo.**\\ **__Snoek ‘12__** (Anke, PhD in Philosophy Department @ Macquarie U., Agamben’s Joyful Kafka) Study as a strategy According to Agamben, study is an important . . . the strategy they develop with respect to power. Kafka’s useless students without Schrift So the students operating in Kafka’s stories have . . . ‘[u]ntrammeled, happy journey’. 37 The study of the horse Bucephalus But the most enigmatic example of the student . . . a lawyer to the surprise of his colleagues. We have a new lawyer, Dr. . . . turns the pages of our old books. 38 In his interpretation of this story, Werner . . . it for good. (SE, 64) ====KY RR Round 2 - 2NC PERM==== **2. DIFFERENT KINDS OF STUDY – THEIR MODE OF STUDY PRESCRIBES A PARTICULAR END TOWARD WHICH OUR DEBATE KNOWLEDGE-GATHERING AND FACT-GATHERING SHOULD ACHIEVE, THAT’S THE TARGET-ACADEMY ARGUMENT ABOVE. WE NEED A FORM OF STUDY WITHOUT END, A STUDY FOR ITS OWN SAKE, BECAUSE THAT’S THE ONLY WAY TO BREAK THE CONTROL OF LAW OVER DEBATE AND OURSELVES.**\\ **__SNOEK ‘12__** (Anke, PhD in Philosophy Department @ Macquarie U., Agamben’s Joyful Kafka) Study as a strategy According to Agamben, study is an important . . . it for good. (SE, 64) **3. ACTION FOCUS – THE 1AC’S INSISTENCE ON AN ENDLESS FACT-SPEWING IS AN INSISTENCE ON AFFIRMING THE RATIONAL SUBJECT WHO CONSTANTLY ACTS AGAINST SYSTEMS OF OPPRESSIVE POWER. WE NEED TO REFUSE AND RADICALLY OPEN OURSELVES TO A NEW MODE OF BEING.**\\ **__JORONEN ‘10__** (Mikko, Dept of Geography and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, U of Turku, The Age of Planetary Space: On Heidegger, Being, and Metaphysics of Globalization, pp. 97-99) What Heidegger obviously rejects here is both the . . . ing lost by the tradition of its oblivion. **SECOND, THAT LIMITING THE USE OF TARGETED KILLING OUTSIDE THE ZONES OF A BATTLE IS AN ACTUAL CONFRONTATION OF UNITED STATES MILITARY POWER. THE AFFIRMATIVE REFUSES OUTSIDE OF WAR DRONE USE BUT IMPLICITLY ACCEPTS THE KILLING MACHINE’S DEPLOYMENT OF DRONES INSIDE ZONES OF COMBAT.**\\ **__GREGORY ’11__** (Derek, Peter Wall Distinguished Professor and Professor of Geography at the University of British Columbia, “From a View to a Kill: Drones and Late Modern War” Theory, Culture & Society, Vol. 28(7- 8), pp. 189-190) Two qualifications are immediately necessary. First, . . . , 2008) (Figure 1).3 ====KY RR Round 2 - 2NC ALTERNATIVE/FRAMEWORK==== **THE “WHAT SHOULD WE DO?” QUESTION HAS THE POLITICAL SITUATION BACKWARDS: CONTEMPORARY GOVERNANCE AND CAPITALISM FORCE US TO CONSTANTLY ACT, TAKING OUR IMPOTENTIALITY AWAY FROM US. THE MOST RADICAL POSITION IS TO REVERSE THE QUESTION: “CAN THIS BE AN INSTANCE OF OUR NOT DOING ANYTHING?” THE IMPACT IS AN INFINITE RESSENTIMENT AND EICHMANN**\\ **__SNOEK ‘12__** (Anke, PhD in Philosophy Department @ Macquarie U., Agamben’s Joyful Kafka) Given the preceding sketch Agamben gives of power . . . active resistance, to reverse political situations. ====KY RR Round 2 - 2NC REJECTION STATE BAD.==== **RELIANCE ON THE LAW EXONERATES THE INDIVIDUAL OF RESPONSIBILITY AND EVACUATES VALUE TO LIFE BY MAKING ALL GUILTY**\\ **__ROZO ‘4__** (Diego, MA in philosophy and Cultural Analysis, “Forgiving the Unforgivable: On Violence, Power, and the Possibility of Justice” p 19-21) Within the legal order the relations between individuals . . . and seeks to rule our most private conflicts ===== KY RR Round 4 - Neg vs NU MV ===== ==== KY RR ROUND 4 – 2NC FRAMEWORK==== WHEN THE 2AC SAID, REJECT WHATEVER FRAMEWORK THEY BRING UP IN THE BLOCK, THAT’S PRECISELY OUR ARGUMENT, THEIR INSISTENCE ON CERTAINTY ALLOWS NO POSSIBILITY FOR OTHER MODES OF KNOWING OR UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD. **FRAMEWORK ENFRAMES DEBATE SUCH THAT ITS VALUES ARE COOPTED BY TECHNOLOGY—THIS PRODUCES**\\ MORE UNPREDICTABILITY WHEN CONFRONTED WITH ITS INHERENT ONTOLOGICAL FINITUDE **__JORONEN ‘10__** (Mikko, Dept of Geography and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, U of Turku, The Age of Planetary Space: On Heidegger, Being, and Metaphysics of Globalization, pg 183-84) It is interesting that, even though the . . . the rise of such calculative ordering of things. ==== KY RR ROUND 4 – 2NC ONTOLOGY NOT POLITICS==== **B. SPATIALIZE THE POLITICAL – THE ONLY THING THAT KEEPS THEM FROM LEGITIMATELY ACTING IS BELIEF THAT LAW OPERATES IN A PARTICULAR SPATIAL WAY, BUT THE LESS CONTROL THE LAW HAS OVER US, THE LESS IT ACTUALLY DETERMINES OUR LIVES. THIS POLICING OF ROLES IS PART OF NEOLIBERAL GOVERNMENTALITY’S CONDUCT OF CONDUCT WHICH ISOLATES INDIVIDUALS ROOTED IN THEIR ENFRAMING OF BEING IN PARTICULAR WAYS**\\ **__JORONEN ‘13__** (Mikko, Department of Geography and Geology, Geography Section, University of Turku, Finland, “Conceptualising New Modes of State Governmentality: Power, Violence and the Ontological Mono-politics of Neoliberalism” Geopolitics, 00:1–15, pp. 9-) The violence intrinsic to the neoliberal state, . . . through the different ontological monopolisations of revealing. ==== KY RR ROUND 4 – 2NC HAVE TO TAKE ACTION==== **THIS IS THE SUPER-EGO IMPERATIVE TO ENJOY AND ACT, THAT LEADS TO ACTOMANIA WHICH IS BAD.**\\ **__BRYANT ‘8__** (Levi, Collin College, Texas, “Zizek’s New Universe of Discourse: Politics and the Discourse of the Capitalist”, International Journal of Zizek Studies, Vol. 2, No. 4) However, while Žižek often comments on this . . . depressive and anxiety disorders in recent history. ==== KY RR ROUND 4 – 2NC PGS==== **PGS SUPER BAD.**\\ **__BORMANN ‘9__** [“The lost dimension? A spatial reading of US weaponisation of space” in Securing Outer Space, ed. Bormann and Sheehan. Natalie Bormann – Department of Politics, Northeastern University] How does this matter? I argue that . . . drawn from that control over that space. ==== KY RR ROUND 4 – 2NC PERM==== **IT’S SPECIFICALLY TRUE IN THE “NUCLEAR” DEBATE – THE 1AC HIDES A DIFFERENT MODE OF REVEALING ITSELF PART OF A POWERFUL AND CONCERTED ATTEMPT TO KEEP THIRD WORLD RATIONALITY OUT OF PLACE IN NUCLEAR POLITICS**\\ **__ADIB-MOGHADDAM ‘7__** (Arshin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford, “Manufacturing war: Iran in the neo- conservative imagination” Third World Quarterly, Vol. 28.3, pp. 636-637) Although this brief sketch may make the ideas . . . self-consciously anti-Iranian agenda.11 **THE NEOCONSERVATIVES USE THOSE IMAGES IN ORDER TO JUSTIFY FEAR-MONGERING AND FALSE-TRUTHS – DISCURSIVE MAGNIFICATION**\\ **__ADIB-MOGHADDAM ‘7__** (Arshin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford, “Manufacturing war: Iran in the neo- conservative imagination” Third World Quarterly, Vol. 28.3, pp. 642) Let me add in parenthesis that tracing the . . . is anathema to the neo-conservative Weltanschauung. **THEIR IMPACTS ARE EXAMPLES OF ISRAELI ORIENTALISM, NOT STATIC TRUTHS, REJECT THOSE FORMS OF FALSE KNOWLEDGE**\\ **__MADMONI-GERBER ‘3__** (Shosana, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, “ORIENTALISM RECONSIDERED: ISRAELI MEDIA AND THE ARTICULATION OF RESISTANCE” Cultural Studies, Vol. 17.2, pp. 231-234) TO UNDERS T AND HOW Israeli media constructs . . . threatening the whole- ness of Israeli society. **THIS ORIENTALIST PATHOLOGY LEADS TO EXTINCTION**\\ **__BATUR 7__** [Pinar, PhD @ UT-Austin – Prof. of Scociology @ Vassar, ‘7 [“The Heart of Violence: Global Racism, War, and Genocide,” in Handbook of the The Soiology of Racial and Ethnic Relations, eds. Vera and Feagin, p. 446-7] At the turn of the 20th century, . . . opened up with genocide, in Darfur. **DETERRENCE RELIES ON THE ASSUMPTION THAT “THE OTHER” BELIEVES IN DETERRENCE AS A POLITICAL STRATEGY – THAT ASSUMPTION GIVES NUCLEAR WEAPONS “THREAT-VALUE” AND GRANTS THE BOMB POLITICAL UTILITY**\\ **__HARRINGTON DE SANTANA ‘9__** (Anne, Doctoral Candidate in U Chicago Dept. of Poli Sci, Nuclear Weapons as the Currency of Power: Deconstructing the Fetishism of Force, Nonproliferation Review, Vol. 16, No. 3, November 2009, pgs. 325-345) The explicit recognition of a gap between what . . . spite of the implications of their use. ===== KY RR Round 6 - Neg vs Michigan AP ===== ====2NC AT CHANDLER==== **HIS CRITIQUE IS ONLY THAT THE NEW GLOBAL WAR IS NOT ABOUT “CONTROL,” WHICH ISN’T OUR ARGUMENT ANYWAYS, NOT THAT IT ISN’T HAPPENING – THEIR FAILURE TO UNDERSTAND THE NEW WAR INCREASES VIOLENCE. **\\ **__CHANDLER ‘9__** (David, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Westminster, “War Without End(s): Grounding the Discourse of `Global War'” Security Dialogue, Vol.40.3, pp. 260-261) The policy frameworks of global war attempt to . . . conflict in the social relations of today. **WAR TODAY IS ABOUT SEARCH FOR MEANING – OUR LINKS AND FRAMEWORK COME FIRST**\\ **__CHANDLER ‘9__** (David, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Westminster, “War Without End(s): Grounding the Discourse of `Global War'” Security Dialogue, Vol.40.3, pp. 259-260) Yet, once we go beyond the level . . . them, talking up their political importance. ====2NC PERM==== **THEIR ARGUMENT THAT THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TERRORISM AND TERRORISTS IMPLIES RACIAL JUDGMENT AND RENDERS ONLY STATE VIOLENCE LEGITIMATE – THEIR REPRESENTATIONS RACIALIZE POLITICS AND CONTINUE VIOLENCE**\\ **__BADIOU ‘1__** (Alain, Prof @ Ecole Normale Superieure, Infinite Thought, pgs. 111-115) At his point let us introduce a precise . . . history of the period which has just opened. **THIS ORIENTALIST PATHOLOGY LEADS TO EXTINCTION**\\ **__BATUR 7__** (Pinar Batur, PhD @ UT-Austin – Prof. of Scociology @ Vassar, ‘7 “The Heart of Violence: Global Racism, War, and Genocide,” in Handbook of the The Soiology of Racial and Ethnic Relations, eds. Vera and Feagin, p. 446-447) At the turn of the 20th century, . . . opened up with genocide, in Darfur. ====THINGS GETTING BETTER==== **AND, HE WRITES OUT IMPERIALISM BY ENDOGENIZING VIOLENCE IN THE GLOBAL SOUTH AS A FUNCTION OF BACKWARDNESS**\\ **__GRAY 11__** John Gray, Former Professor @ London School of Economics and visiting Professor @ Harvard, PhD from Exeter College, Oxford, currently retired. "Delusions of peace" Sept 21 No doubt we have become less violent in . . . few affluent whites in prison in America today. ===== KY Round 2 – Neg vs Concordia BoSn ===== ====1NC Aminals K ==== **The 1AC shouts: “Economic, racial, sexual, and other forms of cultural privilege help to produce subterranean biases in debate practice.” They forgot one, and that forgetting, which was an active forgetting, belies a more fundamental failure of thought by the 1AC. It’s our status as “citizens” that allows us to gain the authority to speak, it’s the fact that we aren’t “detained.” Their focus on the subject has obscured and over-written the foreclosed category: the animal**\\ **__Derrida ’88__** (Jacques, “Jean-Luc Nancy: Interview with Jacques Derrida” Topoi, no.7, JD: I didn't say, "there . . . , freedom, truth, ethics and law. **The distinction between bare life and one worth living is predicated on the Human/Animal divide and is the foundational division of law**\\ **__Kochi __**(Sussex Law School, University of Sussex, Brighton) 9 (Tarik, Species War: Law, Violence and Animals, Law, Culture and the Humanities 2009; 5: 353–369) The distinction between bare life and the good . . . than the lives of non-human animals. **Their attempt to return humanity to the prisoner obscures the structural complicity of the Western law wielding subject in the species war that makes the endless production of carcasses in the Global South possible **\\ **__Pugliese ’13__** (Joseph, Research Director, MMCCS @ Macquarie U., State Violence and the Execution of Law: Biopolitical Caesurae of Torture, Black Sites, Drones, pg. 167-70) The CIA black site in which Rahman is . . . and his family are left with no body. **Outweighs every impact**\\ **__Wolfe ‘3__** (Cary, Bruce and Elizabeth Dunlevie Professor of English @ Rice U., “In the Shadow of Wittgenstein’s Lion,” Zoontologies: The Question of the Animal, pp. 33-34) This does not mean, however, that . . . upon this experience of compassion" (395). **Refuse the choice of the affirmative – Only an absolute refusal to move the lines of violence can prevent the liquidation of life at the root of the War on Terror**\\ **__Pugliese ’13__** (Joseph, Research Director, MMCCS @ Macquarie U., State Violence and the Execution of Law: Biopolitical Caesurae of Torture, Black Sites, Drones, pg. 95-7) In the pumpkin patch, the hooded detainees . . . ‘in terms of guilt or innocence.’ ==== 1NC Case ==== **Their strategy in particular relies on a hermeneutics of suspicion that totalizes privilege, forces a confession of privilege, and insists that the game is being rigged – destroys ability to accurately conceptualize identity construction as well as ignoring other modes of oppression and causing backlash**\\ **__Niemonen ‘10__** (Jack, Department of Anthropology & Sociology, University of South Dakota, “Public Sociology or Partisan Sociology? The Curious Case of Whiteness Studies” Am Soc 41, pp. 68-69) A hermeneutics of suspicion is predicated on revealing . . . and bafflement (Gillborn 1996; Kolchin 2002). **Gatekeeping the movement can only devolve into group solipsism and disable coalitions**\\ **__Hilfer 3__** (Hilfer, professor of English at the University of Texas, 2003 [Tony, The New Hegemony in literary Studies: contradictions in Theory, p. 51-52]) Moreover, can it be good for any . . . too pure for you or anyone' (54). **__Chicago Cultural Studies Group, 1992__** [“Critical Multiculturalism,” Critical Inquiry 18 (Spring 1992), JSTOR, Lauren Berlant, David Bunn, Vinay Dharwadker, Norma Field, Dilip Gaonkar, Marilyn Ivy, Benjamin Lee, Leo Ou-fan Lee, Xinmin Liu, Mathew Roberts, Sharon Stephens, Katie Trumpener, Greg Urban, Michael Warner, Jianyang Zha, and Jueliang Zhou, p. 541-544] Much of the utopian project of multiculturalism lies . . . which intellectuals' work is one intervention among others. Even if they were to conclusively end the . . . to solve the cycles of violence they identify – a.) Cold war and the War on Crime are the root causes **__McLeod __**(Law Research Fellow, Georgetown University Law Center. J.D., Yale Law School, 2006; Ph.D., Stanford University) 8 (Allegra M., EXPORTING U.S. . . STANFORD UNIVERSITY, September 2008 245-6) To understand how we got here, and . . . alternatives, and the possibilities of the unfinished. b.) Military Industrial Complex is too entrenched and far predates the WoT **__Pugliese __**(an Associate Professor of Cultural Studies at Macquarie University, Sydney) 13 (Joseph, State Violence and the Execution of Law, pg. 23) In his lectures on biopolitics and the critical . . . attests to the entrenchment of war as normalcy. ==== 2NC CASE ==== **THE BALLOT DOESN’T PUSH THEM THROUGH THE GATES: IT LODGES THEM MORE FIRMLY THEN EVER UNDER DEBATE’S VIOLENT SOVEREIGNTY**\\ **__DOLAR ‘6__** (Mladen, Advising Researcher in theory @ the Jan Van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, A Voice and Nothing More, pp. 176-179) But in her role as artist she is . . . to accommodate the continuity all too well. The Aff’s gesture towards reform and unlearning their . . . formations. We can create a relatively simple directional RODRÍGUEZ 10 (Dylan, The Disorientation of the Teaching Act: Abolition as Pedagogical Position, Radical Teacher, Number 88, Summer 2010, MUSE) I have had little trouble … this form of pedagogical audacity. ==== 2NC AMINALS OVERVIEW ==== THE INVOCATION OF THE LAW, OF CITIZENSHIP, OF SUBJECTIVITY IN PRISONS: ALL OF THESE BELY A HUMAN-FOCUSED CONCEPTION OF BEING THAT WE HAVE TO DISMANTLE **__DERRIDA ‘91__** (Jacques, “’Eating Well,’ or the Calculation of the Subject: An Interview with Jacques Derrida”) JD: The Heideggerian discourse on the animal . . . – essential to the deconstruction of phallogocentrism). ==== 2NC INEVITABLE LANGUAGE ==== **SHE SAYS WE’LL INEVITABLY HAVE TO SPEAK LANGUAGE THAT OTHERS CAN’T UNDERSTAND, BUT THAT ASSUMES THE AHISTORICAL NATURE OF SPECIESM, LEADS TO VIOLENCE.**\\ **__PUGLIESE ’13__** (Joseph, Research Director, MMCCS @ Macquarie U., State Violence and the Execution of Law: Biopolitical Caesurae of Torture, Black Sites, Drones, pg. 226) I close this book on a note of . . . outlawed from the ground of the ethical. ==== 2NC HUMANITY INEVITABLE ==== STOP TRYING TO MAKE CLAIMS ABOUT WHAT THE HUMAN AND WHAT THE ANIMAL ARE: THAT’S VIOLENCE. STANESCU 12 Stanescu, Adjunct Philosophy instructor @ Mercer, 12 James; “Toward a Dark Animal Studies: On Vegetarian Vampires, Beautiful Souls, and Becoming- Vegan”; pp. 45-46 There exists within animal studies … relations with the opaque others. ==== 2NC PERM ==== **2. ALT HAS TO BE ABSOLUTE – HUMANIST LINE-DRAWING IS AT THE ROOT OF ALL OTHER OPPRESSIONS AND HIERARCHIES. **\\ **__PUGLIESE ‘13__** (Joseph, Research Director, MMCCS @ Macquarie U., State Violence and the Execution of Law: Biopolitical Caesurae of Torture, Black Sites, Drones, pg. 220-6) In the wake of the war on terror. . . wealth and authority in the world.’8 **STANDPOINT/PRIVILEGE. THE STANDPOINT EPISTEMOLOGY AND THE INSISTENCE ON THE SPEAKING FROM THIS PARTICULAR PLACE IS ITSELF A LINK – IT REAFFIRMS THE HUMANIST SUBJECT AND IGNORES THE OTHER PARTICULARITIES OF THIS SPACE: THAT WE ARE IN A STATE KNOWN FOR THE WORLD-WIDE CONSUMPTION OF CHICKEN**\\ **__WOLFE ‘3__** (Cary, Zoontologies: The Question of the Animal, pp. xii-xiii) What was promising in the liberal philosophical tradition . . . , and never was, itself.3 **BIOPOWER FIRST – THE QUESTION OF SPECIESISM IS THE ROOT CAUSE OF BIOPOWER. THEIR FAILURE TO INTERROGATE THAT AT ANY POINT IN THE 1AC INDICATES THEY DIDN’T THINK MUCH ABOUT IT.**\\ **__PUGLIESE ’13__** (Joseph, Research Director, MMCCS @ Macquarie U., State Violence and the Execution of Law: Biopolitical Caesurae of Torture, Black Sites, Drones, pp. 33-34) Foucault identifies the resultant ‘race wars’ that . . . the management of native fauna and flora. ==== 2NC CHEETAH/ZEBRA ==== **IT’S HURTING US TOO.**\\ **__HUDSON ’11__** (Laura, Marxist Thinker and Anti-Anthropocentrist Activist, “A Species of Thought: Bare Life and Animal Being” Antipode, Vol. 43.5, pp. 1673) The technologies used to manage animal life blur . . . luckier than those who do not survive. ==== 2NC CONTENT/CONTEXT ==== **CONCRETE POLITICS INEVITABLY FAIL – WE NEED A PRIOR DECONSTRUCTION OF ETHICS AND INSTITUTIONS **\\ **__CALARCO ‘7__** (Matthew, Associate Professor of Philosophy @ Cal. State Fullerton U., “Thinking through Animals: Reflections on the Ethical and Political Stakes of the Question of the Animal in Derrida” Oxford Literary Review, Vol. 29.1, pp. 12-13) I suspect that many of Derridas more philosophically . . . and its underlying metaphysical and legal support. ===== KY ROUND 4 – NEG VS WAKE CV ===== ====1NC – Target Logic K==== **The affirmative re-cycles American exceptionalism under the guise of a naive legal universalism – solving Afghanistan and controling the President and arms industry, it suggests, are as simple as stopping citizens from being arrested incorrectly. This ignores the foundational role that spatial destabilization has in the attempt by America to reassert dominance over an asystematic world order**\\ **__Galli ‘10__** (Carlo, Professor of Political Philosophy @ U. of Bologna, Politics Spaces and Global War, trans. Adam Sitze, pp. 175-179) Of course, even if there is no . . . Shadow, in an immediate and unthinking way. **The reaffirmation of the sovereign subject after the Cold War spawned a vast industry of knowledge production intending to understand and act on the countries of the external world – this supposedly benign episteme was built on and sustains its militaristic foundation**\\ **__Chow ‘6__** (Rey, Anne Firor Scott Professor of Literature @ Duke U., The Age of the World Target: Self-Referentiality in War, Theory, and Comparative Work, pp. 35-39) Among the most important elements in war, . . . be adorned with a benign, rational story. **Our alternative is to rethink the world as target**\\ **We have to resist the racist administration of the world through the aff’s peacetime militarism**\\ **__Chow ‘6__** (Rey, Anne Firor Scott Professor of Literature @ Duke U., The Age of the World Target: Self-Referentiality in War, Theory, and Comparative Work, pp. 39-41) It is in the light of such interlocking . . . "the problem of the vanishing object."55 ====1NC Abstention==== **__Berger 11__** (ERIC BERGER, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Nebraska College of Law, 2011 “INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, JUDICIAL DEFERENCE, AND ADMINISTRATIVE LAW NORMS IN CONSTITUTIONAL DECISION MAKING” BOSTON UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW" [Vol. 91:2029] The theory presented here also has the advantage . . . doctrinal coherence by practicing what they have preached. **Prez will cirumvent**\\ Mitchell, Assistant Professor of Law, George Mason University School of Law, 9 (Jonathan, Jan, “Legislating Clear-Statement Regimes in National- Security Law,” INTRODUCTION¶ Congress’s national-security legislation … vague or ambiguous statutory language. Executive will use PMCs instead **__Scahill ’09__** (Jeremy,- National Security Correspondent for The Nation, Puffin Foundation Writing Fellow at The Nation Institute, two time winner of the prestigious Polk Award and recipient of the Campbell Literature Prize from Yale University, as well as a 2003 Golden Reel Award from The National Federation of Community Broadcasters for his work uncovering Abu Ghraib 11-29 “The Secret US War in Pakistan” At a covert forward operating base run by . . . that because they're operating under a classified mandate." **Arms sales legal**\\ **__Arms Control Association October 12__** Since the United States switched diplomatic recognition from . . . act became law on April 10, 1979. **Discourse of Russia as security threat creates further threats in a self-fulfilling prophecy and serial policy failure by refusal to peacefully engage**\\ **__JÆGER 2k__** (Øyvind, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs and the Copenhagen Peace Research Institute, “Securitizing Russia: Discursive Practices of the Baltic States,” Peace and Conflict Studies, November, Security is a field of practice into which . . . first link in the discursive chain that follows. **Reject their China impact – China’s threat is not objective, but relies upon discoursive projections. We should take responsibility for our framing of geopolitics**\\ **__Pan ‘4__** (Political Science, Australian National U, Chengxin, Department of Political Science at Australian National University, “The ‘China Threat’ in American Self-Imagination: The Discursive Construction of Other as Power Politics”, Alternatives, June-July, ebscohost) Likewise, with the goal of absolute security . . . what they are” in the practical realm. Peaceful rise and no war Rosecrance and Qingguo 2010 – *political science . . . , WEA) Will China and the US Go to War. . . with the US? The answer is no. ==== 1NC Afghanistan ==== No rule of law –transportation, bail system, small defense bar **__ICG 10__** (International Crisis Group, November 17, “REFORMING AFGHANISTAN’S BROKEN JUDICIARY”, A. EXTRAORDINARY JUSTICE The absence of procedural . . . have a lasting impact on the justice system. **Corruption**\\ **__Anderson 13__** (Gary Anderson, a retired Marine Corps colonel, was a district governance advisor in Afghanistan's Badghis Province. With transition of the district to Afghan security control, he became the provincial governance and rule of law advisor. January 17, 2013, “Corruption in Afghanistan: An introduction to one fine mess,” In 2004-5, I did a . . . of Afghanistan will be its own worst enemy. **Security discourse of India-Pakistan global threats uphold a racist ordering **\\ Vaughan 9/27/13 School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies University of Bristol Working Paper No. 09 13 1 ASIAN FURY: GENDER, ORIENTALISM AND THE INDO PAKISTANI NUCLEAR 'THREAT' IN US FOREIGN POLICY DISCOURSE, 1998 – 2009 The table in appendix 1 ... posed by India and Pakistan. Zero risk of their impact for reals **__Butcher ’10__** (Bill, “India, Pakistan, the Bomb, and ‘Limited War,’” June 25, Then, secondly, a nuclear deterrent is . . . can dismiss the possibility of a nuclear war. ====2NC DECONSTRUCTION FAILS==== **THIS IS THE SUPER-EGO IMPERATIVE TO ENJOY AND ACT, THAT LEADS TO ACTOMANIA WHICH IS BAD.**\\ **__BRYANT ‘8__** (Levi, Collin College, Texas, “Zizek’s New Universe of Discourse: Politics and the Discourse of the Capitalist”, International Journal of Zizek Studies, Vol. 2, No. 4) However, while Žižek often comments on this . . . any choice we make seems to generate guilt. Everywhere we look, commodity consumer society seems . . . in depressive and anxiety disorders in recent history. ====2NC PERM==== **THE 1AC IS A CONTINUATION OF HISTORICAL LEGAL ORIENTALISM – IT ESTABLISHES WESTERN LAW AS THE EVALUATIVE STANDARD WHILE INSISTING UPON THE UNCHANGING, UNPRODUCTIVE “MUSLIM” WAY OF LAW THAT LOCKS IN AND EXPANDS COLONIALISM**\\ **__NADER ‘5__** (Laura, Prof. of Anthropology @ U. Cal Berkeley, “Law and the Theory of Lack” The 2005 Rudolf B. Schlesinger Lecture on International and Comparative Law, pp. 202-204) Legal Orientalism has been receiving a good deal . . . day Iraq where such legal ideologies are normalized. **IRAQ EXAMPLE**\\ **__NADER ‘5__** (Laura, Prof. of Anthropology @ U. Cal Berkeley, “Law and the Theory of Lack” The 2005 Rudolf B. Schlesinger Lecture on International and Comparative Law, pp. 202-204) An illustration of the continuities of imperialism and . . . a rule of law with a humanitarian impulse. **THIS ORIENTALIST PATHOLOGY LEADS TO EXTINCTION**\\ **__BATUR 7__** [Pinar Batur, PhD @ UT-Austin – Prof. of Scociology @ Vassar, ‘7 [“The Heart of Violence: Global Racism, War, and Genocide,” in Handbook of the The Soiology of Racial and Ethnic Relations, eds. Vera and Feagin, p. 446-7] At the turn of the 20th century, . . . century opened up with genocide, in Darfur. **DESPITE THEIR BEST INTENTIONS, THE AFF SIMPLY WORKS TO SHORE UP THE CRUMBLING MYTH OF US MORAL VIRTUE THAT ENABLES ENDLESS WAR, GLOBAL STRUCTURAL VIOLENCE AND SIMPLY SHIFTS THE PRISON TO THE GLOBAL SCALE**\\ **__MCCULLOCH 10__** (Jude, Professor of Criminology at Monash University, Melbourne, From garrison state to garrison planet: state terror, the War on Terror and the rise of a global carceral complex, Contemporary State Terrorism Theory and practice, 196-213) In the same way that neoliberalism and punitive . . . the War on Terror (2007: 7). Internationally, the United States suffers from a . . . democracies, may be problematic but not defining. The failure to consider uncivil practices of state . . . systems (Hudson 2003: 35–6). Imperialist narratives have also incorporated the idea of . . . ‘breathtakingly hypocritical’ (Whyte 2007b: 160). Conclusion The War on Terror, and specifically the . . . a move from garrison state to garrison planet. ====2NC PRAGMATISM GOOD==== **THE RESULT OF THE FEAR OF THE WAR ON TERROR WAS NOT SIMPLY IMPRISONMENT OF TERRORISTS IN GUANTANAMO, BUT IMPRISONING OURSELVES INSIDE OUR OWN TERROR**\\ **__DEBRIX & BARDER ’12__** (François, Professor of Political Science @ Virginia Tech, Director of the Alliance for Social, Political, Ethical, and Cultural Thought, and Alexander, Dept. of Political Science @ American U. of Beirut, Beyond Biopolitics: Theory, violence, and horror in world politics, pp. 66) Among other things, what Dillon's thought on . . . is indeed nothing to fear but fear itself. ====2NC JUDICIAL ACTION GOOD==== FRAMEWORK ENFRAMES DEBATE SUCH THAT ITS VALUES ARE COOPTED BY TECHNOLOGY—THIS PRODUCES MORE UNPREDICTABILITY WHEN CONFRONTED WITH ITS INHERENT ONTOLOGICAL FINITUDE**__ __**JORONEN ‘10 (Mikko, Dept of Geography and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, U of Turku, The Age of Planetary Space: On Heidegger, Being, and Metaphysics of Globalization, pg 183-84) It is interesting that, even … such calculative ordering of things. ====2NC HAVE TO EXPLAIN WHY WE’RE WRONG ==== ANIMAL METAPHORS USED PLAYFULLY REINFORCE THE ANIMAL-HUMAN DIFFERENTATION WHICH IS THE ROOT CAUSE OF ALL OF THE AFF’S VIOLENCE. PUGLIESE ’13 (Joseph, Research Director, MMCCS @ Macquarie U., State Violence and the Execution of Law: Biopolitical Caesurae of Torture, Black Sites, Drones, pg. 95-7) In the pumpkin patch, the … terms of guilt or innocence.’ ===== KY Round 5 - Neg vs Minnesota CE ===== ====1NC Target Logic K==== **The affirmative re-packages American exceptionalism under the guise of a naive legalism – fixing the civil-military gap while simultaneously insisting on absolute unipolar dominance across the globe to slaughter terrorists. This paradox is part of America’s destabilized place in new global space: we want to assert hyper-control in an a-systematic world**\\ **__Galli ‘10__** (Carlo, Professor of Political Philosophy @ U. of Bologna, Politics Spaces and Global War, trans. Adam Sitze, pp. 175-179) Of course, even if there is no . . . often than not, engaged in Global War. Having left the Cold War victorious, the . . . Shadow, in an immediate and unthinking way. **The reaffirmation of the sovereign subject after the Cold War spawned a vast industry of knowledge production intended to understand and act on the countries of the external world – this supposedly benign episteme was built on and sustains its militaristic foundation**\\ **__Chow ‘6__** (Rey, Anne Firor Scott Prof. of Literature @ Duke U., The Age of the World Target: Self-Referentiality in War, Theory, and Comparative Work, pp. 35-39) Among the most important elements in war, . . . be adorned with a benign, rational story. **Our alternative is to rethink the world as target**\\ **We have to resist the racist administration of the world through the aff’s peacetime militarism**\\ **__Chow ‘6__** (Rey, Anne Firor Scott Prof. of Literature @ Duke U., The Age of the World Target: Self-Referentiality in War, Theory, and Comparative Work, pp. 39-41) It is in the light of such interlocking . . . "the problem of the vanishing object."55 ====1NC Terror==== **The president will shift to a different forum, wrecks legitimacy**\\ Gregory **__McNeal 08__**, Visiting Assistant Professor of Law, Pennsylvania State University Dickinson School of Law. The author previously served as an academic consultant to the former Chief Prosecutor, Department of Defense Office of Military Commissions, “ARTICLE: BEYOND GUANTANAMO, OBSTACLES AND OPTIONS,” August 08, 103 Nw. U. L. Rev. Colloquy 29 3. Executive Forum-Discretion--Any . . . thoroughly addressing the factors that the Executive balances. **We will just shift to drones**\\ **__Chesney 11__** (Robert, Charles I. Francis Professor in Law, University of Texas School of Law, “ARTICLE: WHO MAY BE HELD? MILITARY DETENTION THROUGH THE HABEAS LENS”, Boston College Law Review, 52 B.C. L. Rev 769, Lexis) The convergence thesis describes one manner in which . . . place through the lens of habeas corpus litigation. **No nukes – can’t make or steal a nuclear weapon**\\ **__Brooks 10__** (Barry Brooks, Professor of Climate Change University of Adelaide, guest post by a Canadian chemist and materials scientist, “Analysis of the 2010 Nuclear Summit and the obsession with highly enriched uranium,” 5/15/10) First let’s make one thing very clear: . . . of holding a nuclear device inside their borders. Looking at it like this, the terrorists . . . to Plan B: Hijack four widebody aircraft… Detention isn’t a recruitment tool Joscelyn 10 (Thomas Joscelyn, senior fellow . . . ) President Obama and his surrogates have made this . . . ” conspiracy against Muslims elsewhere around the world. **Their belief in WoT torture and detention as the exception is precisely the logic that makes the carceral apparatus possible.**\\ **__Dillon__** (PhD in American Studies at Minnesota, now an Assistant Professor of Queer Studies at Hampshire College) 13 (Stephen, Fugitive Life: Race, . . . _umn_0130E_13833.pdf) The arguments advanced by Butler and Agamben have . . . answer of why and how Guantánamo can exist. ====1NC Heg==== **Snowden opened Pandora’s Box—legitimacy recovery is impossible**\\ Migranyan 13 Scandals Harm U.S. Soft Power . . . harm-us-soft-power-8695 For the past few months, the United . . . not well “in the state of Denmark.” **US global cred in the shitter – Syria, debt default, canceled trip to Asia, political intransience, abandoning Mubarak, perceptions of isolationism**\\ Steven R. **__Hurst, 10-5__**, 13, The Associated Press' international political writer in Washington, has covered foreign affairs for 35 years, including extended assignments in Russia and the Middle East, Analysis: US Reliability Questioned Overseas, An unmistakable sense of unease is growing in . . . say, even if the officials mean it." **Hegemony represents a violent logic of enframing that makes macro-scale inevitable**\\ **__Burke 7__** (Anthony, Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at UNSW, Sydney, “Ontologies of War: Violence, Existence and Reason”, Theory and Event, 10.2, Muse) My argument here, whilst normatively … and violence? Will our thought? **All of their impacts are wrong**\\ **__Bernstein et al. 2k__** (Steven Bernstein, Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto, Richard Ned Lebow, James O. Freedman Presidential Professor of Government, Emeritus at Darthmouth University and Professor of War Studies, King's College London, Janice Gross Stein, member of the Order of Canada and the Royal Society of Canada, University Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto, director of the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto and Associate Chair and Belzberg Professor of Conflict Management and Negotiation, and Steven Weber, professor at the School of Information and the Department of Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley. He holds an M.D. and a Ph.D in political science from Stanford University. “God Gave Physics the Easy Problems: Adapting Social Science to an Unpredictable World”, European Journal of International Relations 2000 6:43 DOI:10.1177/1354066100006001003) Many of the scholars responsible for the behavioral . . . ones, is difficult, and often impossible. **Hegemony only exists in Wohlforth’s mind – applying hegemonic mythology to policy causes blowback and destroys cooperation**\\ **__Doran 9__** (Charles F., Andrew W. Mellon Prof. of International Relations, Director of the Global Theory and History Program, Director of the Center for Canadian Studies @ Johns Hopkins U., “Fooling Oneself: The Mythology of Hegemony” International Studies Review, Vol. 11.1) More than a catalogue of techniques other governments . . . self-enforcing, and self-sufficient. No impact to hegemonic decline Preble 10 (8/3, Christopher . . . ) Most in Washington still embraces the notion that . . . and in the security of their respective regions. And it doesn’t resolve any conflicts**__ **____**Fettweis 11__** Christopher, Professor of Political Science @ Tulane, Dangerous Times?: The International Politics of Great Power Peace, pg. 172-174 The primary attack on restraint, or justification . . . that the United States was no less safe. **Pinker thinks hegemonic stability theory is bullshit. Also DPT wrong.**\\ **__Pinker 11__** (Steven Pinker, Johnstone Family Professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University, 2011, “The Long Peace” in The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined, Pub. Penguin Press) In fact, the Democratic Peace theory did . . . , we have to pry these influences apart. **Statistically wrong – different models describe violence better**\\ **__Cowen 11__** (Tyler Cowen, Holbert C. Harris Chair of economics as a professor at George Mason University, October 11, 2011, “Steven Pinker on violence”, It is an important and thoughtful book, . . . are not nearly as favorable as Pinker suggests. ====1NC CMR==== **__Berger 11__** (ERIC BERGER, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Nebraska College of Law, 2011 “INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, JUDICIAL DEFERENCE, AND ADMINISTRATIVE LAW NORMS IN CONSTITUTIONAL DECISION MAKING” BOSTON UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW" [Vol. 91:2029] The theory presented here also has the advantage . . . doctrinal coherence by practicing what they have preached. **Invocation of judiciary**\\ **__Corn 9__** (Dr. Tony Corn taught European studies at the U.S. Foreign Service Institute in Washington, DC, June 30, 2009, “From War Managers to Soldier Diplomats: The Coming Revolution in Civil Military Relations,” On the one hand, democratic reality has . . . is definitely that of Juristocracy, not Praetorianism. **Civs not better**\\ **__Corn 9__** (Dr. Tony Corn taught European studies at the U.S. Foreign Service Institute in Washington, DC, June 30, 2009, “From War Managers to Soldier Diplomats: The Coming Revolution in Civil Military Relations,” Political Commissars in Camouflage A psychoanalyst might argue . . . own power at the expense of other groups. **Problem is not that civilians don’t have control of military, it’s that civilians are evil**\\ **__Feaver and Kohn 5__** [Peter Feaver, professor of Political Science and Public Policy and the director of the Triangle Institute for Security Studies at Duke University, and Richard H. Kohn, Professor of History at the University of North Carolina, 2005, “The Gap: Soldiers, Civilians, and Their Mutual Misunderstanding,” in American Defense Policy, 2005 edition, ed. Paul J. Bolt, Damon V. Coletta, Collins G. Shackelford, p. 339] Concerns about a troublesome divide between the armed . . . general public. Our project provides some answers. **No impact, no explanation of how they contribute to military effectiveness**\\ The failure of American civil-military relations to generate strategy can be attributed to the confluence of three factors The first of these is the continued dominance . . . the uniformed military who then conduct the actual fighting **Rest of Owens**\\ The second factor, strongly reinforced by the . . . the key to healthy civil-military relations. ====2NC PRAGMATISM==== **B. SPATIALIZE THE POLITICAL – THE ONLY THING THAT KEEPS THEM FROM LEGITIMATELY ACTING IS BELIEF THAT LAW OPERATES IN A PARTICULAR SPATIAL WAY, BUT THE LESS CONTROL THE LAW HAS OVER US, THE LESS IT ACTUALLY DETERMINES OUR LIVES. THIS POLICING OF ROLES IS PART OF NEOLIBERAL GOVERNMENTALITY’S CONDUCT OF CONDUCT WHICH ISOLATES INDIVIDUALS ROOTED IN THEIR ENFRAMING OF BEING IN PARTICULAR WAYS**\\ **__JORONEN ‘13__** (Mikko, Department of Geography and Geology, Geography Section, University of Turku, Finland, “Conceptualising New Modes of State Governmentality: Power, Violence and the Ontological Mono-politics of Neoliberalism” Geopolitics, 00:1–15, pp. 9-) The violence intrinsic to the neoliberal state, . . . through the different ontological monopolisations of revealing. **WORKS TO SHORE UP THE CRUMBLING MYTH OF US MORAL VIRTUE THAT ENABLES ENDLESS WAR, GLOBAL STRUCTURAL VIOLENCE AND SIMPLY SHIFTS THE PRISON TO THE GLOBAL SCALE**\\ **__MCCULLOCH 10__** (Jude, Professor of Criminology at Monash University, Melbourne, From garrison state to garrison planet: state terror, the War on Terror and the rise of a global carceral complex, Contemporary State Terrorism Theory and practice, 196-213) In the same way that neoliberalism and punitive . . . move from garrison state to garrison planet. **THE CONTEMPORARY TERRORIST IS A SPECTER AND OUR EFFORTS TO STOP THEM CAN NEVER SUCCEED ABSENT A TOTAL DECONSTRUCTION OF US POLICY**\\ **__GALLI ‘10__** (Carlo, Professor of Political Philosophy @ U. of Bologna, Politics Spaces and Global War, trans. Adam Sitze, pp. 137-141) In 400 A.D., an anonymous . . . find that nothing is as it seems. **THIS ORIENTALIST PATHOLOGY LEADS TO EXTINCTION**\\ **__BATUR ‘7__** (Pinar, PhD @ UT-Austin, Prof. of Scociology @ Vassar, “The Heart of Violence: Global Racism, War, and Genocide,” Handbook of the The Soiology of Racial and Ethnic Relations, eds. Vera and Feagin, pp. 446-447) At the turn of the 20th century, . . . opened up with genocide, in Darfur. **MESSED UP**\\ **__SOREANU ‘10__** (Raluca, New York U. and University College London, “Metaphor in the Social Sciences: Creative Methodologies and Some Elements for and Epistemological Reconstruction”, Sociologia, issue 1, Online) But positivism is more than an idea: . . . enable the regime of domination over women. ====2NC VIOLENCE DECREASING==== IGNORES SLOW VIOLENCE NIXON ‘11 (Rob, Rachel Carson Professor of English, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor, pgs. 12-14) Over the past two decades, … routinely ignore ongoing, belated casualties. **SELF-IMPRISONMENT**\\ **__DEBRIX & BARDER ’12__** (François, Professor of Political Science @ Virginia Tech, Director of the Alliance for Social, Political, Ethical, and Cultural Thought, and Alexander, Dept. of Political Science @ American U. of Beirut, Beyond Biopolitics: Theory, violence, and horror in world politics, pp. 66) Among other things, what Dillon's thought on . . . indeed nothing to fear but fear itself. ====2NC STATE GOOD==== **RELIANCE ON THE LAW EXONERATES THE INDIVIDUAL OF RESPONSIBILITY AND EVACUATES VALUE TO LIFE BY MAKING ALL GUILTY**\\ **__ROZO ‘4__** (Diego, MA in philosophy and Cultural Analysis, “Forgiving the Unforgivable: On Violence, Power, and the Possibility of Justice” p 19-21) Within the legal order the relations between individuals . . . and seeks to rule our most private conflicts ====2NC A2 MINCA==== **2. HERE’S THE CONCLUSION IMMEDIATELY AFTER THEIR CARD, WHICH SAYS A) GALLI ISN’T WRONG; AND B) THE AUTHORS HE NEEDS TO CONSULT ALL HATE THE AFF.**\\ Claudio **__MINCA__**, Wageningen University Professor, May 2012, Carlo Galli, Carl Schmitt, and contemporary Italian political thought, Political Geography, 31.4 I conclude with a few remarks in order . . . rather odd attempt at an ‘anthology’. ====2NC FRAMEWORK==== FRAMEWORK ENFRAMES DEBATE SUCH THAT ITS VALUES ARE COOPTED BY TECHNOLOGY—THIS PRODUCES MORE UNPREDICTABILITY WHEN CONFRONTED WITH ITS INHERENT ONTOLOGICAL FINITUDE**__ __**JORONEN ‘10 (Mikko, Dept of Geography and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, U of Turku, The Age of Planetary Space: On Heidegger, Being, and Metaphysics of Globalization, pg 183-84) It is interesting that, even … such calculative ordering of things. ====2NC A2 ISAAC ==== FIRST, THIS ARTICLE WAS JUSTIFYING THE ORIGINAL INVASION OF IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN. SECOND, THE LOGIC OF LESSER EVILS ACTION IS BAD. WEIZMAN ‘11 (Eyal, Professor of Spatial & Visual Cultures @ Goldsmiths, U. of London, The Least of All Possible Evils, pp. 8-10) Lesser Evildoers The theological origins of the … are grounded in this impossibility.17 ===== Wake Rd 1 - Neg vs Gonzaga HS ===== ==== 1NC - Victims K ==== **The AFF is a sentimental politics which promises that empathetic identification will suddenly reshape the world and actualize an ethics of care. The AFF imagines their presentation of mass violence as a prophylactic against the resurgence of violence, all the while ignoring that liberal moralism is the motor of modern warfare. Politicizing the violence of the historical past relies on a racist victim economy in which raced bodies are vampirically drained of life, made to dance for a infinitely deferred freedom, all while academics extract jouissance and advancement from their objectified identities. **\\ Berlant ‘98 /Lauren, George M. Pullman Professor, Department of English, University of Chicago, “Poor Eliza,” American Literature, Vol. 70, No. 3, No More Separate Spheres! (Sep., 1998), Duke University Press, pg. 635-668/ What distinguishes these critical texts … overpresence of the stereotypical image. The AFF’s presentation of suffering creates a marketplace of trauma transforming wounds into a commodity for western consumption. Their politics of mourning exists by turning the other into a dead object through which we can construct a sentimental economy of pleasure and pacification. The AFF is empathetic identification as deathmaking which ensures the smooth functioning of imperialism. Their fantasy of change through investment in the law shields criticism and guises violence. **__Berlant 1999 __**/Lauren, George M. Pullman Professor. . . Michigan Press, Pg. 49-54/ Ravaged wages and ravaged bodies saturate the global . . . legitimating devices for sustaining the hegemonic field.9 **The AFF’s act of role playing takes up the position of ascetic priest. The AFF is the guardians of suffering who reduce life to a victimized and wounded form which they promise to solve and redeem. The ascetic priest of liberalism is addicted to suffering as weak form of slave morality and ressentiment. The AFF turns life into a wounded and rotting corpse they can imagine rescuing round after round. The AFF imposes a stasis on life and becoming and guarantees unending cycles of violence.**\\ Abbas 2010 /Asma, Professor and Division Head in Social Studies, Political Science, Philosophy at the Liebowitz Center for International Studies at Bard College at Simon’s Rock, Liberalism and Human Suffering: Materialist Reflections on Politics, Ethics, and Aesthetics, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pg. Pg. 125- 129/ Following Chapter 4’s discussion, labor as … its salvation, its ultimate victory.14 We must refuse the politics of liberalism and the economization of injury and suffering. Nothing short of an outright rejection of the entirety of liberalism ethics, aesthetics and politics will be sufficient. Our politics does not ignore the violence of the world, it refuses a particular set of represetations and values which enframe said suffering against the movement of becoming, of life. The alternative does not wish away suffering, nor can it resolve all of the violence of modernity, but it can open us up to experiencing the world, not as zombies or vampires, but as creatures of sensuous life. **__Abbas 2010 __**/Asma, Professor and Division Head in . . . , pg. Pg. 183 - 187/ In Martha Nussbaum’s celebration of cosmopolitanism, the . . . , desire, hope, and life itself. ==== 1NC Case ==== **The affirmative’s vision of progressive legal change belies the nature of institutions and their constitution in power relations. The court is always already in a double-bind: either their decisions simply memorialize changes already accepted by culture, or the entire institutional implementation of those decisions counters them at every turn**\\ **__Backer 2k__** (Backer, Executive Director of the Tulsa Comparative and International Law Center and Professor of Law, University of Tulsa College of Law, Spring 2000 [Larry Cata, “Chroniclers in the Field of Cultural Production: Courts, Law and the Interpretive Process,” 20 B.C. Third World L.J. 291, l/n] The construction of social norms is not a . . . some prevailing value-consensus in society. 35 **The sovereign decision in the Courts functions constantly in the Court’s discretionary decisionmaking. All court victories are transitory because anything too radically applied is rolled back by future decision, where the previous victories will serve as windo-dressing for regressive decisions. The Court applies principles how the court wants to, and if it fails for too long it will be stacked with well-disciplined, overtly or covertly conservative justices**\\ **__Spann__**, Professor of Law at Georgetown, 1993 [Girardeau A., Race Against the Court: The Supreme Court and Minorities in Contemporary America, p. 161-165] For racial minorities, judicial review has proven . . . preference for the continued subordination of racial minorities. **The continual reliance on the Courts to create a politics of racial emancipation is neither new nor easily explicable. After decades and decades of failure, this reliance serves not to create change, but to channel our impulses to believe in the world’s goodness and perfectability in the face of a problem that remains intransigent. Mediating our ethics through the law absolves us of facing the reality of our society’s desire for racism—the spirit of the law always serves to lead to its racist application at the level of the letter**\\ **__Bell__**, Visiting Professor of Law at NYU, 2004 [Derrick, Silent Covenants: Brown v. Board of Education and the Unfulfilled Hopes for Racial Reform, p. 185-189] Racial Equality: A Goal Too Vulnerable An . . . can obtain from courts or other government entities. **Bureaucracy will coopt the plan—there are too many entrenched interests from all levels to allow for any true change to occur **\\ **__Cohen__**, Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics, 1985 [Stanley, Visions of Social Control: Crime, Punishment, and Classification, p. 92-95] Like the progress model, this one has . . . changing the nature of, the alternatives.'12 ====OVERVIEW==== A NIHILISTIC IMPULSE WHICH REDUCES HUMANITY TO BARE BIOLOGICAL PRESERVATION, THEREBY ANNULLING THE ESSENCE OF LIFE. BABICH 1994 /Babette E., Professor of Philosophy at Fordham University, Nietzsche's Philosophy of Science : Reflecting Science On the Ground of Art and Life, SUNY Series, the Margins of Literature, State University of New York Press Pg. 194-196/ Without Price: The Will to … plenitude of desire: articulated affirmation. ==== FRAMEWORK ==== **REPRESENTATION IS THE NEXUS POINT THROUGH WHICH WE MUST ENGAGE LIBERALISM AND THE QUESTION OF SUFFERING. DISMISSING REPRESENTATIONS AS SECONDARY IMPOVERISHES OUR UNDERSTANDING OF SUFFERING, JUSTICE AND LIFE. IT IS ONLY BY FOREGROUNDING REPRESENTATIONS THAT WE CAN UNDERSTAND AND RESPOND TO THE MARKETPLACE OF LIBERALISM, JUSTICE AND SUFFERING.**\\ ABBAS 2010 /Asma, Professor and Division Head in Social Studies, Political Science, Philosophy at the Liebowitz Center for International Studies at Bard College at Simon’s Rock, Liberalism and Human Suffering: Materialist Reflections on Politics, Ethics, and Aesthetics, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pg. Pg. 45-47/ The domestication of suffering into … and knowing that they foster. ==== PERM ==== 3. THE ATTEMPT TO INCLUDE A REJECTION AND PROBLEMATIZATION OF LIBERALISM AND STILL ENDORSE THE AFF REAFFIRMS A BELIEF IN A RESPONSIBLE AGENT THAT REDUCES POLITICS TO MORALITY AND STILL RELIES ON A VENOMOUS AND IMPERIAL COMPASSION. WE MUST REJECT LIBERALISM WRIT LARGE IF WE ARE TO AVOID ITS ABILITY TO CO-OPT CRITICISM AND REDUCE IT TO A FOOTNOTE. **__ABBAS 2010 __**/Asma, Professor and Division Head in . . . that problematize these as the only options. ==== MOUFFE ==== **USELESS METHOD – THE AFF FAILS ON A METHODOLOGICAL LEVEL: YOU SHOULD ASK YOURSELF IF THEIR ACCOUNT OF “KOREMATSU SOLVE RACISM” HAS A) TAUGHT YOU ANYTHING NEW, AND B) ACCURATELY TRACED THE CONNECTIONS BETWEEN THIS CASE AND OTHER SPECIFIC CASES. INSTEAD, THEY INVOKE MONOLITHIC WHITENESS, MONOLITHIC RACISM, WHICH MEANS THEY’RE INCAPABLE OF SOLVING EITHER.**\\ **__LATOUR ‘5__** (Bruno, Prof. @ Sciences Po and director of the TARDE program (Theory of Actor-network and Research in Digital Environments), Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network Theory, pp. 249-253) But no matter how respectable these reasons may . . . , is what we should aim for. ==== MASSEY ==== ROLEPLAYING IS AN ADDICTIVE FORM OF SIMULATION STEEPED IN SLAVE MORALITY AND RESSENTIMENT; THIS POLITICS CULMINATES IN A FORM OF PASSIVE NIHILISM WHICH PAVES THE ROAD TO TYRANNY WITH BLOOD. ANTONIO 1995 /Robert J Antonio, PhD in sociology, professor of sociology at the University of Kansas, July 1995, “Nietzsche’s Antisociology: Subjectified Culture and the End of History,” American Journal of Sociology Volume 101 Number 1/ According to Nietzsche, the "subject" … a new type of tyrant (Nietzsche 1986, pp. 137, 168; 1974, pp. 117-18, 213, 288-89, 303-4). ==== RORTY ==== THIS EVIDENCE JUST SAYS THAT NIETZSCHE AND DEWEY AGREE ABOUT THE CRITIQUE OF ENLIGHTENMENT. **NATIONAL MANHOOD IS A STRUCTURE OF SYMBOLIC IDENTIFICATION WHEREBY THE ANXIEITIES ABOUT LOCAL DEMOCRATIC POLITICS ARE UNIVERSALIZED AND ATTRIBUTED TO THE WHITE MALE BODY, THEN OFF-LOADED TO A PRESIDENTIAL FIGURE**\\ **__NELSON ’98__** (Dana D., Gertrude Conaway Vanderbilt Professor of English @ Vanderbilt U., National Manhood: Capitalist Citizenship and the Imagined Fraternity of White Men, pp. ix-xii) This book describes the formulation and historicizes specific . . . subordination in the name of "unity." ===== Wake Octos - Neg vs Mary Wash MP ===== ====2NC FRAMEWORK==== **REPRESENTATION IS THE NEXUS POINT THROUGH WHICH WE MUST ENGAGE LIBERALISM AND THE QUESTION OF SUFFERING. DISMISSING REPRESENTATIONS AS SECONDARY IMPOVERISHES OUR UNDERSTANDING OF SUFFERING, JUSTICE AND LIFE. IT IS ONLY BY FOREGROUNDING REPRESENTATIONS THAT WE CAN UNDERSTAND AND RESPOND TO THE MARKETPLACE OF LIBERALISM, JUSTICE AND SUFFERING.**\\ ABBAS 2010 /Asma, Professor and Division Head in Social Studies, Political Science, Philosophy at the Liebowitz Center for International Studies at Bard College at Simon’s Rock, Liberalism and Human Suffering: Materialist Reflections on Politics, Ethics, and Aesthetics, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pg. Pg. 45-47/ The domestication of suffering into … and knowing that they foster. ====2NC A2 PERM==== **3. THE ATTEMPT TO INCLUDE A REJECTION AND PROBLEMATIZATION OF LIBERALISM AND STILL ENDORSE THE AFF REAFFIRMS A BELIEF IN A RESPONSIBLE AGENT THAT REDUCES POLITICS TO MORALITY AND STILL RELIES ON A VENOMOUS AND IMPERIAL COMPASSION. WE MUST REJECT LIBERALISM WRIT LARGE IF WE ARE TO AVOID ITS ABILITY TO CO-OPT CRITICISM AND REDUCE IT TO A FOOTNOTE.**\\ ABBAS 2010 /Asma, Professor and Division Head in Social Studies, Political Science, Philosophy at the Liebowitz Center for International Studies at Bard College at Simon’s Rock, Liberalism and Human Suffering: Materialist Reflections on Politics, Ethics, and Aesthetics, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pg. Pg. 38-39/ The dizzying back and forth … these as the only options. **4. LAW – DESPITE THE AFF’S INSISTENCE ON THEIR RADICAL ATTEMPT TO CRITICIZE THE LAW THEY REINFORCE THE MODEL OF TRAUMA AND PAIN UPON WHICH CONTROL IS AUTHORIZED. THE AFF’S IDENTITY POLITICS REMAINS LOCKED IN THE UNIVERSAL COMMUNICABILITY OF TRAUMA; BY TURNING PAIN INTO THE CURRENCY OF THE SELF, THE AFF REINFORCES THE SENTIMENTAL EMPATHY NECESSARY FOR THE FUNCTIONING OF LEGAL IMPERIALISM.**\\ BERLANT 1999 /Lauren, George M. Pullman Professor, Department of English, University of Chicago, “The Subject of True Feeling: Pain, Privacy and Politics” in Cultural Pluralism, Identity Politics and the Law ed. Sarat & Kearns, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, Pg. 71-76/ Central to the legal emergence … of subordination is ordinary life. ====COMMODIFICATION==== **KEEP IT ON THE BOOKS**\\ __BAUDRILLARD ‘3__/Jean, Fragments, 106-111. . . for the best in the best of all worlds ====A2 LIBERALISM INEVITABLE==== **NATIONAL MANHOOD IS A STRUCTURE OF SYMBOLIC IDENTIFICATION WHEREBY THE ANXIEITIES ABOUT LOCAL DEMOCRATIC POLITICS ARE UNIVERSALIZED AND ATTRIBUTED TO THE WHITE MALE BODY, THEN OFF-LOADED TO A PRESIDENTIAL FIGURE**\\ **__NELSON ’98__** (Dana D., Gertrude Conaway Vanderbilt Professor of English @ Vanderbilt U., National Manhood: Capitalist Citizenship and the Imagined Fraternity of White Men, pp. ix-xii) This book describes the formulation and historicizes specific . . . supplements itself – and to white men. ===== Wake Quarters - Neg vs Georgetown AM ===== ==== 1NC - Security K ==== **The AFF is emblematic of the scientific drive to tame life under the cartography of reason, complacent with the worst excesses of neoliberal securitization. The AFF program for political change succumbs to the belief that reason, backed by military power, is necessary for our safety. Caught between the rush of the momentary catastrophe, our ability to profit and consume said catastrophe, and the banal life-denying monotony of politics. The 1AC speeds through one catastrophe after another, checking off their opposition to governmental power box for the day, the museumification of horror of the 1AC lets reason walk us back into the camp. The AFF commodifies horror and enacts a farcical form of political engagement which enslaves passion to reason and locks us within a system of colonial governmentality which produces war mongering subject invested in their own domination.**\\ Dutton 2010 /Michael, Department of Politics, Goldsmiths, University of London, London, England, “The paradoxical after-life of colonial governmentality,” Social Identities Vol. 16, No. 5, September 2010, 638-649/ Unlike the West, where self-knowledge … after-life’ of colonial governmentality. The affirmative’s claim to “control” American military expansion by moving toward police is the liberal way of war. Nothing has been more destructive for the global periphery than the conversion of war to policing. **__Neocleous ’11__** (Mark, Prof. @ Brunel U., “The Police of Civilization: The War on Terror as Civilizing Offensive” International Political Sociology, Vol. 5) In 2006, the US Army and Marine . . . police” turn out to be supremely apt. **Affirmative focus on legal accidents hides the hidden necropolitical agenda that requires drones and their use inside and outside of battle. This necropolitics = extinction.**\\ **__Allinson ‘12__** (Jamie, Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Westminster, Paper Presented at the 2012 Millenium Journal Conference, 2012/10/ allinsonmillenium2012necropoliticscyborg-empire.docx) Ronald Arkin challenges the notion that drones cannot . . . the imperial and military apparatus behind it' 69. **Representations and the affective field of images are the basis and motivation for war. What we lack is not a proper scientific or empirical challenge to violence; we lack the cultural critics willing to fight the fear mongering which results in war. The AFF’s discourse is enmeshed in a form of affective securitization that makes war inevitable. As scholars, we have an obligation to refuse and problematize the cultural grammar of security.**\\ Elliott ‘12 /Emory, University Professor of the University of California and Distinguished Professor of English at the University of California, Riverside Terror, Theory, and the Humanities ed. Di Leo, Open Humanities Press, Online/ In a 1991 interview for … what they see and hear. ==== 1NC Case ==== Reject their China impact – China’s threat is not objective, but relies upon discoursive projections. We should take responsibility for our framing of geopolitics **__Pan ‘4__** (Political Science, Australian National U, Chengxin, Department of Political Science at Australian National University, “The ‘China Threat’ in American Self-Imagination: The Discursive Construction of Other as Power Politics”, Alternatives, June-July, ebscohost) Likewise, with the goal of absolute security . . . what they are” in the practical realm. **Threat of China’s growing resource grabs are political tools for conservative domination and turn coop necessary to avoid conflict**\\ **__Caceras & Earl ‘12__** (Sigfrido Burgos, UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy, and Sophal, U.S. Naval Postgraduate School “The Geopolitics of China's Global Resources Quest” Geopolitics, Vol. 17.1) Second, geostrategically speaking, China's sore spot . . . incorporate non-traditional actors in contemporary worldviews. **United States aggressive posture in the Pacific is the root cause**\\ **__Buszynski 12__** (Leszek Buszynski, Visiting Fellow at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre at the Australian National University, 19 Mar 2012, “The South China Sea: Oil, Maritime Claims, and U.S.–China Strategic Rivalry”, The Washington Quarterly Volume 35, Issue 2, 2012 DOI:10.1080/0163660X.2012.666495 Energy and fishing are not the only factors . . . in the Western Pacific—the United States. **They don’t solve the China advantage **\\ **Countless examples of the US obliterating this distinction throughout history – the aff solves nothing**\\ **__Sloane 9__** (Robert D. Sloane, Associate Professor of Law, Boston University School of Law. The Cost of Conflation: Preserving the Dualism of Jus Ad Bellum and Jus in Bello in the Contemporary Law of War, 34 Yale J. Int'l L. 47, 112 (2009)) Postwar international law regards this analytic independence as . . . policies that underwrite the contemporary law of war. **Fixing the rules of war make the warfare worse** __PHILIPOSE 2 __ELIZABETH PHILIPOSE PROSECUTING VIOLENCE, PERFORMING SOVEREIGNTY: THE TRIAL OF DUSKO TADIC, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law Revue Internationale de S´emiotique Juridique 15: 159–184, 2002, Department/Program Women’s Studies California State University 6. CONCLUSION: FOUNDING VIOLENCE/CONSERVING . . . to found peace through the application of law. ====2NC O/V==== **TURNS PERMANENT WAR ARGUMENTS**\\ **__MLADEK ‘7__** (Klaus, Prof. of German Studies @ Dartmouth U., Police Forces: A Cultural History of an Institution, pp. 231-237) If we are confronted with a worldwide civil . . . but the global dominance of the administrative function. ==== 2NC FRAMEWORK==== **AFFECT IS DIFFERENT FROM EMOTION AND IT’S MORE THAN REPRESENTATION: IT DETERMINES OUR CAPACITY TO ACT AND THE WORLD IN WHICH WE THINK WE LIVE**\\ **__BERLANT ’11__** (Lauren, George M. Pullman Professor of English at the University of Chicago, Cruel Optimism, pp. 13-16) Affect enters the description of the dissolution of . . . in-practice of how a world works. Affect's saturation of form can communicate the conditions . . . writerly/readerly cleverness or ideology as such? **ROLEPLAYING IS AN ADDICTIVE FORM OF SIMULATION STEEPED IN SLAVE MORALITY AND RESSENTIMENT; THIS POLITICS CULMINATES IN A FORM OF PASSIVE NIHILISM WHICH PAVES THE ROAD TO TYRANNY WITH BLOOD.**\\ **__ANTONIO ‘95__** (Robert J Antonio, PhD in sociology, professor of sociology at the University of Kansas, July 1995, “Nietzsche’s Antisociology: Subjectified Culture and the End of History,” American Journal of Sociology Volume 101 Number 1) According to Nietzsche, the "subject" . . . , 288-89, 303-4). ====2NC PERMUTATION==== **THE 1AC IS STUCK IN THE JURIDICAL MATRIX, VIEWING WAR POWERS AS LEGALLY POSSESSED, MASKING THAT POWER ITSELF DETERMINES THE DISCURSIVE STAGE UPON WHICH THEIR ADVOCACY PLAYS OUT—BREAK OPEN THE JURIDICAL DISCUSSION OF WAR POWERS. **\\ **__SALTER 85.__** M.G. Salter, lecturer in criminal law at the University of Birmingham, “The Rule of Power in the Language of Law,” The Liverpool Law Review Vol.VII(1) [1985] pg. 45 Through this linguistic patterning of administered time, . . . occur against external government financial and relevancy criteria. ====2NC A2 INCENTIVES==== **THE AFFIRMATIVE’S INVOCATION OF JURIDICAL WAR POWERS MISSES THAT THE NEW MODALITY OF CONFLICT IS ONE OF NON-STATE-DETERMINED, NON-BORDERED, UNLIMITED GLOBAL WAR DRIVEN BY AND DRIVING GLOBALIZATION. FIXING WAR POWERS LAWS LEAVES THE GLOBAL WAR INTACT, WE DIRECT OUR WEAPONS AT ACTORS WHO NO LONGER EXIST, PERMANENTLY SUSCEPTIBLE TO SPECTRAL VIOLENCE**\\ **__GALLI ‘10__** (Carlo, Professor of Political Philosophy @ U. of Bologna, Politics Spaces and Global War, trans. Adam Sitze, pp. 161-164) The absence of modern political spatiality does not . . . between enemy and criminal, peace and war. Global War, by contrast, manifests itself . . . holding back the coming of a new age. In the wars and politics of the twentieth . . . war and peace from which Global War springs. Global War is a new, postmodern kind . . . been subtly but radically modified in Global War. The difficulties that arise when we try to . . . and spaces - all within a new politics. ====2NC A2 THREATS==== ** ONLY THE DEATH DRIVE MAKES LIFE WORTH LIVING, AND ANYTHING ELSE IS A POLITICS OF LIFE AFFIRMATION THAT DEPRIVES DEATH OF VALUE **\\ **__MCGOWAN ‘13__** (Todd, Assoc. Prof. of Film and Television Studies @ U. of Vermont, Enjoying What We Don’t Have: The Political Project of Psychoanalysis, pp. 223-227) On the level of common sense, this . . . these there is an appeal in death itself. Those who emphasize the importance of death at . . . what seems to make life most worth living. Even though enjoyment itself is an experience of . . . that death doesn't extinguish but instead spawns.6 This is exactly why Martin Heidegger attacks what . . . a valueless world where nothing matters to us. But of course the partisans of life are . . . great systems of modernity – science and capitalism. Both modern science and capitalism are systems structured . . . the humanist is not Oppenheimer the scientist.10 The same dynamic is visible with capitalism. . . . us by the structure of the system itself. We seek the commodity that would finally bring . . . dissatisfaction that wants to arrest its forward movement. The further the project of modernity moves in . . . marks the return of what modernity necessarily forecloses. ====2NC A2 BARE LIFE==== **THE ATTEMPT TO MAINTAIN SURVIVAL AT ALL COSTS IS A LIFE DENYING ATTEMPT TO INSULATE LIFE FROM THE RISK AND FLUX, THE HERACLITIAN HEART OF BECOMING AND LIFE. THE AFF’S DESIRE TO SECURE LIFE AND SURVIVE IS A NIHILISTIC IMPULSE WHICH REDUCES HUMANITY TO BARE BIOLOGICAL PRESERVATION, THEREBY ANNULLING THE ESSENCE OF LIFE. **\\ BABICH ‘94 /Babette E., Professor of Philosophy at Fordham University, Nietzsche's Philosophy of Science : Reflecting Science On the Ground of Art and Life, SUNY Series, the Margins of Literature, State University of New York Press Pg. 194-196/ Without Price: The Will to … plenitude of desire: articulated affirmation. ==== 2NC A2 HEGEMONY LOCKED IN ==== HEG AND LEGITIMACY DON’T EXIST—THEY PERPETUATE RACIST VIOLENCE **__GULLI 13.__** Bruno Gulli, professor of history, philosophy, and political science at Kingsborough College in New York, “For the critique of sovereignty and violence,”, pg. 5 I think that we have now an understanding . . . they know that they have lost their hegemony. ‘Domination without hegemony’ is a phrase that . . . likelihood is its terminal crisis.” He continues: Although the United States remains by far the . . . without hegemony’ (1994/2010: 384). What can the US do next? Not . . . a poetic rather than military and financial shift. ===== Wake Sems -- Neg vs Rutgers KR ===== ==== 1NC BINARIES K ==== **THINK OF THE PERFECT, FEARLESS, SELF-CERTAIN SYMMETRY OF THIS CONFIGURATION—THERE IS A “BLACK” POSITION, DEFINED BY OBJECTION, DEFINED BY A DIFFERENT MODE OF PRACTICE, A CLAIMING OF PERFORMANCE, DEFINED BY STRUGGLE, AND SHATTERING…AND A WHITENESS DEFINED BY PRIVILEGE, SUPREMACY, DEFINED BY INCOMPREHENSIBILITY, DEFINED BY A NECESSARILY OPPRESSIVE AND HIERARCHAL RELATION TO BLACKNESS. **\\ **DESPITE THEIR DISAVOWALS, COUNT HOW MANY TIMES THEY USE THE FORMULATION “WHITE PEOPLE OR WHITENESS DO X” AND THE BLACK BODY “INTERRUPTS Y OR Z.” CONSIDER HOW RUTHLESSLY STAGNANT AND FORMULAIC BOTH SIDES OF THIS ARGUMENT HAVE BECOME.**\\ **IF YOU ACCEPT THESE TERMS, THE CONCLUSIONS ARE TOTALLY SELF-SEALING. WHAT IS INTERESTING IS THAT THIS IS A PERFORMANCE, BUT NOT IN THE WAY THAT THEY DESCRIBE—IT IS A RITUAL, REPEATED AND AVOWED, DESPITE HOW IT IS POSITIONED, IT IS A PRACTICE OF ENJOYMENT – BOTH FOR ITS PRACTITIONERS AND FOR THE AUDIENCE WHO CONSUMES IT. AND AS A PRACTICE OF ENJOYMENT, IT IS CLASSIFIED BY THE MOST OSSIFIED RELATION TO A CATEGORICAL IDENTIFICATION ON BOTH SIDES OF THE DEBATE, AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF SETTING UP A NARRATIVE THAT ALWAYS AUTHORIZES SOME FLAVOR OF THE SAME POLITICAL UNDERTAKING, AND THAT AUTHORIZES SWEEPING, OVERDETERMINED CLAIMS-- CLAIMS BASED ON THE IDEA THAT ANYONE COULD SPEAK FOR ANY CATEGORY CONSTITUTED BY AN INFINITY OF DIFFERENT INDIVIDUALS.**\\ **SO HOW DID WE GET TO THE POINT? CONSIDER OUR RELATION TO THE GAZE. WE THINK OF THE GAZE AS A FIELD OF UNDECIDABLE BUT ALWAYS PRESENT SOCIAL MEDIATION. A THEORY OF THE GAZE REQUIRES THAT WE REJECT DUALISTIC, QUASI-BIOLOGICAL NARRATIVES THAT CREATE A KIND OF [X] AT THE EXPENSE OF MAKING THE REAL CONDITIONS OF BLACKNESS AND WHITENESS AS CATEGORIES INVISIBLE. IN THIS CONFIGURATION, EVEN THOUGH THEY ATTACK WHITENESS, AT THE LEVEL OF AFFECTIVE INVESTMENT, THEY DESIRE AND REAFFIRM IT RELENTLESSLY AT THE LEVEL OF THEIR PERFORMANCE. CONVERSELY, THIS MIRRORS THE ERROR TO WHITENESS WHICH DESIRES THE ABJECTION OF THE BLACK DESPITE THE LIBERAL CLAIM TO INCLUDE EVERYONE.**\\ **WHAT CAN WE DO? WE NEED TO HIGHLIGHT THE “LACK OF LACK” IN BOTH WHITENESS AND BLACKNESS. THE CONSTITUTIVE INCOMPLETENESS AND CONTINGENCY OF THE FORMATIONS “BLACK” AND “WHITE” IS NEVER THE OBJECT OF THEIR PERFORMANCE. WE REFUSE THE PROCESS OF INTERPELLATION. WHAT IS REALLY IN QUESTION HERE IS THE SOCIAL AND AFFECTIVE PERFORMANCE OF RACE THAT IS GOING ON BETWEEN ALL THE ACTORS IN THIS ROOM. WE OUGHT TO REFUSE AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION WITH POSITIONS WE OR THEY CANNOT FULLY IDENTIFY WITH AS A PRECONDITION TO BECOMING POLITICAL SUBJECTS.**\\ **__HSAIO__**, Languages, National University of Taiwan, 2010 (Li Chun, Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies vol 3) I would nonetheless elaborate on the theoretical implications . . . is now filled and the lack is lacking. \\ **EMPLOYING VISUAL MARKERS FOR RACE, AND POSITING IS A PARADIGMATIC AND PRAGMATIC INEVITABILITY TO THE HISTORIC IMPLICATIONS OF RACIALIZATION HIDES OUR SECRET INVESTMENT IN RACE. THIS BECOMES A HIDDEN INVESTMENT IN WHITENESS. THIS IS THE ROOT CAUSE OF A RACIAL SOCIAL CONTRACT ROOTED IN A HOBBESIAN WAR FOR DOMINATION. **\\ **ONLY A PSYCHOANALYTIC INTERRUPTION OF THE VISUAL, HISTORICAL, AND PHENOTYPIC CHARACTER OF RACE CAN DISRUPT CIVIL SOCIETY’S DRIVE TO DESIRE WHITENESS – EITHER AS HERO OR VILLAIN.**\\ **__SESHADRI-CROOKS__**, English, Umass, 2000 (Kalpana, Desiring Whiteness) The rationale of racial difference and its organization . . . perpetuate the dialectic: the race for Whiteness. \\ **DICHOTOMIZING DISCOURSE, WHETHER IT’S DESCRIBED AS POLES ALONG WHICH IDENTITIES MIGHT FALL OR SIMPLY OPPOSITIONAL RACIAL STRUCTURES, PRODUCES AN ANTI-POLITICAL REIFICATION OF STRUCTURES OF DOMINANCE AND A RESSENTIMENT TOWARDS IMPOSSIBLY STRONG SYSTEMS OF DOMINATION**\\ NEWMAN 2011 /Saul, Professor of Political Theory – University of London – Goldsmiths, FROM BAKUNIN TO LACAN: Anti-authoritarianism and the dislocation of power, pg. 170-173/ Moreover, the idea of singularity … task of the anti-authoritarian¶ project. \\ **ONCE YOU INCLUDE THE VISIBLE AS THE MARKER OF RACE, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO MOVE BEYOND WHITENESS: CLAIMS TO USE THE VISIBLE AND EMPIRICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF RACE TO MOVE BEYOND RACE IN THE NAME OF SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OR OTHER ALTERNATIVES ARE INEVITABLY COOPTED IN THE SERVICE OF WHITNESS**\\ **__SESHADRI-CROOKS__**. English, Umass, 2000 (Kalpana, Desiring Whiteness) In Lacan’s terms, we could propose that . . . to recover the missing substance of one’s being. \\ **HOW DID WE GET TO THE CURRENT CRISIS IN DEBATE? BECAUSE WE HAVE NOT TRAVERSED THE FANTASY COMMITMENTS THAT MAKE UP CIVIL SOCIETY. TWO THINGS ARE IMPORTANT ABOUT FANTASIES**\\ **ONE, FANTASIES HELP RELATE US TO AND COVER OVER THE IMPOSSIBILITY OF UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD AND OUR PLACE IN IT; AND, **\\ **TWO, FANTASIES HAVE REAL EFFECTS. ABSENT A CONFRONTATION WITH THE SYMBOLIC AND AFFECTIVE CONDITIONS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF RACE, THE BREAKDOWN OF DEBATE IN TO SYMMETRICAL CAMPS THAT FRAME AN “OTHER” SIDE—WHETHER IT BE “POLICY/DEFENSES OF FRAMEWORK” OR “ANTI-POLICY TEAMS”—HAD TO, BY ITS NATURE, BECOME AN ARGUMENT ABOUT HOW SOME FORMS OF PRACTICE ARE NECESSARY FOR DEBATE TO CONTINUE, AND FOR HOW THE PRACTICE OF THE OTHER SIDE IS INTRINSICALLY DESTRUCTIVE. THE ONLY WAY OUT IS TO REJECT THE POWER THAT THE FANTASY OF RACE HAS OVER US BY CONFRONTING ITS SYMBOLIC HOLD**\\ **__MEYERS__**, Psychoanalysis, Stirling, and, 2006 ( One way at looking at the relationship between . . . embody the existing impossibility of a complete society. ==== 2NC Binaries Evidence ==== **THE CALL ON THE JUDGE TO AFFIRM THEIR HARMONY WITH THE AFF POLITICS ABSENT AN ABILITY TO MARK THEIR IDENTITY RECENTERS THE WHITE MALE HETERONORMATIVE GAZE AS THE ARBITRER OF VALUE AND SUCCESS. THEIR INVESTMENT IN THE BALLOT DESTROYS THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCCESS WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY GUARANTEEING WHITE VAMPIRIC ENJOYMENT.**\\ ŽIŽEK ‘5 /Slavoj, “Smashing the Neighbor's Face,” Levinas therefore secretly imputes to … the others' oppression is accessible. **THIS IS A CHICKEN EGG QUESTION—THE ENJOYMENT OF A RACIAL BODY CONFIGURES THE FIELD OF EVIDENCE THAT YOU PERCEIVE IN ADVANCE AND HOW YOU PRESENT IT RELATIVE TO OTHER EVIDENCE. THIS MEANS THAT THE STRUCTURE OF ENJOYMENT IS A MORE CRUCIAL SITE OF INTERVENTION THAN THEIR AFF ACCESSES**\\ SPAFFORD, Institute for Communication Policy Studies, 2012 (James, The comments display a relationship … spread that belief to others.\\ **THIS LOGIC ENSURES THE DOMINANCE OF WHITENESS—IDENTIFYING WITH ONE’S PHENOTYPICAL RACIAL CHARACTERISTICS AS A SITE OF ANXIETY PRODUCES RACIAL CHARACTERISTICS AS AN OBJET A. THIS ANXIETY AND THE INVESTMENTS THAT IT PROMOTES IN BEING LOOKED AT CONSTITUE THE KERNEL OF ALL RACIAL PRACTICE. THE ALTERNATIVE VIEW SEES RACISM AS ABERRANT, WHILE OUR K SEES RACE AS A CONSTITUTIVE FUNCTION, INTERNAL LINK TURNING THEIR CASE.** SESHADRI-CROOKS. English, Umass, 2000 (Kalpana, Desiring Whiteness) Anxiety should not be understood … as a mode of looking.\\ **Wilderson Ontological Fatalism**\\ HUDSON (Political Studies Department, University of the Witwatersrand , Johannesburg) 13 (Peter, Social Dynamics (2013): The state and the colonial unconscious, Social Dynamics: A journal of African studies, DOI: 10.1080/02533952.2013.802867) [BEGIN FOOTNOTE] My foil here is the … constitutive axis, its “ontological” differential. ===== USC Round 6 - Neg vs NU MV ===== ====MCGOWAN K==== **THE WAR ON TERROR IS NOT THE RESULT OF STRATEGIC CALCULATIONS REGARDING DANGEROUS OTHERS AT THE GATES BUT A REFUSAL OF THE SUICIDAL ENJOYMENT OF THE RADICAL OTHER AND THE CONTINUATION OF A CYNICAL RELATIONSHIP OF DESIRE IN CAPITALIST AMERICA TO THE THIRD WORLD. ONLY STARTING WITH AN ANALYSIS OF DESIRE HAS THE POSSIBILITY OF RESOLVING EITHER SUICIDE TERRORISM OR IMPERIAL OVERSTRETCH **\\ **__MCGOWAN ‘13__** (Todd, Assoc. Prof. of Film and Television Studies @ U. of Vermont, Enjoying What We Don’t Have: The Political Project of Psychoanalysis, pp. 160-163) Nowhere is the retreat from enjoyment to pleasure . . . once again their social bond with great intensity. This is a bond that one suffers, . . . enduring trauma – the shame of enjoyment itself. In order to disguise this shameful enjoyment, . . . to the female logic of not-having. But the attack on Iraq also illustrates the . . . to the loss that inevitably accompanies this pursuit. Imperial powers do not attempt to stretch their . . . facilitate the enjoyment that this loss entails.28 This is the case not just with war . . . French subjects can find pleasure through this identification. Nonetheless, the enjoyment of the Eiffel Tower. . . because of what they will cost us.29 The dialectic of pleasure and enjoyment also plays . . . to enjoy being a part of the community. The identification with the leader's strength provides the . . . associate themselves consciously with strength rather than weakness. The trajectory of Bill Clinton's popularity during his . . . only as long as it remained partially obscured. The fundamental barrier to the establishment of an . . . holds the key to an authentic social bond. **THEIR FAILURE TO GRASP ENJOYMENT IS NOT ONLY A POLITICAL FAILURE BUT AN EXISTENTIAL ONE. ONLY THE DEATH DRIVE MAKES LIFE WORTH LIVING, AND ANYTHING ELSE IS A POLITICS OF LIFE AFFIRMATION THAT DEPRIVES DEATH OF VALUE WHILE CAUSING SHOCKING OUTBURSTS OF DEATH. **\\ **__MCGOWAN ‘13__** (Todd, Assoc. Prof. of Film and Television Studies @ U. of Vermont, Enjoying What We Don’t Have: The Political Project of Psychoanalysis, pp. 223-227) On the level of common sense, this . . . these there is an appeal in death itself. Those who emphasize the importance of death at . . . what seems to make life most worth living. Even though enjoyment itself is an experience of . . . that death doesn't extinguish but instead spawns.6 This is exactly why Martin Heidegger attacks what . . . a valueless world where nothing matters to us. But of course the partisans of life are . . . great systems of modernity – science and capitalism. Both modern science and capitalism are systems structured . . . the humanist is not Oppenheimer the scientist.10 The same dynamic is visible with capitalism. . . . us by the structure of the system itself. We seek the commodity that would finally bring . . . dissatisfaction that wants to arrest its forward movement. The further the project of modernity moves in . . . marks the return of what modernity necessarily forecloses. **OUR ALTERNATIVE IS TO EMBRACE THE DEATH DRIVE**\\ **THIS IS THE ONLY RADICAL ACT AVAILABLE IN THE DEBATE ROUND: REFOUNDING SOCIETY ON THE EMBRACE OF TRAUMATIC LOSS DESTROYS SOCIAL VIOLENCE AT ITS FOUNDATIONS. ANYTHING ELSE IS CHANGING THE EMPEROR’S CLOTHES.**\\ **__MCGOWAN ‘13__** (Todd, Assoc. Prof. of Film and Television Studies @ U. of Vermont, Enjoying What We Don’t Have: The Political Project of Psychoanalysis, pp. 283-286) There is no path leading from the death . . . of a positive politics of the death drive. The previous chapters have attempted to lay out . . . it would be done for its own sake. The fundamental problem with the effort to escape . . . death drive rather than as an external limit. The enjoyment that the death drive provides, . . . nothing but the concept's own self-limitation. The enjoyment that the death drive produces also . . . the lost object introduces provides access to infinity. A society founded on a recognition of the . . . the way that we now understand the term. A self-limiting society would still have . . . merely address external limits as they came up. Psychoanalytic theory never preaches, and it cannot . . . good. This is what psychoanalytic thought introduces. If we act on the basis of enjoyment . . . lost object only insofar as it remains lost. ====COLONIALITY K==== **THE AFF HAS MISIDENTIFIED THE SOURCE OF AUTHORITY AND POWER TO WAGE WAR; THE FEAR OF DEATH IS THE MOTOR OF BIOPOLITICAL GOVERNMENTALITY. AUTHORITY FOR WARFARE EMANATES FROM A DIFFUSE FIELD OF POWER RELATIONS BROUGHT TO VARYING DEGREES OF INTENSITY THROUGH THE OPERATION OF GOVERNMENTALITY AND THE EXCLUSION OF DEATH. THE SCENARIOS FOR CATASTROPHE IN 1AC ARE PREMISED ON A RACIST FEAR OF A DANGEROUS OTHER. THE AFF’S POLITICS OF FEAR IS A TECHNOLOGY OF THE BIOPOLITICAL SECURITY APPARATUS WHICH CONDUCTS SUBJECTS, MAKING THE TECHNOLOGIES OF UNENDING WARFARE POSSIBLE.**\\ **__DEBRIX AND BARDER 2009 __**/Francois, Professor and Director of the Alliance for Social, Political, Ethical, and Cultural Thought (ASPECT) Program @ Virginia Tech, Ph.D., Purdue University and Alexander D., Department of Political Studies & Public Administration, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, PhD in Political Theory from John Hopkins, ”Nothing to Fear but Fear: Governmentality and the Biopolitical Production of Terror,” International Political Sociology (2009) 3, 398–413/ This passage from a fear of immediate death . . . of fear in contemporary settings of social terror. ====LAWFARE K==== **NO ONE SHOULD CARE ABOUT THE LAW IN THIS CONTEXT – THE AFF IS A JOKE OF LEGITIMATING FICTION THAT ONLY DISTRACTS FROM THE EXTENSION OF THE DRONE EMPIRE. THEIR EMPHASIS ON ROLEPLAYING IS THE WORST FORM OF DEPOLITICIZED VIOLENCE**\\ **__ENGLEHARDT 12 __**Terminator planet : the first history of drone warfare, 2001-2050, Turse and Engelhardt Tom Engelhardt Tom Engelhardt created and runs the . . . and has two children, Maggie and Will. Lawyers for the Pentagon and the State Department. . . no one had to reach for a dictionary. ====CASE==== **YOU DESTROY THE STATE FROM THE INSIDE**\\ **__MELLAMPHY & MELLAMPHY ’12__** (Dan, Adjunct Prof. Centre for the Study of Theory & Criticism @ Western U., Nandita Biswas, Associate Professor of Political Science @ Western U., LEPER CREATIVITY: CYCLONOPEDIA SYMPOSIUM, “Phileas Fogg, or the Cyclonic Passepartout: On the Alchemical Elements of War” pp. 201-211) Each element and/or each part is . . . commence the hunt from the other side.”66 In contradistinction to the DeleuzoGuattarian model of the . . . organism in an ongoing state of decay.69 We are presented, therefore, with an . . . the freest and most aethereal of all spirits. In his discussion of the Lamassu-complex. . . dispersion of new obscure power-formations.”87 These putrephilic machines of larval terror or “. . . Revolution is about rendering civilianhood intrinsically consequential.”100 When contextualized within the kind of urban warfare . . . on bullets and ballistics, et cetera.105 Perhaps a more interesting and confounding example of . . . and finally the implosion of the State.”108 **NO RISK OF NUCLEAR TERROR**\\ **__BROOKS 10__** (Barry Brooks, Professor of Climate Change University of Adelaide, guest post by a Canadian chemist and materials scientist, “Analysis of the 2010 Nuclear Summit and the obsession with highly enriched uranium,” 5/15/10) First let’s make one thing very clear: . . . group is any nearer to realizing this ambition, **THE CONJUNCTIVE RISK OF A SUCCESSFUL ATTACK IS ALMOST ZERO**\\ **__SCHNEIDMILLER 09__** (1/13, Chris, Experts Debate Threat of Nuclear, Biological Terrorism, There is an "almost vanishingly small" . . . weapon or use one that has been stolen. **DIRTY BOMBS AREN’T A THREAT TO CIVILIZATION**\\ **__COATES 09__** – former adjunct professor at George Washington University, President of the Kanawha Institute for the Study of the Future and was President of the International Association for Impact Assessment and was President of the Association for Science, Technology and Innovation, M.S., Hon D., FWAAS, FAAAS, (Joseph F., Futures 41, 694-705, "Risks and threats to civilization, humankind, and the earth”, ScienceDirect, WEA) The opportunity for setting off a nuclear device. . . anticipate and a distraction to conjecture about here. **NO LASHOUT**\\ **__MUELLER AND STEWART 11__** (John Mueller, Professor and Woody Hayes Chair of National Security Studies at the Mershon Center for International Security Studies and Department of Political Science, Ohio State University, Mark G. Stewart, Professor of Civil Engineering Director, Centre for Infrastructure Performance and Reliability, The University of Newcastle, April 1, 2011, “Terror, Security, and Money: Balancing the Risks, Benefits, and Costs of Homeland Security”, As this might suggest, it is possible . . . have hurt the President’s effectiveness or approval ratings. **SPYING IS A LARGER INTERNAL LINK TO COLLAPSE OF ALLIED COOP ON CT**\\ **__SKINNER 10/25/13__**—Kiron K. Skinner is the director of the Center for International Relations and Politics at Carnegie Mellon University and a research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution [October 25, 2013, “Diplomacy Requires Trust Among Allies,”] Trust is so central to maintaining a healthy . . . .S. credibility is on the line. **TARGETED KILLING REGULATION IS IMPOSSIBLE --- PLENTY OF AVENUES FOR CIRCUMVENTION**\\ **__ALSTON 11__**, professor – NYU Law (Philip, 2 Harv. Nat'l Sec. J. 283) Despite the existence of a multiplicity of techniques . . . feasibility and desirability of pursuing such an option. ===== USC Quarters - Neg vs Kansas BC ===== ==== 1NC MCGOWAN K ==== **THE AFF IS THE POLITICS OF MICHAEL MOORE: PORTRAY THE TRUTH EFFECTIVELY AND SHOW THAT THE BAD GUYS ARE BAD SO PEOPLE WILL CHANGE. THIS IS A REPEATED, FAILING STRATEGY OF LEFTIST POLITICS: IT RE-INVESTS POWER IN EXPERT DISCOURSE WHICH EMPOWERS CONSERVATISM AS OPPONENTS ENJOY THEIR INVESTMENT IN CRUELTY. ONLY CHANGING OUR RELATIONSHIP OF ENJOYMENT SOLVES **\\ **__MCGOWAN ‘13__** (Todd, Assoc. Prof. of Film and Television Studies @ U. of Vermont, Enjoying What We Don’t Have: The Political Project of Psychoanalysis, pp. 185-190) The rule of knowledge places emancipatory politics in . . . cede the terrain of enjoyment to conservatism. **THEIR FAILURE TO GRASP ENJOYMENT IS NOT ONLY A POLITICAL FAILURE BUT ALSO AN EXISTENTIAL ONE. ONLY THE DEATH DRIVE MAKES LIFE WORTH LIVING, AND ANYTHING ELSE IS A POLITICS OF LIFE AFFIRMATION THAT DEPRIVES DEATH OF VALUE WHILE CAUSING SHOCKING OUTBURSTS OF DEATH. **\\ **__MCGOWAN ‘13__** (Todd, Assoc. Prof. of Film and Television Studies @ U. of Vermont, Enjoying What We Don’t Have: The Political Project of Psychoanalysis, pp. 223-227) On the level of common sense, this . . . the return of what modernity necessarily forecloses. **THIS IS THE ONLY RADICAL ACT AVAILABLE IN THE DEBATE ROUND: REFOUNDING SOCIETY ON THE EMBRACE OF TRAUMATIC LOSS DESTROYS SOCIAL VIOLENCE AT ITS FOUNDATIONS. ANYTHING ELSE IS CHANGING THE EMPEROR’S CLOTHES.**\\ **__MCGOWAN ‘13__** (Todd, Assoc. Prof. of Film and Television Studies @ U. of Vermont, Enjoying What We Don’t Have: The Political Project of Psychoanalysis, pp. 283-286) There is no path leading from the death . . . object only insofar as it remains lost. ==== 1NC MUSEUMS K ==== **THE 1AC IS THE MUSEUMIFICATION OF POLITICS – INTEGRATION OF THE WORLD INTO CIRCULATED, MEANINGLESS SYSTEMS OF SEMIO-POLITICS. AFFIRM INOPERATIVITY.**\\ **__AGAMBEN ‘8__** (Giorgio, Prof. of Aesthetics, Accademia di Architettura, Mendrisio @ Università della Svizzera Italiana, Profanations, Profanations, pp. 83-85) The impossibility of using has its emblematic place . . . use, the absolute impossibility of profaning. **YOUR IDEA THAT INTENTIONAL HUMAN ACTION CAN RESOLVE TECHNO-ENRIVONMENTAL PROBLEMS IGNORES THAT THE APPARATUSES SURROUNDING US GUARANTEE NUCLEAR ANNIHILATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION – ONLY THROWING SAND ON THE WHEELS OF PROGRESS SOLVES.**\\ **__FLUSSER ‘83__** (Vilém, Deceased Prof. of Media Studies and Philosophy @ U. of Sao Paulo, Czech-born philosopher, writer and journalist, “Our Dread,” Post-History, pp. 125-127) This is no longer the case. Gadgets . . . Cesar nor Spartacus, but Fabius Cunctator. **VOTE NEGATIVE TO PLAY WITH THE LAW. BE BUCEPHALUS: STUDY WITHOUT END OR PURPOSE**\\ **__SNOEK ‘12__** (Anke, PhD in Philosophy Department @ Macquarie U., Agamben’s Joyful Kafka) Study as a strategy According to Agamben, study is an important . . . for good. (SE, 64) **GOTTA PROFANE IT.**\\ **__AGAMBEN ‘8__** (Giorgio, Prof. of Aesthetics, Accademia di Architettura, Mendrisio @ Università della Svizzera Italiana, Profanations, pp. 85-86) It is, however, possible that the . . . an old use, rendering it inoperative. ==== OFF 3 ==== Don't waste speech time. It's a voting issue. ===== USC Finals - Neg vs Cal MS ===== ==== 1NC Vampires K ===== See above. (Berlant, Abbas) ==== 1NC MUSEUMS K ==== THE 1AC IS THE MUSEUMIFICATION OF POLITICS – INTEGRATION OF THE WORLD INTO CIRCULATED, MEANINGLESS SYSTEMS OF SEMIO-POLITICS. AFFIRM INOPERATIVITY. **__AGAMBEN ‘8__** (Giorgio, Prof. of Aesthetics, Accademia di Architettura, Mendrisio @ Università della Svizzera Italiana, Profanations, Profanations, pp. 83-85) The impossibility of using has its emblematic place . . . of using, of dwelling, of experiencing. Thus, in the Museum, the analogy . . . all use, the absolute impossibility of profaning. **THE “WHAT SHOULD WE DO?” QUESTION HAS THE POLITICAL SITUATION BACKWARDS: CONTEMPORARY GOVERNANCE AND CAPITALISM FORCE US TO CONSTANTLY ACT, TAKING OUR IMPOTENTIALITY AWAY FROM US. THE MOST RADICAL POSITION IS TO REVERSE THE QUESTION: “CAN THIS BE AN INSTANCE OF OUR NOT DOING ANYTHING?” THE IMPACT IS AN INFINITE RESSENTIMENT AND EICHMANN**\\ **__SNOEK ‘12__** (Anke, PhD in Philosophy Department @ Macquarie U., Agamben’s Joyful Kafka) Given the preceding sketch Agamben gives of power . . . the possibility of a transcendent work of man. Kafka’s opera singing executioners or questioners Deleuze once defined power as the act in . . . CC, 32). What should one do? A clash with activists At the end of 2009, Agamben gave . . . question has not understood the problem at all. I always find it out of place to . . . nothing to do with that. (OT) Inactivity as active resistance to the state was . . . from active resistance, to reverse political situations. ==== 1NC Case ==== **EAST-WEST BINARY IS ROOTED IN METAGEOGRAPHY THAT IS REDUCTIVE AND REPLICATES ETHNOCENTRISM**\\ **__LEWIS AND WIGEN 97__** [Martin W. and Karen E., The Myth of Continents 6-7] The North-South distinction, like that . . . rhetoric that disparages the West and celebrates the rest **THE ARBITRARINESS AND FLUIDITY OF EAST-WEST DISTINCTIONS IS NOT A WARRANT FOR THE AFF’S CRITIQUE- IT ILLUSTRATES THEIR DANGEROUSNESS AS A BASIS FOR POLITICS**\\ **__LEWIS AND WIGEN 97__** [Martin W. and Karen E., The Myth of Continents 48] Two objections might be raised against such an . . . nothing to solve the imbalance between the two. **No reps** GIROUX 2012 /Henry A., One of . . . .1080/09528822.2012.679036/ The aesthetics of depravity addressed by Sontag, . . . a deep disdain for social responsibility and democracy. **AFF IS A POLITICS OF LIFE AFFIRMATION THAT DEPRIVES DEATH OF VALUE WHILE CAUSING SHOCKING OUTBURSTS OF DEATH. **\\ **__MCGOWAN ‘13__** (Todd, Assoc. Prof. of Film and Television Studies @ U. of Vermont, Enjoying What We Don’t Have: The Political Project of Psychoanalysis, pp. 223-227) On the level of common sense, this . . . marks the return of what modernity necessarily forecloses. **FOCUS ON DETENTION IN THE WAR ON TERROR ERASES THE EVERYDAY VIOLENCE OF THE AMERICAN CARCERAL MACHINE**\\ **__VEEREN 12__** (Elspeth Van Veeren is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in International Relations at the University of Sussex, 'Clean War, Invisible War, Liberal War: The Clean and Dirty Politics of Guantánamo', Chapter in Democracies at War, In that sense, Guantánamo, defined . . . so much (often invisible) violence.37 **THE PROLIFERATION OF MEANING AND CONSCIOUSNESS RAISING RELY ON A FANTASY OF COMMUNICATION WHICH IMLODES UNDER ITS OWN WIEGHT. MORE KNOWLEDGE DOES NOT CHANGE REALITY.**\\ **__BAUDRILLARD 2000__** / We live in a world where there . . . overproduction and regeneration of meaning and of speech. ===== Fullerton Round 1 - Neg vs UNLV KO ===== ==== Animals K ==== **THE 1AC’S BEGINNING WITH OPPRESSION AGAINST THE JAPANESE-AMERICAN INDIVIDUAL MOVES AWAY FROM THE QUESTION OF THE ANIMAL AND HOW VIOLENCE AGAINST THE ANIMAL LIES AT THE ROOT OF BOTH THE VIOLENT SPATIAL POLITICS OF MODERNITY AS WELL AS RACIST AND IMPERIAL POLITICS. THE QUESTION OF SPECIESISM MUST BE PLACED CENTRAL.**\\ **__PUGLIESE ’13__** (Joseph, Research Director, MMCCS @ Macquarie U., State Violence and the Execution of Law: Biopolitical Caesurae of Torture, Black Sites, Drones, pp. 33-34) Foucault identifies the resultant ‘race wars’ that . . . philosophers throughout history, Jacques Derrida writes that: all philosophers have judged the limit to be . . . kingdom with the exception of the human.4 Derrida’s claim – that the general singular has . . . govern the management of native fauna and flora. **THE DISTINCTION IS CLEAR: CHRISTIAN’S GRANDPARENTS MAY HAVE GONE THROUGH THE TERRORS OF RACISM AND IMPERIALISM BUT THEY WERE NEVER PLACED ON THE TABLE AS A MEAL. THE REFUSAL OF THE AFFIRMATIVE TO EVER REFLECT ON THE WAY THAT CONSUMPTION RENDERS ITS POLITICS FUNDAMENTALLY AND IRREVERSIBLY UNETHICAL**\\ **__PUGLIESE ’13__** (Joseph, Research Director, MMCCS @ Macquarie U., State Violence and the Execution of Law: Biopolitical Caesurae of Torture, Black Sites, Drones, pp. 44-45) In his profound meditation on ‘the caesura . . . with regimes of subjugation and violent governance.50 In the course of her painstaking documentation of . . . the human: they could not be eaten. **THE QUESTION OF VALUE BEGINS WITH THE BODY OF THE ANIMAL – ABSENT THAT, WE BECOME LITTLE MORE THAN ZOMBIES REUTILIZED BY WHITE SUPREMACIST CAPITALISM **\\ **__HUDSON ’11__** (Laura, Marxist Thinker and Anti-Anthropocentrist Activist, “A Species of Thought: Bare Life and Animal Being” Antipode, Vol. 43.5, pp. 1673) The technologies used to manage animal life blur . . . , animals appear as concrete beings in need. Hannah Arendt’s analysis of concentration camps describes precisely . . . themselves luckier than those who do not survive. **OUR ALTERNATIVE IS TO REFUSAL THE CONTINUED ARCHIVAL OF THE HUMAN SUBJECT IN FAVOR OF A MEDITATION ON THE CONSUMED ANIMAL**\\ **OUR QUESTION SHOULD NOT SIMPLY BE “HOW SHOULD WE REMEMBER?” BUT HOW IS THIS “WE” PREDICATED ON A PRIOR FORM OF FORGETTING**\\ **__DERRIDA ‘91__** (Jacques, “’Eating Well,’ or the Calculation of the Subject: An Interview with Jacques Derrida” Whither the Subject?) JD: The Heideggerian discourse on the animal . . . , for example, in Heidegger or Levinas. I am not recalling this in order to . . . whom? what?) we have to answer. Keeping to original, typical possibilities, let's . . . the concept of subject we arc talking about). In answering these questions, you will have . . . regardless and lets oneself be eaten by him. The so called nonanthropophagic cultures practice symbolic anthropophagy . . . beginning – essential to the deconstruction of phallogocentrism). ====GENEALOGY K==== **THE 1AC’S POLITICS STARTS WITH A BOLD STATEMENT: “INTERNMENT CREATED A POLITICS OF PHYSICAL SPACE.” EXCEPT IT DIDN’T. THIS STATEMENT, AND THE WAY IT FOUNDS THE 1AC’S SELF-PERCEIVED INTERVENTION INTO BOTH DEBATE AND ITS GENEALOGY OF SPATIAL POLITICS, RELIES ON A PROFOUND HISTORICAL ERASURE:**\\ **IT OBSCURES THAT THE MOST EGREGIOUS STRUCTURAL VIOLENCE IN AMERICA WAS PERPETRATED AGAINST NATIVE AMERICANS. SPATIAL POLITICS DIDN’T “BEGIN” WITH INTERNMENT: IT “BEGAN” WITH DRAWING STATE BORDERS AND THE RESERVATIONS.**\\ **__CHURCHILL ‘92__** (Ward, Codirector of the Colorado chapter of the American Indian Movement. A previous professor at the University of Colorado/Boulder. 1992, “Fantasies of the Master Race.” pg. 7 – 9) The true cost to native people bound up . . . . status quo has erected and maintains itself. **THAT WAS THE LITERAL FOUNDATION OF SPATIAL POLITICS – ANY GENEALOGY THAT DOESN’T TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE SUBJUGATION OF INDIGENOUS POPULATIONS HAS FUNDAMENTALLY FAILED**\\ **__PUGLIESE ’13__** (Joseph, Research Director, MMCCS @ Macquarie U., State Violence and the Execution of Law: Biopolitical Caesurae of Torture, Black Sites, Drones, pp. 218-219) In his unpacking of the double logic that . . . be performed by the imperial state with impunity. ====CASE==== **THEIR FRONT-LOADING OF CRITICAL CONSCIOUSNESS BUILDING ACTIVELY PREVENTS DECOLONIZATION AND MATERIAL CHANGE**\\ **__TUCK AND YANG__** (State University of New York at New Paltz; University of California, San Diego) 12 (Eve and K. Wayne, Decolonization . . . , 2012, pp. 1-40) Fanon told us in 1963 that decolonizing the . . . the rest (your ass) will follow.” **THE AFF’S STRATEGY OF CONSCIOUSNESS RAISING IS PART OF A FLAWED STRATEGY OF LIBERAL ANTI-RACISM THAT REPRODUCES SETTLER COLONIALISM THAT IS THE MAJOR CAUSE OF ANTI-ASIAN OPPRESSION**\\ JOURNAL OF ASIAN LIBERATION 12 (SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, . . . -by-jalan-journal-of) That’s why liberal strategies of “anti-. . . enemies are and what we need to smash. The big picture: Facing the double-barreled shotgun of colonialism and empire In general, we can say that our . . . suppressing our attempts to be self-governing. In particular, there are two interlocking systems . . . call all of this “settlerism”.[1] Settlerism has created a legacy of terror, . . . below, as well as in other articles. The second system of white supremacy is related . . . of a white Western civilization reforming Asian barbarism. ===== Fullerton Round 1 - Neg vs UNLV KO =====

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